2,942 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent beating patterns in thermoelectric properties: Filtering the carriers of the heat flux in a Kondo adatom system

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    We theoretically investigate the thermoelectric properties of a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas hosting a Kondo adatom hybridized with an STM tip. Such a setup is treated within the single-impurity Anderson model in combination with the atomic approach for the Green's functions. Due to the spin dependence of the Fermi wavenumbers the electrical and thermal conductances, together with thermopower and Lorenz number reveal beating patterns as function of the STM tip position in the Kondo regime. In particular, by tuning the lateral displacement of the tip with respect to the adatom vicinity, the temperature and the position of the adatom level, one can change the sign of the Seebeck coefficient through charge and spin. This opens a possibility of the microscopic control of the heat flux analogously to that established for the electrical current

    The graphene sheet versus the 2DEG: a relativistic Fano spin-filter via STM and AFM tips

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    We explore theoretically the density of states (LDOS) probed by an STM tip of 2D systems hosting an adatom and a subsurface impurity,both capacitively coupled to AFM tips and traversed by antiparallel magnetic fields. Two kinds of setups are analyzed, a monolayer of graphene and a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). The AFM tips set the impurity levels at the Fermi energy, where two contrasting behaviors emerge: the Fano factor for the graphene diverges, while in the 2DEG it approaches zero. As result, the spin-degeneracy of the LDOS is lifted exclusively in the graphene system, in particular for the asymmetric regime of Fano interference. The aftermath of this limit is a counterintuitive phenomenon, which consists of a dominant Fano factor due to the subsurface impurity even with a stronger STM-adatom coupling. Thus we find a full polarized conductance, achievable just by displacing vertically the position of the STM tip. To the best knowledge, our work is the first to propose the Fano effect as the mechanism to filter spins in graphene. This feature arises from the massless Dirac electrons within the band structure and allows us to employ the graphene host as a relativistic Fano spin-filter

    Predicting Thermoelectric Power Plants Diesel/Heavy Fuel Oil Engine Fuel Consumption Using Univariate Forecasting and XGBoost Machine Learning Models

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    Monitoring and controlling thermoelectric power plants (TPPs) operational parameters have become essential to ensure system reliability, especially in emergencies. Due to system complexity, operating parameters control is often performed based on technical know-how and simplified analytical models that can result in limited observations. An alternative to this task is using time series forecasting methods that seek to generalize system characteristics based on past information. However, the analysis of these techniques on large diesel/HFO engines used in Brazilian power plants under the dispatch regime has not yet been well-explored. Therefore, given the complex characteristics of engine fuel consumption during power generation, this work aimed to investigate patterns generalization abilities when linear and nonlinear univariate forecasting models are used on a representative database related to an engine-driven generator used in a TPP located in Pernambuco, Brazil. Fuel consumption predictions based on artificial neural networks were directly compared to XGBoost regressor adaptation to perform this task as an alternative with lower computational cost. AR and ARIMA linear models were applied as a benchmark, and the PSO optimizer was used as an alternative during model adjustment. In summary, it was possible to observe that AR and ARIMA-PSO had similar performances in operations and lower error distributions during full-load power output with normal error frequency distribution of −0.03 ± 3.55 and 0.03 ± 3.78 kg/h, respectively. Despite their similarities, ARIMA-PSO achieved better adherence in capturing load adjustment periods. On the other hand, the nonlinear approaches NAR and XGBoost showed significantly better performance, achieving mean absolute error reductions of 42.37% and 30.30%, respectively, when compared with the best linear model. XGBoost modeling was 8.7 times computationally faster than NAR during training. The nonlinear models were better at capturing disturbances related to fuel consumption ramp, shut-down, and sudden fluctuations steps, despite being inferior in forecasting at full-load, especially XGBoost due to its high sensitivity with slight fuel consumption variations

    Dimensionality effects in the LDOS of ferromagnetic hosts probed via STM: spin-polarized quantum beats and spin filtering

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    We theoretically investigate the local density of states (LDOS) probed by a STM tip of ferromagnetic metals hosting a single adatom and a subsurface impurity. We model the system via the two-impurity Anderson Hamiltonian. By using the equation of motion with the relevant Green functions, we derive analytical expressions for the LDOS of two host types: a surface and a quantum wire. The LDOS reveals Friedel-like oscillations and Fano interference as a function of the STM tip position. These oscillations strongly depend on the host dimension. Interestingly, we find that the spin-dependent Fermi wave numbers of the hosts give rise to spin-polarized quantum beats in the LDOS. While the LDOS for the metallic surface shows a damped beating pattern, it exhibits an opposite behavior in the quantum wire. Due to this absence of damping, the wire operates as a spatially resolved spin filter with a high efficiency.Comment: revised tex

    Magnetization plateau in a two-dimensional multiple-spin exchange model

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    We study a multiple-spin exchange model on a triangular lattice, which is a possible model for low-density solid 3He films. Due to strong competitions between ferromagnetic three-spin exchange and antiferromagnetic four-spin one, the ground states are highly degenerate in the classical limit. At least 2^{L/2}-fold degeneracy exists on the L*L triangular lattice except for the SO(3) symmetry. In the magnetization process, we found a plateau at m/m_{sat}=1/2, in which the ground state is "uuud state" (a collinear state with four sublattices). The 1/2-plateau appears due to the strong four-spin exchange interaction. This plateau survives against both quantum and thermal fluctuations. Under a magnetic field which realizes the "uuud" ordered state, a phase transition occurs at a finite temperature. We predict that low-density solid 3He thin films may show the 1/2-plateau in the magnetization process. Experimental observation of the plateau will verify strength of the four-spin exchange. It is also discussed that this magnetization plateau can be understood as an insulating-conducting transition in a particle picture.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, 12 figures, added a reference and corrected typos, to be published in Phys.Rev.B (01 APR 99

    Fano-Andreev effect in a T-shaped Double Quantum Dot in the Coulomb blockade regime

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    We studied the effects of superconducting quantum correlations in a system consisting of two quantum dots, two normal leads, and a superconductor. Using the non-equilibrium Green's functions method, we analyzed the transmission, density of states, and differential conductance of electrons between the normal leads. We found that the superconducting correlations resulted in Fano-Andreev interference, which is characterized by two anti-resonance line shapes in all of these quantities. This behavior was observed in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium regimes and persisted even when Coulomb correlations were taken into account using the Hubbard-I approximation. It is worth noting that the robustness of this behavior against these conditions has not been studied previously in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Flutuação populacional do ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira em vinhedo comercial em Candiota, RS, com diferentes métodos de amostragem.

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    Nos vinhedos da Região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul, o ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira, Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa, 1905) (Acari: Eriophyidae), tem sido encontrado com frequência desde a safra 2004/2005 associado com sintomas de bronzeamento nas folhas. A flutuação populacional de C. vitis na cultivar ?Cabernet Sauvignon? foi estudada em vinhedo comercial localizado em Candiota, RS, durante as safras agrícolas 2007/2008 (de novembro a junho) e 2008/2009 (de outubro a maio). A amostragem foi realizada nas folhas e através de armadilhas constituídas por fitas adesivas de dupla face instaladas nos ramos de produção. O pico populacional, na primeira safra, ocorreu em março de 2008 quando foram registrados 0,34 indivíduos por cm² da face abaxial das folhas medianas e 29,48 indivíduos por armadilhas. Na segunda safra, o pico populacional foi menos intenso e ocorreu em outubro de 2008, quando foram detectados 0,11 indivíduos por cm² da face abaxial das folhas medianas e 0,43 indivíduos por armadilhas. Foi detectado que o início do deslocamento de C. vitis para os locais de hibernação ocorre no verão, a partir de fevereiro. As armadilhas adesivas foram mais eficientes para identificar a presença de C. vitis no vinhedo do que a avaliação direta nas folhas. Uma correlação positiva foi encontrada entre o número de C. vitis na face abaxial das folhas e o percentual de folhas com infestação