5 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research was to understand comprehensively the meaning and existence of religiosity in Dickens’ Christmas Novels. It was a qualitative research by using structural genetic approach. The data were collected by using content analysis to classify the frequency of the concept or the code of the text. Then conducting them towards dimension of religiosity. The data analysis and interpretation indicates that (1) Dimensions of religiosity exist in intrinsic structures such theme, plot, character, setting indicate the importance of religiosity to make a better world. (2) Social structure indicates the gap between the rich and the poor in English society. (3) The author’s world view indicates man’s experience effect human character as religious or irreligious person. The findings lead to recommendation to practice literary research on religion and literature as well as motivate students gaining knowledge and good interpretation of the text and the context of religiosity. &nbsp

    Exploring the Dynamics of Faith and Social Integration: A Cross-Institutional Analysis of Religious Moderation Among Students in Medan State University and North Sumatra University

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    This research aims to evaluate religious moderation among Medan State University (UNIMED) and North Sumatra University (USU) students in the context of their social life. The method used is a descriptive quantitative method. The population consists of students from the USU Faculty of Cultural Sciences and the UNIMED Faculty of Social Sciences, each around 4,000 people. A 912 sample was determined using the Slovin formula and randomly selected via Googleform distributed by each faculty. Data collection was carried out through closed questionnaires regarding Religious Moderation. Testing the questionnaire on 30 respondents showed the validity of all questionnaire items with a correlation above 0.361 at a confidence level of 0.05. The instrument's reliability was measured using Cronbach's alpha equation with a result of 0.937, indicating an excellent level of reliability. Data analysis was carried out using the average formula. The research results show that the religious moderation of students in North Sumatra is quite good. Questionnaire data from 912 USU and UNIMED students shows that almost all dimensions of religious moderation are in the very high category, with an average score for National Commitment of 4.437%, Tolerance of 4.274%, Non-Violence of 4.441%, and Accommodation to Local Culture of 4.425 %. These results show excellent religious moderation among students at both universities

    Model-Model Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Pengoperasian Sekolah

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    Sekolah sebagai sebuah organisasi pendidikan dasar dan menengah tidak akan mampu beroperasi secara optimal apabila kepala sekolah tidak memahami dan mampu mengimplementasikan model-model manajemen pendidikan dengan tepat. Meskipun begitu penting hal tersebut, studi tentang model manajemen pendidikan masih terbatas dilakukan dalam konteks pengoperasian sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dan menjelaskan model manajemen pendidikan dan kepemimpinan yang dibutuhkan kepala sekolah dalam mengoperasikan sekolah. Secara khusus, sebuah pendekatan tinjauan literatur naratif digunakan agar dapat menemukan berbagai referensi yang relevan dengan topik pembahasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam model manajemen pendidikan yang dapat diimplementasikan kepala sekolah, yakni: model manajemen formal, model manajemen kolegial, model manajemen politis, model manajemen subjektif, model manajemen ambigu, dan model manajemen kultural. Keenam model manajemen tersebut memiliki karakteristik, kelebihan, dan kelemahan masing-masing di mana perlu dipertimbangkan dengan bijaksana apabila kepala sekolah hendak mengimplementasikannya dengan berhasil. Selain itu, setiap model manajemen pendidikan tersebut berkaitan dengan model-model kepemimpinan tertentu. Hal tersebut dikarenakan aktivitas manajemen dan praktik kepemimpinan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Dengan demikian, kepala sekolah perlu menyesuaikan model manajemen dengan model kepemimpinan yang diterapkan ketika mengoperasikan sekolah


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    The objectives of this research are (1) to figure out some companies which use english in their announcement for job seeker in Kompas newspaper (2) to find out whether their using English announcement is suitable for Indonesian job seeker (3) to find out whether the list of identity and academic qualification of Indonesian job seekers are suitable for the qualification that companies have mentioned. The researcher uses qualitative research, by using content analysis to measure the significant of particular ideas or meanings in the text of announcement for job seekers in certain company, then collecting and interpreting the data according to the issues of socilingitics that is speech community. The results of the research are: (1)  the companies need not make English announcement for job seekers since both companies and job seekers are .in indonesia (2) Their using English term in their announcement are not suitable since most of the readers and job seeker hardly understand those lists (3) the list of identity and the terms academic qualifications can not be found in Indonesia since academic qualification is still used in Indonesian not in English.   Keywords: sociolinguitics, national language policy, English announcement

    Pengembangan Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen: Sebuah Studi Kasus

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    Since its establishment in 2018, Christian education management has begun to develop continuously in the educational context of Indonesia. However, it still requires studying more. Accordingly, this research aims to investigate how the department of Christian education management may be developed at the Christian higher education. The qualitative research, in particular, a case study was conducted to investigate the topic. Seven participants were involved and a manual book of Christian educational management department was used as the source of data. Based on the result of the study, it was found four themes that need to pay attention seriously in order to develop further the department of Christian educational management in Christian higher education, namely vision, mission, purpose, curriculum, collaboration, and alumnus. On the other side, for improving the knowledge on the management of Christian education organizations, contributions of this study for further research, practitioners and policy-makers are provided AbstrakSemenjak berdirinya pada tahun 2018, manajemen pendidikan Kristen telah mulai berkembang secara berkelanjutan pada konteks pendidikan Indonesia. Namun, bidang tersebut masih membutuhkan pengkajian lebih lanjut. Sekaitan dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi bagaimana program studi manajemen pendidikan Kristen dapat dikembangkan di pergururuan tinggi Kristen. Penelitian kualitatif, sebuah studi kasus, dilakukan untuk menginvestigasi topik tersebut. Sebanyak tujuh informan dilibatkan dan sebuah buku pedoman Prodi manajemen pendidikan Kristen digunakan sebagai sumber data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, studi ini menemukan bahwa terdapat beberapa tema penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian serius untuk pengembangan sebuah program studi manajemen pendidikan Kristen di perguruan tinggi Kristen, yakni visi, misi, tujuan kurikulum, kerja sama, dan lulusan. Di lain pihak, untuk peningkatan pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan organisasi-organisasi pendidikan Kristen, kontribusi studi ini untuk peneliti selanjutnya, praktisi, dan pengambil kebijakan disajikan