60 research outputs found

    Occupational therapy practice in sleep management: A review of conceptual models and research evidence

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    Copyright © 2018 Eris C. M. Ho and Andrew M. H. Siu. The effectiveness of sleep intervention developed by occupational therapists was reviewed, and a conceptual framework for organizing the developing practice of sleep management in occupational therapy was proposed in this paper. Evidence-based articles on sleep management practice in occupational therapy from 2007 to 2017 were retrieved. Four types of effective sleep management intervention were identified from the literature, including the use of assistive devices/equipment, activities, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, and lifestyle intervention, and the use of assistive device was the most popular intervention. Applying the Person-Environment-Occupation Performance (PEOP) framework, we developed a conceptual framework for organizing occupational therapy practice in sleep management. The future development of occupation-based sleep intervention could focus on strategies to (1) minimize the influence of bodily function on sleep, (2) promote environment conducive to sleep, and (3) restructure daytime activity with a focus on occupational balance

    Interim evaluation of the Secondary 2 Program of Project P.A.T.H.S.: Insights based on the experimental implementation phase

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    Copyright © 2008 with author(s). An interim evaluation was conducted to understand the implementation quality of the Tier 1 Program (Secondary 2 Curriculum) of the Project P.A.T.H.S. (Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programs) in the Experimental Implementation Phase. Twenty-five schools were randomly selected to participate in personal and/or telephone interviews to provide information on the implementation details of the program and perceived attributes of the worker-support scheme ("Co-Walker Scheme"). Results showed that a majority of the workers perceived that the students had positive responses to the program and the program was helpful to the students. They also identified several good aspects in the program and the Co-Walker Scheme, albeit expressing some negative comments on the program design and difficulties in the implementation process. In conjunction with other findings reported previously, the present findings suggest that the Tier 1 Program is well received by different stakeholders and it promotes the positive development of secondary school students in Hong Kong. ©2008 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

    Positive school and classroom environment: Precursors of successful implementation of positive youth development programs

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    Copyright © 2008 with author(s). This case study was based on a school where the Tier 1 Program of the Project P.A.T.H.S. was integrated into the formal curriculum. In this case study, an interview with the school principal, vice-principal, and social worker was conducted in order to understand their perceptions of administrative arrangements and issues in the school, implementation characteristics, program effectiveness, program success, and overall impression. Results showed that several positive school and classroom attributes were conducive to program success, including positive school culture and belief in students' potentials, an inviting school environment, an encouraging classroom environment, high involvement of school administrative personnel, and systematic program arrangement. ©2008 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

    Subjective outcome evaluation of the Project P.A.T.H.S.: Findings based on the perspective of the program implementers

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    © 2007 with author(s). A total of 52 schools (n = 8679 students) participated in the experimental implementation phase of the Project P.A.T.H.S. (Positive Adolescent Training through Holistic Social Programmes). After completion of the Tier 1 Program, 344 instructors completed the Subjective Outcome Evaluation Form (Form B) to assess their views of the program, instructors, and perceived effectiveness of the program. Based on the consolidated reports submitted by the schools to the funding body, the research team aggregated the consolidated data to form a "reconstructed" overall profile on the perceptions of the program implementers. Results showed that high proportions of the workers had positive perceptions of the program and their own performance, and roughly 90% of the workers regarded the program as helpful to the program participants. The present study provides additional support for the effectiveness of the Tier 1 Program of the P.A.T.H.S. Project in Hong Kong. ©2007 with author. Published by TheScientificWorld.Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

    Horticultural therapy program for people with mental illness: A mixed-method evaluation

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    Horticultural therapy (HT) has long been used in the rehabilitation of people with mental illness, but many HT programs are not standardized, and there have been few evaluation studies. Aims. This study evaluated the process and outcomes of a standardized horticultural program using a mixed methodology, i.e., systematic integration (“mixing”) of quantitative and qualitative data within a study. Methods. Participants who have mental illnesses were assigned to a treatment (HT) and a comparison group (n = 41 for each group). The process and outcomes of the program, including stress and anxiety, engagement and participation, affect changes, mental well-being, and social exchange, were obtained using self-completed questionnaires, observational ratings of participants during the group, as well as through a focus group. Results. The study results supported the proposal HT is effective in increasing mental well-being, engagement, and the sense of meaningfulness and accomplishment of participants. Many participants reported a reduction in stress and anxiety in the focus group, but positive changes in affect were not fully observed during the group process or captured by quantitative measures. The participants also did not report increases in the social exchange over the HT sessions. Conclusion. The evidence supports that HT is effective in increasing mental well-being, engagement in meaningful activities, but did not result in significant affect changes during therapy, or increase social exchanges among people with mental illness

    Predictors of prosocial behavior among Chinese high school students in Hong Kong

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    Copyright © 2012 Andrew M. H. Siu et al. This study examined the correlates and predictors of prosocial behavior among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. A sample of 518 high school students responded to a questionnaire containing measures of antisocial and prosocial behavior, prosocial norms, pragmatic values, moral reasoning, and empathy. Preliminary analyses showed that there were gender differences in some of the measures. While correlation analyses showed that parental education, prosocial norms, pragmatic values, moral reasoning, and empathy were related to prosocial behavior, regression analyses showed that prosocial norms, pragmatic values, and empathy dimensions (personal distress and empathy) were key predictors of it. The findings are largely consistent with theoretical predictions and previous research findings, other than the negative relationship between personal distress and prosocial behavior. The study also underscores the importance of values and norms in predicting prosocial behavior, which has been largely neglected in previous studies. © 2012 Andrew M. H. Siu et al