4 research outputs found


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    Dampak negatif dari pemanasan global yang disebabkan oleh emisi gas rumah kaca adalah salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dunia khususnya Indonesia. Emisi karbon sebagai penyumbang terbesar bagi emisi gas rumah kaca perlu dipantau dan dialamatkan. Hutan sebagai ekosistem yang memiliki vegetasi dalam jumlah besar dan benda hidup lainnya memiliki peranan penting dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon. Memperkirakan jumlah stok karbon pada penelitian ini diawali dengan penghitungan jumlah biomassa permukaan di hutan Pulau Batam menggunakan persamaan Brown (1997), hal ini didasarkan pada ketentuan SNI 7724:2011 bahwa 47% biomassa adalah karbon. Teknologi penginderaan jauh yang terus bertambah dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan jumlah stok karbon permukaan yang tersimpan di hutan Pulau Batam. Data penginderaan jauh yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data gambar SPOT 5 dengan resolusi spasial 10 meter. Data ini kemudian diproses menggunakan indeks MSAVI transformasi, hasil dari nilai indeks transformasi kemudian diuji regresi dan korelasi dengan hasil konversi karbon dari Perhitungan jumlah biomassa berdasarkan data lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perkiraan jumlah stok karbon permukaan yang dapat ditampung oleh hutan Pulau Batam adalah 6189944, 681939 gram atau 6189944, 681939 x 10-4 ton C/ha dengan tingkat kesalahan 4, 731672893

    Mapping Of Vegetation And Mangrove Distribution Level In Batam Island Using SPOT-5 Satellite Imagery

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    Mangrove is a plant that plays a significant role in the balance of the ecosystem and coastal environment. Batam Island which is one of the island in Batam island become one of the areas rich in mangrove plants. As time goes by, mangrove forests are getting worse. This research uses SPOT-5 imagery data in analyzing mangrove density value in Batam island with MSAVI (Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) method. The results of this study have mangrove density in Batam Island which is divided into four classes, which is very tenuous, tenuous, medium, and very tightly where Batam Island is dominated by a class of density. Theoretically, NDVI values range from -1 to +1 but the mangrove vegetation index values are generally in the range between +0,1 to +0,7. NDVI values greater than this range are associated with a representation of a better level of vegetation health in the islands of Batam

    A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery.  This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels.&nbsp

    A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery.  This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels