16 research outputs found

    Contribution of receptor negative versus receptor defective mutations in the LDL-receptor gene to angiographically assessed coronary artery disease among young (25–49 years) versus middle-aged (50–64 years) men

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    Elevated plasma LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels are associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), a monogenic trait due to mutations in the LDL-receptor (R) gene is characterized by raised plasma LDL-C levels and premature CAD. The aim of the present investigation, derived from the study of a population of 1465 unrelated men aged 25 to 64 years, was to compare the expression of CAD assessed by coronary angiography in young (aged 25–49 years) versus middle-aged (50–64 years) heterozygous FH patients of French Canadian descent. Furthermore, the relationship of binding-defective versus receptor negative mutations in the LDL-R to premature CAD (B50 years) was examined and compared with men displaying a normal plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile. From the original study sample, a total of 100 men met the clinical criteria of heterozygous FH. Among them, 30 were carriers of a receptor negative mutation (deletion \15 kb or point mutations Y468X or R329X) whereas 64 were carriers of a receptor defective mutation (W66G, E207K or C646Y). As expected, in both age groups (25–49 years vs. 50–64 years), carriers of a receptor negative mutation had higher plasma cholesterol and LDL-C levels than carriers of a defective allele or men with a normal plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile. In addition, the mean number of diseased vessels (with\50% stenosis) was higher in men aged 50–64 years compared to those aged 25–49 years. In the two age groups, FH patients were characterized by a higher number of stenosed coronary vessels than the normal phenotype group. Within each group (either receptor negative, receptor defective or normal phenotype) plasma cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, triglyceride and apolipoprotein B levels were similar irrespective of age (25–49 years vs. 50–64 years). Finally, multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that compared to non-FH men, the relative odds of being affected by CAD before the age of 50 years was 7.3-fold higher for carriers of a receptor negative mutation and 2.7-fold higher for men with a receptor defective mutation at the LDL-R locus. These results suggest that CAD could be an earlier event among heterozygous FH subjects bearing a receptor negative mutation compared to LDL-R defective patients. It also suggest that the selective screening for mutations in the LDL-R gene may allow a better assessment of the individual risk and facilitate the development of family-based preventive strategies or intervention programs in FH

    Relative contribution of low-density lipoprotein receptor and lipoprotein lipase gene mutations to angiographically assessed coronary artery disease among French Canadians

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    Men with low-density lipoprotein receptor gene mutations causing familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) are at high risk of premature coronary artery disease (CAD). The dyslipidemic state found among patients who are heterozygous for mutations in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene may also increase the risk of CAD. In the present study, the association of the heterozygous forms of low-density lipoprotein receptor gene mutations causing FH as well as of LPL gene mutations causing (P207L and G188E) or not causing (D9N and N291S) complete loss of LPL activity with angiographically assessed CAD was estimated in a cohort of 412 French Canadian men aged <60 years who consecutively underwent coronary angiography for the investigation of retrosternal pain. The frequency of FH as well as of LPL gene mutations tended to increase with the number of narrowed coronary arteries. However, CAD occurred earlier in FH patients than in partly LPL-deficient patients. Indeed, the proportion of men affected by FH was of 16.4% in those <45 years of age, and solely 4.3% among those between 56 and 60 years of age (p <0.0001). In contrast, the LPL gene defect was found in only 4.0% of men aged <45 years, whereas this prevalence reached 8.3% among those aged 56 to 60 years. In multivariate analyses, the association of LPL with CAD was not independent of age, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and other covariates included at baseline, and was not affected by the type of mutation in the LPL gene. In contrast, FH was associated with CAD with minimal contribution of other cardiovascular risk factors. However, the relation between FH and CAD was at least partly dependent on plasma apolipoprotein B concentrations. In the different regression models, fasting insulin and plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations were important covariates of CAD, whether or not patients were affected by FH or LPL deficiency. In conclusion, the association of LPL gene mutations with CAD was delayed compared with FH, appeared to be markedly exacerbated by the presence of additional risk factors, and was not affected by the type of mutation in the LPL gene

    Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in children : low-density lipoprotein receptor mutational analysis and variation in the expression of plasma lipoprotein-lipid concentrations

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    The phenotypic expression 01‘ heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is variable from biochemical and clinical standpoints and several genetic and environmental factors could contribute to explain this variability. We have compared, in a cohort of 266 heterozygous FH children and adolescents (l-19 years), the variation in plasma lipoprotein-lipid levels among patients defined by three mutations in the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene. Comparison of the plasma total and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels among the three mutation groups revealed significant differences. Plasma total and LDL-C levels were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the group bearing the French-Canadian A > 15 kb null allele mutation (8.17 rt 1.45 and 6.58 + 1.42 mmol/l) and in the group with the defective allele Ch46Y missense mutation (8.18 + 1.53 and 6.65 + 1.50 mmol/l) compared to the group with the defective allele W66G missense mutation (7.19 f 1.23 and 5.62 f 1.16 mmol/l). Comparisons of other lipoprotein-lipid parameters between FH heterozygotes and normolipemic (n = 120) children indicated that all mutation groups had significantly (P= 0.0001) lower plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and a higher total cholesterol (TC) to HDL-C ratio (P <: 0.05). Among FH heterozygote groups, the W66G group had the lowest TC to HDL-C ratio. Multivariate analyses revealed that in FH heterozygotes as well as in controls, HDL-C levels contributed to a greater proportion of the variation in TC to HDL-C ratio than TC. In order to examine the age effect, control and FH heterozygote A > 15 kb groups were then subdivided into four groups (l-4; 5-8; 9-13, and 14-19 years). The variation in HDL-C and triglycerides with age in heterozygous FH children showed a pattern which was similar to the one noted in the control group. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that the overall contribution of age to variation in the lipoprotein profile of heterozygous FH children is similar to the effect observed among healthy children. The effect of LDLR gene in FH is dominant and there was no difference in plasma TC and LDL-C due to gender. Finally, this study indicates that the LDLR gene type mutations are a modulator of the magnitude of the increase in plasma TC and LDL-C levels noted among FH heterozygote children

    Rapid restriction fragment analysis for screening four point mutations of the low-density lipoprotein receptor gene in French Canadians

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) has an estimated frequency of 1:154 among French Canadians in Northeastern Quebec, compared with 1:500 in most other populations. FH is caused by numerous mutations of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene, but only six well-chancterized mutations are known to cause FH in French Canadians. High prevalence of the phenotype, along with a limited number of mutations in this population, provides a unique opportunity to study genotypephenotype variation. Since the current methods for detection of point mutations in this population use complicated approaches, we report polymerase cham reaction (PCR)-based restriction fragment analysis to detect all four point mutations. This approach provides a rapid diagnosis and is suitable to screen large number of samples for studies in genetic epidemiology; it should be useful in identifying FH in other populations bearing the same mutations

    Apolipoprotein B-100 gene EcoRI polymorphism : relations to the plasma lipoprotein changes associated with abdominal visceral obesity

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether the EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 gene influences the associations described among obesity, regional adipose tissue distribution, and plasma lipoprotein levels. For this purpose, blood samples were collected from 56 healthy men for whom we had extensive measurements of regional adipose tissue distribution (both anthropometric and computed tomography-derived measurements) and data on the plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile. DNA was extracted from white blood cells, and RFLP analysis was performed. Subjects were classified into two groups on the basis of their apoB-100 EcoRI genotype: subjects homozygous for the major 11-kb allele, the 11/11 group (n = 40), and subjects carrying the minor 13-kb allele, the 13/11 group (n = 16). Subjects carrying the 13-kb allele had lower percent body fat and abdominal adipose tissue accumulation than subjects homozygous for the 11-kb allele (P < .05). Although leaner, the 13/11 group did not show a more favorable plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile than the group homozygous for the 11-kb allele. In fact, after statistical control for the difference in percent body fat between the two genotype groups, the 13/11 group showed significantly higher plasma cholesterol levels (P < .05) and nearly significantly higher apoB levels than the 11/11 group (P = .06). The association patterns between indices of regional adiposity and plasma cholesterol and apoB levels were also different between the two EcoRI genotype groups. Only in the 13/11 group was the abdominal visceral adipose tissue area significantly associated with these plasma variables

    The apoB-100 gene EcoRI polymorphism influences the relationship between features of the insulin resistance syndrome and the hyperapoB and dense LDL phenotype in men

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether the EcoRI polymorphism of the apolipoprotein B (apoB) gene influences the relationships between features of the insulin resistance syndrome and the dense LDL phenotype and apoB concentrations. A sample of 65 men was divided into two groups on the basis of the EcoRI genotype. Forty-four subjects were (+/+) homozygotes for the presence of the EcoRI restriction site that is associated with a glutamic acid at codon 4154. Twenty-one men were (+/−) heterozygotes for the absence of the restriction site resulting from a glutamic acid to a lysine substitution at codon 4154. In the (+/−) group, fasting plasma FFA levels were positively correlated with plasma apoB, LDL-apoB, and the LDL particle score that was calculated from the migration distances of LDL subspecies and their relative band intensities, reflecting the proportion of small dense LDL particles. However, these associations were not found among (+/+) subjects. The two genotypic groups were further divided into two subgroups on the basis of fasting FFA concentrations, and the LDL particle score and the LDL-apoB levels were compared. High FFA levels were associated with a higher proportion of small dense LDL particles, as reflected by a higher mean LDL particle score, irrespective of the genotype. However, the apoB-EcoRI polymorphism appeared to influence the association between high FFA levels and LDL-apoB concentrations because (+/−) heterozygotes with high FFA levels had higher LDL-apoB concentrations than (+/−) heterozygotes with low FFA levels. In addition, the integrated area under the curve of plasma insulin concentrations, measured in response to a 75-g oral glucose challenge, and the amount of visceral adipose tissue, measured by computed tomography, were positively associated with the LDL particle score only in (+/−) heterozygotes. When subjects were divided on the basis of insulin area (low vs. high) or visceral adipose tissue (low vs. high), (+/−) heterozygotes with high insulin area or with high levels of visceral adipose tissue had a higher mean LDL particle score than (+/−) heterozygotes with low insulin area or low visceral adipose tissue. However, among (+/+) homozygotes, low or high levels of insulin or visceral adipose tissue could not discriminate between men with large or small LDL particles. Therefore, (+/−) heterozygotes may be more susceptible to develop the dense LDL phenotype in presence of hyperinsulinemia and visceral obesity. Results of the present study suggest that the apoB-EcoRI polymorphism may exacerbate the alterations in the LDL particle (size and concentration) found among visceral obese-hyperinsulinemic men