16 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Purba, Kabupaten Simalungun pada Bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2021. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis tingkat pendapatan usahatani bawang merah di daerah penelitian, (2) menganalisis kelayakan usahatani bawang merah di lokasi penelitian dan (3) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan usahatani bawang merah di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rRata -rata biaya produksi usahatani bawang merah permusim tanam adalah Rp 12.049.706 yang terdiri dari biaya tetap Rp 1.083.863,- (biaya tetap) dan Rp 10.965.843,- (biaya tidak tetap). Rata – rata produksi usahatani bawang merah dalam satu kali musim tanam adalah 1.576 kg dengan produktivitas 9,91 ton/ha Rata – rata harga jual bawang merah adalah Rp 22.556,-/kg dengan demikian rata – rata penerimaan petani adalah Rp 35.642.724,-. Rata-rata pendapatan petani adalah Rp 22.676.783,-. Usahatani bawang merah layak untuk dikembangkan karena memiliki nilai R/C sebesar 2,75 artinya kegiatan usahatani bawang merah jika dikeluarkan biaya sebesar Rp 1,- akan memberikan penerimaan sebesar Rp 2,75,-. Untuk nilai B/C adalah 1,75 artinya jika dikeluarkan biaya untuk usahatani sebesar Rp 1,- akan memberikan keuntungan sebesar Rp 1,75. Faktor – faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan mempengaruhi penerimaan usahatani bawang merah adalah biaya pupuk. Dimana penambahan biaya pupuk sebesar Rp 1,- akan meningkatkan penerimaan sebesar Rp 12,619.-


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    This study attempts to determine the standard criteria for KPM (beneficiary families) as well as the effect of the BPNT program on increasing household food security and the benefits obtained by kiosks / stalls / shops that work together in the BPNT program. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. KPM or beneficiary families must meet the criteria as a recipient of BPNT by fulfilling 9 variables characteristics of poor households, has experienced the increase in household food security influencing an increase of 35.12% as well as the profits obtained by cooperating stalls / shops earning Rp.1,286,875, - / month net income merely from rice. They also received a reward from BRI bank worth Rp. 2,000 / transaction and purchase of other goods in the Siantar Sitalasari District.  Article visualizations


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    This study was conducted to determine the genetic parameters and selective traits of soybean that can be used in the single crossing of three different female parental varieties with the same male parent. Furthermore, this study was conducted between September and November 2020 on the Raya Usang agricultural land, which was located at the Dolog Masagal in Simalungun District with an altitude of 1,090 m above sea level. An augmented design was used in this study, which involved the crossing of three F2 lines, as well as the four parents. The plot size had a dimension of 10mx50m, with a spacing of 20cmx30cm. There were about 200 F2 seedlings and four elders containing 100 plants each, which were fertilized and maintained as needed. The data collected on each individual plant were analysed to determine the genetic diversity, coefficient of genetic, genetic progress, the predictive value of broad meaning heritability, and the correlation between the observed characters. The character selection was determined using about twenty genotypes from the F2 generation depending on the increase in heritability and KGH values, as well as the significant correlation between characters.. The results showed the value of heritability and expected genetic progress (EGP) F2 (Grobokan x Tanggamus, Anjasmoro x Tanggamus and Argomulyo x Tanggamus) was high while phenotypic correlation of quantitative characters of  generation F2 (Grobokan x Tanggamus, Anjasmoro x Tanggamus and Argomulyo x Tanggamus) to all the characters observed has a real and high positive value. Key words: cross, genetic, heritability, varietie

    Test the Adaptability of Several Soybean (Glycine Max L) F5 Strains with TSP Fertilizer

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    Growth and production strains need to be capability tested in many different environmental conditions. The research aims to obtain efficient strains against the use of phosphate fertilizer and obtain the best dose of TSP fertilizer for the growth and production of soybean strains. The study used the two-factor Factorial Group Randomized Design (RAKF) method. The first factor is the dose of TSP fertilizer with 3 levels, namely P1=25 kg/ha, P2=50 kg/ha, P3=75 kg/ha.The second Factor with 5 levels, treatments were obtained and repeated 3 times. The plot area is 1mx2m with a planting distance of 20 cm x 25 cm. Plant maintenance is carried out by spraying insecticides Decis 25 EC and Dithane. The variables observed were plant height (cm), number of productive branches (branches), number of pods per plant (pods), seed weight per plant (g), seed weight per plot (g), weight of 100 seeds (g). Data  were analyzed with a 95% confidence level BNT test using SPSS 26. The results showed that the F5 strain is the most efficient strain in using TSP fertilizer is the G4 = F5-A-T-SSD-84 strain with a dose of 25 kg/ha or 75g/plot to produce planting seed weight 27.76g. TSP fertilizer dose of 75 kg/ha is the best dose to produce the highest planting seed weigh


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    Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman, mengevaluasi masalah didalam masyarakat serta mengupayakan memberikan solusi terhadap masalah yang ada di masyarakat terutama mengenai peranan pendidikan tinggi dalam mempengaruhi perekonomian masyarakat. Kebanyakan masyarakat menganggap bahwa pendidikan perguruan tinggi hanya bagi kalangan masyarakat yang mampu saja serta tidak terlalu berguna bagi masyarakat karena telah mengetahuinya melalui teknologi saat ini maupun dari sosial media serta orang ke orang saat ini. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat memberikan solusi dan penyegaran beberapa materi ilmu dasar pendidikan yang didapat di perguruan tinggi yang tidak diketahui masyarakat luas dan pemahaman Pendidikan perguruan tinggi mempengaruhi perekonomian masyarakat tersebut. Sehingga pelaksanaan pengabdian ini yang dilakukan di masyarakat memiliki penyelesaian

    Analysis the Use of Gempur 480 SL Chemicals on the Mortality of Weed Types

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    This study aims to determine the types of weeds that can be controlled or destroyed using the chemical Gempur 480 SL at PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Estate Tele. The method used in this research is a field survey method at 3 different masl by means of purposive sampling. Based on the research that has been done, it shows that the treatment of weed types found in Estate Tele is dominated by sedge weeds such as Cyperus rotundus and broad leaf weeds such as Boreria latifolia, Climedia hirta and Melastoma malabathtricum, while narrow leaf weeds such as Petridium (elephant fern), Stenochlaena (Vegetable ferns), Dicranopteris linearis (Wire ferns) are relatively few compared to sedge weeds and broadleaf weeds. The use of the concentration of the hebicide Gempur 480 SL of 1.25% can suppress weed growth where the percentage of dead weeds is higher. Weeding rounds have a significant effect on the percentage of weeds that die and the percentage of weeds that don't die. The highest percentage of weeds that died was in Weeding Round 3 (WR3). The interaction of herbicide concentrations and weeding rounds had a significant effect on the percentage of live weeds and the percentage of weeds that were not alive. The increase in the percentage of dead weeds will increase with the increasing concentration of the herbicide Gempur 480 SL, especially if the increased concentration of the herbicide Gempur is combined with Weeding Round 2 (WR2)

    The Adaptation of Some Varieties of Rice (Oryza sativa l.) with a Liquid Bioorganic Fertilizer (Pomi) in the Acid Soil

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    The aims of the study were to obtain appropriate doses of bioorganic fertilizers (POMI) for the growth and production of several rice varieties and to obtain superior rice varieties that are adaptive to acid soils. The research was conducted in Mariah Bandar Village, Pematang Bandar District. The experimental design used was a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors and three replications. The first factor was a variety consisting of 3 varieties, namely Inpago 12 Agritan (V1), Galur Nusantara (V2), Inpago Unsoed (V3). The second factor was the dose of bioorganic fertilizer 5 ml, 10 ml and 15 ml/plot with a plot size of 1x 2m. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of productive tillers, panicle length (cm), grain weight/clump (g) and grain weight/plot (kg). The results showed that the Inpago Unsoed variety and the Nusantara line were adaptive varieties to acid soils and the application of bioorganic plus fertilizer (Pomi) at a dose of 75 liters/ha or 15 ml/plo

    Increased Growth and Production of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) with Mulching Type treatment and Tuber Weight

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    This study aims to determine the effect of mulch type and bulb weight on the growth and yield of onion production (Allium ascalonicum L.). In detail, this study aims to (1). Know the type of mulch that is most suitable for the growth and production of onion plants. (2). Knowing the weight of bulbs is best for the growth and production of onion plants. (3). Know the interaction between the type of mulch and the weight of bulbs used for the growth and production of onion plants. This study used Group Randomized Design (RAK) with 2 treatments, namely Factor I: three types of Mulch use (M): M0 = No Mulch; M1= Silver black plastic mulch (0.35 cm thick); M2= Mulch rice straw (1.5 cm thick). Factor II: three tuber weight intervals, namely: B0= 0 - 1.4 g (Small Tuber); B1= 1.5 – 1.8 g (Medium Tuber); B2 = > 1.8 g (Large Tubers). The results showed that the treatment of several types of mulch had a significant effect on plant height, weight of fresh tubers per clump, number of fresh tubers per clump, weight of fresh tubers per plot and number of fresh tubers per plot. M1 silver black plastic mulch treatment resulted in the highest plant height. weight of fresh tubers per clump (148.22 g), number of fresh tubers per clump, weight of fresh tubers per plot. Tuber weight treatment has a noticeable effect on plant height, number of leaves, weight of fresh tubers per clump, number of fresh tubers per clump, weight of fresh tubers per plot and number of fresh tubers per plot. B2 treatment yields the highest crop, number of leaves), weight of fresh tubers per clump, number of fresh tubers per clump, weight of fresh tubers per plot. The interaction of the use of several types of mulch and various tuber weights has a noticeable effect on plant height, number of leaves, weight of fresh tubers per clump, number of fresh tubers per clump, weight of fresh tubers per plot and number of fresh tubers per plot

    Growth Response and Production of Cabbage (Brassica Olera Var. Capitata) on Various Kinds of NPK and Organic Fertilizers

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    This study was conducted in Pematang Bandar district of Simalungun regency at an altitude of ±150 meters above sea level. This study investigated the growth response and production of cabbage (brassica olera var. capitata) to various types of NPK and organic fertilizers. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with two treatment factors. The first factor was applying various types of organic fertilizers consisting of three dosage levels: P1 = 4 kg/plot cow manure; P2 = 0.8 kg/plot organic fertilizer by PETROGANIK; P3 = 1.2 kg/plot organic fertilizer by MABAR. The second factor was applying NPK fertilizer consisting of three dose levels: N1 = 3.5 g/plot; N2 = 5 g/plot; N3 = 6.5 g/plot. The parameters observed were: plant height (cm) 2.4 and 6 WAP (week after planting); total leaf (blades); crop formation speed; crop weight per plant (kg); crop weight per plot (kg). The results showed a real response in applying various types of NPK and organic fertilizers. In addition, there was a real response in applying various types of NPK and organic fertilizers to plant height, total leave, crop formation speed, crop weight per plant, and crop weight per plot on cabbage growth and production


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    Dilaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keilmuan yang dapat digunakan dan diterapkan dimasyarakat, mengevaluasi masalah didalam masyarakat terutama dikalangan organisasi mahasiswa di Pematangsiantar serta mengupayakan memberikan solusi terhadap masalah yang ada terutama mengenai pemahaman kebebasan berpendapat dalam bermasyarakat. Kebanyakan organisasi yang terbentuk dan berkembang saat ini menganggap bahwa kebebasan berpendapat merupakan hak dan cita-cita dari masyarakat yang harus di utarakan baik melalui media internet ataupun sosial media serta orang ke orang. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat memberikan solusi dan penyegaran beberapa materi ilmu dasar tentang kebebasan berpendapat terutama dalam berorganisasi pemahamannya didalam Pendidikan perguruan tinggi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini yang dilakukan memiliki penyelesaian dan berguna bagi mahasiswa dalam berorganisasi dan bermasyarakat