288 research outputs found

    The role of electron impact in the destruction of carbon monoxide molecules on the sun

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    Electron impact effect on solar C0 molecule destructio

    Comparison of the Halpha equivalent width of HII regions in a flocculent and a grand design galaxy: possible evidences for IMF variations

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    We present here a study of the Halpha equivalent widths of the flocculent galaxy NGC 4395 and the grand design galaxy NGC 5457. A difference between the mean values of the Halpha equivalent widths for the two galaxies has been found. Several hypotheses are presented in order to explain this difference: differences in age, metallicity, star formation rate, photon leakage and initial mass function. Various tests and Monte Carlo models are used to find out the most probable cause of this difference. The resultsshow that the possible cause for the difference could be a variation in the initial mass function. This difference is such that it seems to favor a fraction of more massive stars in the grand design galaxy when compared with the flocculent galaxy. This could be due to a change of the environmental conditions due to a density wave.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    М. Михновський про духовно-личностные основы украинского создания государства

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    Стаття присвячена ролі наукових досягнень лідера Українського незалежного руху М.Міхновського в освітній, педагогічній та патріотичній діяльності. М.Міхновський намагався відстоювати необхідність національної освіти та науки не лише в теоретичних пошуках, але й залучив українську спільноту до просвітницької роботи. Ідеї М.Міхновського сприяли формуванню національної свідомості й активності громадян, які мають не лише академічні, але і практичні інтереси.The paper discusses the role of the academic achievements of M. Mikhnovsky, leader of the Ukrainian Independent Movement, in education, pedagogic and patriotic activities. The paper stresses that M. Mikhnovsky sought to advocate a necessity of the national education and science not only in his theoretical works but managed to draw the Ukrainian community in the awareness-raising activities. The paper also points out that Mikhnovsky’s ideas influenced the development of the national consciousness and activity of citizens interested not only in academic work but also in practical activities.Статья посвящена роли научных достижений лидера Украинского независимого движения М.Михновского в образовательной, педагогической и патриотичной деятельности. Подчеркивается, что М.Михновский старался отстаивать необходимость национального образования и науки не только в теоретических поисках, но и привлек украинское сообщество к просветительской работе. Также отмечается, что идеи М.Михновского оказывали содействие формированию национального сознания и активности граждан, которые имеют не только академические, но и практические интересы

    Quadratic exponential in modified discrete Fourier transform and shifted Gaussian series

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    In this paper we consider quadratic exponential in two main constructions: as finite Gauss sums and in connection with modified discrete Fourier transforms and also as basis of series in shifted Gaussians. We study spectral properties of modified Fourier discrete transforms, its eigenspaces and eigenvector

    One-dimensional and multi-dimensional integral transforms of Buschman-Erdélyi type with Legendre functions in kernels

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    This paper consists of two parts. In the first part we give a brief survey of results on Buschman-Erdélyi operators, which are transmutations for the Bessel singular operator. Main properties and applications of Buschman-Erdélyi operators are outlined. In the second part of the paper we consider multi-dimensional integral transforms of Buschman-Erdélyi type with Legendre functions in kernels. Complete proofs are given in this part, main tools are based onMellin transformproperties and usage of Fox H-function

    On sharp bounds in the t. lyons's neo-classical inequality, which is essential for the theory of stochastic differential equations

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    In the famous paper of Terry Lyons a new approach to solving a general class of stochastic differential equations with nonsmooth data was propose