33 research outputs found

    Combined recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring and one-lung ventilation using the EZ-Blocker and an electromyographic endotracheal tube

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    Background Intraoperative neuromuscular monitoring (IONM) is a widespread procedure to identify and protect the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroid surgery. However, for left thoracic surgery with high risk of RLN injury, both reliable recurrent laryngeal nerve monitoring and one-lung ventilation could interfere. Methods In this prospective study, a new method for IONM during one-lung ventilation combining RLN monitoring with an electromyographic (EMG) endotracheal tube (ETT) and lung separation using the EZ-Blocker (EZB) is described and its clinical feasibility and effectiveness were assessed. Results A total of 14 patients undergoing left upper lobe surgery and left upper mediastinal lymph node dissection were enrolled. The EZB was introduced and positioned without any problems and sufficient lung collapse was achieved in all patients. No tracheobronchial injuries or immediate complications occurred. A stable EMG signal was present in all patients and no RLN palsy and no negative side effects of the NIM EMG ETT or the EZB were observed postoperatively. Conclusions The described method is technically feasible, easy to apply and save. It provides both reliable IONM and independent lung separation for optimal surgical exposure. The combined use of the EZB and the NIM EMG ETT might reduce the risk for RLN palsy and impaired lung separation during left thoracic surgery with high risk for RLN injury

    Persisting right-sided chylothorax in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a case report

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    Introduction Chylothorax caused by chronic lymphocytic leukemia is very rare and the best therapeutic approach, especially the role of modern immunochemotherapy, is not yet defined. Case presentation We present the case of a 65-year-old male Caucasian patient with right-sided chylothorax caused by a concomitantly diagnosed chronic lymphocytic leukemia. As first-line treatment four cycles of an immunochemotherapy, consisting of fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab were administered. In addition, our patient received total parenteral nutrition for the first two weeks of treatment. Despite the very good clinical response of the lymphoma to treatment, the chylothorax persisted and percutaneous radiotherapy of the thoracic duct was applied. However, eight weeks after the radiotherapy the chylothorax still persisted and our patient agreed to a surgical intervention. A ligation of the thoracic duct via a muscle sparing thoracotomy was performed, resulting in a complete cessation of the pleural effusion. Apart from the first two weeks our patient was treated on an out-patient basis for nearly six months. Conclusion In this case of chylothorax caused by chronic lymphocytic leukemia, immunochemotherapy in combination with conservative treatment, and even consecutive radiotherapy, were not able to stop pleural effusion, despite the very good clinical response of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia to treatment. Out-patient management using repetitive thoracocenteses can be safe as bridging until definitive surgical ligation of the thoracic duct

    Combined Clagett procedure, negative pressure therapy, and thoracomyoplasty for treatment of late-onset postpneumonectomy empyema necessitatis

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    Streszczenie Późna postać ropniaka przebijającego (empyema necessitatis) może wystąpić wiele lat po operacji chirurgicznej i stanowi zagrożenie dla życia pacjenta. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniego pacjenta, który zgłosił się z tym schorzeniem 18 lat po przejściu pneumonektomii. Został poddany zakończo-nej sukcesem dwuetapowej procedurze Clagetta oraz terapii podciśnieniowej służącej jako pomost pomiędzy etapami. Okres 72 miesięcy obserwacji pooperacyjnej był niepowikłany. Zamknięcie sztywnej, szerokiej jamy pozostałej po pneumonektomii było konieczne w celu uniknięcia powtórnej infekcji. Słowa kluczowe: terapia podciśnieniowa, ropniak empyema necessitatis po pneumonektomii, późna postać ropniaka. Case report Abstract Late-onset post-pneumonectomy empyema necessitatis can occur many years after the surgery and is a life-threatening condition. A 58-year-old male presented with empyema necessitatis 18 years after undergoing pneumonectomy. He was successfully treated with a modified two-stage Clagett procedure and ambulatory negative pressure as the bridge between the stages. The 72-month follow-up was uneventful. The complete obliteration of the rigid and wide residual postpneumonectomy cavity was necessary to avoid re-recurrence of the infection