11 research outputs found

    Effect of Abiotic Stresses on the Nondestructive Estimation of Rice Leaf Nitrogen Concentration

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    Decision support tools for non-destructive estimation of rice crop nitrogen (N) status (e.g., chlorophyll meter [SPAD] or leaf color chart [LCC]) are an established technology for improved N management in irrigated systems, but their value in rainfed environments with frequent abiotic stresses remains untested. Therefore, we studied the effect of drought, salinity, phosphorus (P) deficiency, and sulfur (S) deficiency on leaf N estimates derived from SPAD and LCC measurements in a greenhouse experiment. Linear relations between chlorophyll concentration and leaf N concentration based on dry weight (N dw ) between SPAD values adjusted for leaf thickness and N dw and between LCC scores adjusted for leaf thickness and N dw could be confirmed for all treatments and varieties used. Leaf spectral reflectance measurements did not show a stress-dependent change in the reflectance pattern, indicating that no specific element of the photosynthetic complex was affected by the stresses and at the stress level applied. We concluded that SPAD and LCC are potentially useful tools for improved N management in moderately unfavorable rice environments. However, calibration for the most common rice varieties in the target region is recommended to increase the precision of the leaf N estimates

    Effect of Abiotic Stresses on the Nondestructive Estimation of Rice Leaf Nitrogen Concentration

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    Decision support tools for non-destructive estimation of rice crop nitrogen (N) status (e.g., chlorophyll meter [SPAD] or leaf color chart [LCC]) are an established technology for improved N management in irrigated systems, but their value in rainfed environments with frequent abiotic stresses remains untested. Therefore, we studied the effect of drought, salinity, phosphorus (P) deficiency, and sulfur (S) deficiency on leaf N estimates derived from SPAD and LCC measurements in a greenhouse experiment. Linear relations between chlorophyll concentration and leaf N concentration based on dry weight (Ndw) between SPAD values adjusted for leaf thickness and Ndw and between LCC scores adjusted for leaf thickness and Ndw could be confirmed for all treatments and varieties used. Leaf spectral reflectance measurements did not show a stress-dependent change in the reflectance pattern, indicating that no specific element of the photosynthetic complex was affected by the stresses and at the stress level applied. We concluded that SPAD and LCC are potentially useful tools for improved N management in moderately unfavorable rice environments. However, calibration for the most common rice varieties in the target region is recommended to increase the precision of the leaf N estimates

    Root development, water uptake, and shoot dry matter production under water deficit conditions in two CSSLs of rice: functional roles of root plasticity

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    Root traits that can contribute to drought resistance have not been clearly indentified. We examined the role of root system development in enhancing water uptake and contribution to dry matter production by using the root box-pinboard method, with which quantitative assessment of root system development and the water uptake of root are possible. Chromosome segment substitution lines CSSL45 and CSSL50, and the recurrent parent Nipponbare were grown under continuously waterlogged conditions (control), and various intensities of water deficit in root boxes. There was no significant difference among the genotypes in shoot growth and root development, while CSSL45 and CSSL50 showed greater shoot dry weight than Nipponbare under water deficit conditions. This was due to their abilities to promote root system development as compared with Nipponbare, which facilitated greater water extraction than Nipponbare, especially under the mild water deficit condition of 20-25% w/w soil moisture contents. Furthermore, the increased root length density did not exceed the estimated critical value for water uptake, which indicates that plastic root system development was functionally effective and efficient for the enhancement of water uptake under mild water deficit conditions

    Stomatal responses in rainfed lowland rice to partial soil drying; evidence for root signals

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    The role of root signals in water deficit responses of rice (Oryza saliva L.) is important in the alternate flooding and drying conditions encountered in the rainfed lowlands, where the abundant roots in shallow soil layers may generate signals when droughted, with consequent reduction in stomatal conductance (g(s)) and growth, despite the likelihood of additional water in deeper soil layers. This study was conducted to confirm the presence of root signals, explore their nature and plant responses, consider the suitability of the methods, and discuss implications for adaptation under rainfed lowland drought. A split-root technique was used in greenhouse studies, whereby roots were divided into two sections: flooded and droughted. The decrease in g(s) and transpiration rate (Tr) due to drying of a portion of the roots, and their apparent recovery upon severing of this root portion, were consistent with the role for signals. The field study confirmed the evidence for root signals during progressive soil drying, whereby g(s) and Tr decreased before leaf water potential (Psi(L)) started to decline. The increase in leaf ABA concentration under field drought, and its strong association with soil moisture tension and g(s), suggested its involvement in mediating stornatal responses during early drought in rice. The recovery in Psi(L) after severing of droughted roots in the greenhouse could be attributed to increased hydraulic conductance. These responses imply a role for both chemical and hydraulic signals in rice, which have important implications for adaptation and crop performance in contrasting rice ecosystems

    Stomatal responses in rainfed lowland rice to partial soil drying; comparison of two lines

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    Previously; we demonstrated that root Ups in drying soil communicate with shoots for stomatal closure. hi rainfed Wand rice, despite further water being available at depth. This study examines variation between two lines in root. signals. Rice lines CT9993 and IR62266 were grown in the held, and in die greenhouse with the split-root root-sever wax-layer system, to investigate their responses to mild and severe water deficit by monitoring stomatal conductance leaf water potential and leaf ABA concentration, In We greenhouse root systems were divided, withholding water from one portion, and in some cases, severing the droughted portion of roots to remove be signal. Wax layers differing in strength were placed at hardpan depth. Roots of CT9993 were better able to penetrate the wax layers. IR62266 exhibited stronger than CT9993 with W62266's stomatal conductance dropping sharply under water deficit, and recovering at slower rates but less completely, when roots subjected to drying soil were severed. The greater stomatal response in IR62266 was associated with a higher leaf, ABA concentration during Car, inner deficit which in turn was associated with its greater number or roots in drying soil In the Held, a second reduction hi g was observed under severe water deficit, with stronger signals in IR62266 associated with more conservative water toe as soil drying intensified. To better exploit subsoil water in mild or transient water deficit, selection for reduced root signals might he warranted

    Drought-induced root plasticity of two upland NERICA varieties under conditions with contrasting soil depth characteristics

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    To identify differences in root plasticity patterns of two upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties, NERICA 1 and 4, in response to drought under conditions with contrasting soil profile characteristics, soil moisture gradients were imposed using a sloping bed system with depths ranging 30–65 cm and a line-source sprinkler system with a uniformly shallow soil layer of 20 cm depth. Varietal differences in shoot and root growths were identified only under moderate drought conditions, 11–18% v/v soil moisture content. Further, under moderate drought soil conditions where roots could penetrate into the deep soil layer, deep root development was greater in NERICA 4 than in NERICA 1, which contributed to maintaining dry matter production. However, under soil conditions with underground impediment to deep root development, higher shoot dry weight was noted for NERICA 1 than for NERICA 4 at 11–18% v/v soil moisture content, which was attributed to increased lateral root development in the shallow soil layer in NERICA 1. Enhanced lateral root development in the 0–20-cm soil layer was identified in NERICA 1 even under soil conditions without an impediment to deep root development; however, this did not contribute to maintaining dry matter production in upland rice. Thus, we show different root developmental traits associated with drought avoidance in the two NERICA varieties, and that desirable root traits for upland rice cultivation vary depending on the target soil environment, such as the distribution of soil moisture and root penetration resistance

    Drought-induced root plasticity of two upland NERICA varieties under conditions with contrasting soil depth characteristics

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    To identify differences in root plasticity patterns of two upland New Rice for Africa (NERICA) varieties, NERICA 1 and 4, in response to drought under conditions with contrasting soil profile characteristics, soil moisture gradients were imposed using a sloping bed system with depths ranging 30–65 cm and a line-source sprinkler system with a uniformly shallow soil layer of 20 cm depth. Varietal differences in shoot and root growths were identified only under moderate drought conditions, 11–18% v/v soil moisture content. Further, under moderate drought soil conditions where roots could penetrate into the deep soil layer, deep root development was greater in NERICA 4 than in NERICA 1, which contributed to maintaining dry matter production. However, under soil conditions with underground impediment to deep root development, higher shoot dry weight was noted for NERICA 1 than for NERICA 4 at 11–18% v/v soil moisture content, which was attributed to increased lateral root development in the shallow soil layer in NERICA 1. Enhanced lateral root development in the 0–20-cm soil layer was identified in NERICA 1 even under soil conditions without an impediment to deep root development; however, this did not contribute to maintaining dry matter production in upland rice. Thus, we show different root developmental traits associated with drought avoidance in the two NERICA varieties, and that desirable root traits for upland rice cultivation vary depending on the target soil environment, such as the distribution of soil moisture and root penetration resistance