8 research outputs found

    Proinflammatory Effects of IL-1β Combined with IL-17A Promoted Cartilage Degradation and Suppressed Genes Associated with Cartilage Matrix Synthesis In Vitro

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    Combinations of IL-1β and other proinflammatory cytokines reportedly promote the severity of arthritis. We aimed to investigate the effects of IL-1β combined with IL-17A on cartilage degradation and synthesis in in vitro models. Cartilage explant degradation was determined using sulfated glycosaminoglycans (S-GAGs) levels, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP13) gene expression, uronic acid, and collagen contents. Cell morphology and accumulation of proteoglycans were evaluated using hematoxylin-eosin and safranin O staining, respectively. In the pellet culture model, expressions of cartilage-specific anabolic and catabolic genes were evaluated using real-time qRT-PCR. Early induction of MMP13 gene expression was found concomitantly with significant S-GAGs release. During the prolonged period, S-GAGs release was significantly elevated, while MMP-13 enzyme levels were persistently increased together with the reduction of the cartilaginous matrix molecules. The pellet culture showed anabolic gene downregulation, while expression of the proinflammatory cytokines, mediators, and MMP13 genes were elevated. After cytokine removal, these effects were restored to nearly basal levels. This study provides evidence that IL-1β combined with IL-17A promoted chronic inflammatory arthritis by activating the catabolic processes accompanied with the suppression of cartilage anabolism. These suggest that further applications, which suppress inflammatory enhancers, especially IL-17A, should be considered as a target for arthritis research and therapy

    Kaempferia parviflora Extract Alleviated Rat Arthritis, Exerted Chondroprotective Properties In Vitro, and Reduced Expression of Genes Associated with Inflammatory Arthritis

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    Kaempferia parviflora Wall. ex Baker (KP) has been reported to attenuate cartilage destruction in rat model of osteoarthritis. Previously, we demonstrated that KP rhizome extract and its active components effectively suppressed mechanisms associated with RA in SW982 cells. Here, we further evaluated the anti-arthritis potential of KP extract by using multi-level models, including a complete Freund’s adjuvant-induced arthritis and a cartilage explant culture model, and to investigate the effects of KP extract and its major components on related gene expressions and underlying mechanisms within cells. In arthritis rats, the KP extract reduced arthritis indexes, with no significant changes in biological parameters. In the cartilage explant model, the KP extract exerted chondroprotective potential by suppressing sulfated glycosaminoglycans release while preserving high accumulation of proteoglycans. In human chondrocyte cell line, a mixture of the major components equal to their amounts in KP extract showed strong suppression the expression of genes-associated inflammatory joint disease similar to that of the extract. Additionally, KP extract significantly suppressed NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. The suppressing expression of necroptosis genes and promoted anti-apoptosis were also found. Collectively, these results provided supportive evidence of the anti-arthritis properties of KP extract, which are associated with its three major components

    Relationship among Serum Progestagens, Cortisol, and Prolactin in Pregnant and Cycling Asian Elephants in Thailand

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    The aim of this study was to examine relationships among serum progestagens, cortisol, and prolactin in pregnant and normal cycling Asian elephants living in tourist camps in northern Thailand. Samples were collected twice a month for 22 months from nine elephants. Of those, four were pregnant (24.3 ± 2.9 years of age; range 21–28 years) and five (20.2 ± 9.6 years; range 8–34 years) exhibited normal ovarian cycles based on serum progestagen analyses. Gestation was divided into three periods: 1st (week 1–31), 2nd (week 32–62), and 3rd (week 63 to parturition), while the estrous cycle was divided into the follicular and luteal phases. Serum progestagens were higher during the luteal phase of the cycle (p p p < 0.001). From our results, there were a number of individual differences in reproductive hormonal patterns, so it is important to develop personalized monitoring programs for each elephant to enhance breeding success and create sustaining captive populations of elephants in Asia