13 research outputs found

    Agent Based Modelling for Decision Making in Energy Policy

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    The paper describes a decision-making exploratory modelling approach to simulate different situations leading to a sustainable consumption of energy. An Agent Based Model (ABM) is proposed in order to study the individual and collective behavioural changes toward environmental sustainability using ICT-based services, the SAM4SN (Spread of Awareness Model for Social Norms) model. It explores the role of awareness in the consumption of a resource. Simulating how environmental awareness spreads is an interdisciplinary issue that involves ICT, energy and environmental science, as well as social and behavioural sciences. The agents of SAM4SN represent households whose consumption of energy has to be reduced. Agents influence each other. Such influence improves their awareness that, in turn, impacts on resource consumption. The social influence plays an important role in spreading awareness. The model includes the role of smart metering functions. The role of the sustainability tipping point in decision-making is introduced

    Otto esempi di utilizzo di Creative Commons a scuola

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    2008-04-17Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, LocalitĂ  Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaPAAL 2008 - Pubblica Amministrazione Aperta e Libera: dalle tecnologie aperte alla libera circolazione dei contenuti digital

    An awareness based approach to avoid rebound effects in ICTs

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    ABSTRACT The full exploitation of ICTs environmental potential benefits needs to take into account a social dimension, where there is a shift of role from passive user to aware user of ICT-based services. After a short overview of the rebound effect in ICTs, the paper will focus on the role that users, consumers or citizens can play in spreading and adopting beneficial behavior. The enabling factor of this active participative role is the collective situational awareness about environmental effects of actions. Such awareness makes a green behavior easier and can counter possible rebound effects. An Agent Based Model approach is proposed to study individual and collective behavioral changes toward sustainability using ICT-based services and for sustainable ICTs. The use of ABM to simulate how environmental awareness spread is innovative and crosses the disciplinary borders between ICTs, energy and environment disciplines, as well as social and behavioral sciences

    ICT (poco) green, ecco quanto inquinano streaming, deep learning e criptovalute

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    Nonostante i progressi del green computing e un\u2019aumentata sensibilit\ue0 delle aziende rispetto alle tematiche del climate change, oggi il saldo netto dell\u2019ICT \ue8 pesantemente negativo per l\u2019ambiente. Streaming e estrazione delle criptovalute le attivit\ue0 pi\uf9 voraci di energia, ma anche il deep learning ha il suo pes

    L\u2019impronta ambientale dell\u2019ICT: ecco l\u2019impatto dei nostri device sul Pianeta

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    Depauperamento di risorse non rinnovabili, riscaldamento globale, inquinamento: la rivoluzione digitale, con i suoi Pc, dispositivi elettronici e infrastrutture ICT, ha un impatto sull\u2019ambiente che molti di noi neanche immaginano. Una panoramica su tutte le problematiche conness

    Green Software

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    An effective insight about ICT environmental sustainability requires to pay attention also to the software features, being this another responsible for the CO2 emissions. The energy consumption in the computer's use phase doesn’t depend only from hardware but also from software configuration and from its efficiency. Software is also responsible for the Induced hardware obsolescence. The actual computer lifecycle is shorter than the potential one. Some real data and interview will give evidence on how software improvements, aimed to make more effective the Information system configuration, will lead to energy consumption reduction. A software based approach will also allow a longer use for PCs, respecting the environment, saving energy, emissions and money, and, in the meantime moving toward the cloud computing paradigm

    Sostenibilit\ue0 ICT requisito \u201cby design\u201d: cos\uec ci lavorano gli enti internazionali

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    Le ICT non sono innocenti nel progressivo peggioramento dello stato del pianeta e nella crescita delle emissioni di gas serra. Ma le emissioni potranno diminuire solo se le applicazioni saranno progettate considerando la sostenibilit\ue0 ambientale un requisito. Ecco come si stanno muovendo i principali enti internazional

    An Agent-Based Model for Awareness-Based Sustainability

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    This chapter discusses the effects of social interaction on collective behavior regarding the reduction of limited-resource consumption. Our working hypothesis is that key societal and psychological mechanisms leading to sustainable lifestyles can be enabled by ICT tools. We envision tools supporting social norms, i.e. rules governing an individual's by social sanctions that encourage sustainable behavior on the part of user and consumers. As enabling technology we identify smart metering systems that allows users to compare their consumption patterns with the ones of other consumers, as well as to dynamically re-define and share their personal reduction goals. We present an Agent-Based Model (ABM) to explore the role of awareness in the consumption of a scarce resource. Our agents represent households that use a resource \u2013 e.g. energy or water \u2013 whose consumption has to be reduced. Agents influence each other; such influence improves their awareness that, in turn, impacts on resource consumption

    Cybersecurity nelle reti elettriche 4.0: stato dell\u2019arte e tendenze

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    L\u2019introduzione delle tecnologie digitali amplifica il livello di interconnessione delle reti elettriche. E introduce ulteriori dimensioni di rischio cyber, che gli stakeholder devono gestire insieme. Ecco una panoramica del settore e le strategie da adottare per garantire misure di difesa delle infrastrutture energetich