15 research outputs found

    Admissibility of Illegally Obtained Evidence

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    The increasing volcanic activity of Anak Krakatau volcano has raised concerns about a major disaster in the area around the Sunda Strait. The objective of the research is to fuse Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) and Sentinel-1 TOPS (Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans), an integration of SAR and optic remote sensing data, in observing the lava flow deposits resulted from Anak Krakatau eruption during the middle 2018 eruption. RGBI and the Brovey transformation were conducted to merge (fuse) the optical and SAR data.  The results showed that optical and SAR data fusion sharpened the appearance of volcano morphology and lava flow deposits. The regions are often constrained by cloud cover and volcanic ash, which occurs at the time of the volcanic eruption.  The RGBI-VV and Brovey RGB-VV methods provide better display quality results in revealing the morphology of volcanic cone and lava deposits. The entire slopes of Anak Krakatau Volcano, with a radius of about 1 km from the crater is an area prone to incandescent lava and pyroclastic falls. The direction of the lava flow has the potential to spread in all directions. The fusion method of optical Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 SAR data can be used continuously in monitoring the activity of Anak Krakatau volcano and other volcanoes in Indonesia both in cloudy and clear weather conditions


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    Abstract. This study examines the density of potential fishing zone (PFZ) points and chlorophyll-a concentration in the Banda Sea. The data used are those on chlorophyll-a from the Aqua MODIS satellite, PFZ points from ZAP and the monthly southern oscillation index. The methods used are single image edge detection, polygon center of mass, density function and a Hovmoller diagram. The result of the analysis show that productivity of chlorophyll-a in the Banda Sea is influenced by seasonal factors (dry season and wet season) and ENSO phenomena (El Niño and La Niña). High productivity of chlorophyll-a  occurs during in the dry season with the peak in August, while low productivity occurs in the wet season and the transition period, with the lowest levels in April and December. The variability in chlorophyll-a production is influenced by the global El Niño and La Niña phenomena; production increases during El Niño and decreases during La Niña. Tuna conservation areas have as lower productivity of chlorophyll-a and PFZ point density compared to the northern and southern parts of the Banda Sea. High density PFZ point regions are associated with regions that have higher productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely the southern part of the Banda Sea, while low density PFZ point areas  are associated with regions that have a low productivity of chlorophyll-a, namely tuna conservation areas. The effect of the El Niño phenomenon in increasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the southern part of study area than in the tuna conservation area. On the other hand, the effect of La Niña phenomenon in decreasing chlorophyll-a concentration is stronger in the tuna conservation area than in the southern and northern parts of the study area.


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    This paper describes the application of Sentinel-1 TOPS (Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans), the latest generation of SAR satellite imagery, to detect displacement of the Merapi volcano due to the May–June 2018 eruption. Deformation was detected by measuring the vertical displacement of the surface topography around the eruption centre. The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique was used to measure the vertical displacement. Furthermore, several Landsat-8 Thermal Infra Red Sensor (TIRS) imageries were used to confirm that the displacement was generated by the volcanic eruption. The increasing temperature of the crater was the main parameter derived using the Landsat-8 TIRS, in order to determine the increase in volcanic activity. To understand this phenomenon, we used Landsat-8 TIRS acquisition dates before, during and after the eruption. The results show that the eruption in the May–June 2018 period led to a small negative vertical displacement. This vertical displacement occurred in the peak of volcano range from -0.260 to -0.063 m. The crater, centre of eruption and upper slope of the volcano experienced negative vertical displacement. The results of the analysis from Landsat-8 TIRS in the form of an increase in temperature during the 2018 eruption confirmed that the displacement detected by Sentinel-1 TOPS SAR was due to the impact of volcanic activity. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be seen that the integration of SAR and thermal optical data can be very useful in understanding whether deformation is certain to have been caused by volcanic activity


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    Oil Palm Plantation (Elaelis Guineensis Jacq), in its growth will undergo physical change so that it can be monitored by remote sensing data, that is by observing the influence of age towards spectral band reflectance or indices that can be obtained from Landsat-TM data. The analysis shows Landsat spectral band that correlates with oil palm plantation's age is Band-5 (r=-0.75), Band-7 (r=-0.52), Band-4 (r=-0.50). The indices that correlate with oil palm plantation's age is ratio Band 5/3 (r=-0.71), IRI (r=-0.56) and MIRI-1 (r=-0.48). NDVI and IRI do not correlate with the plantation's age. From the research carried out towards several function froms between age and oil palm plantation a good relationship is obtained on multi-regression linear function (R2 = 0.69), where the equation is: Y=61.3- 0.54 XI + 39.39 X2-42.31 X3, (Xi more than 0), where Y : age, X1=B5, X2=IRI dan X3=MIRI1 (untuk α = 0.05