4 research outputs found

    An Update on the General Features of Breast Cancer in Male Patients—A Literature Review

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    Male breast cancers are uncommon, as men account for less than 1 percent of all breast carcinomas. Among the predisposing risk factors for male breast cancer, the following appear to be significant: (a) breast/chest radiation exposure, (b) estrogen use, diseases associated with hyper-estrogenism, such as cirrhosis or Klinefelter syndrome, and (c) family health history. Furthermore, there are clear familial tendencies, with a higher incidence among men who have a large number of female relatives with breast cancer and (d) major inheritance susceptibility. Moreover, in families with BRCA mutations, there is an increased risk of male breast cancer, although the risk appears to be greater with inherited BRCA2 mutations than with inherited BRCA1 mutations. Due to diagnostic delays, male breast cancer is more likely to present at an advanced stage. A core biopsy or a fine needle aspiration must be performed to confirm suspicious findings. Infiltrating ductal cancer is the most prevalent form of male breast cancer, while invasive lobular carcinoma is extremely uncommon. Male breast cancer is almost always positive for hormone receptors. A worse prognosis is associated with a more advanced stage at diagnosis for men with breast cancer. Randomized controlled trials which recruit both female and male patients should be developed in order to gain more consistent data on the optimal clinical approach

    Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Tuberculosis in the Adult—Literature Review

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health issue that affects mostly, but not exclusively, developing countries. Abdominal TB is difficult to detect at first, with the incidence ranging from 10% to 30% of individuals with lung TB. Symptoms are non-specific, examinations can be misleading, and biomarkers commonly linked with other diseases can also make appropriate diagnosis difficult. As a background for this literature review, the method used was to look into the main characteristics and features of abdominal tuberculosis that could help with differentiation on the PubMed, Science Direct, and Academic Oxford Journals databases. The results were grouped into three categories: A. general features (the five forms of abdominal tuberculosis: wet and dry peritonitis, lymphadenopathy, lesions at the level of the cavitary organs, lesions at the level of the solid organs), B. different intra-abdominal organs and patterns of involvement (oesophageal, gastro-duodenal, jejunal, ileal, colorectal, hepatosplenic, and pancreatic TB with calcified lymphadenopathy, also with description of extraperitoneal forms), and C. special challenges of the differential diagnosis in abdominal TB (such as diagnostic overlap, the disease in transplant candidates and transplant recipients, and zoonotic TB). The study concluded that, particularly in endemic countries, any disease manifesting with peritonitis, lymphadenopathy, or lesions at the level of the intestines or solid organs should have workups and protocols applied that can confirm/dismiss the suspicion of abdominal tuberculosis

    Intra-Abdominal Malignant Melanoma: Challenging Aspects of Epidemiology, Clinical and Paraclinical Diagnosis and Optimal Treatment—A Literature Review

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    According to European consensus-based interdisciplinary guidelines for melanoma, cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the most deadly form of dermatological malignancy, accounting for 90% of the deaths of skin cancer patients. In addition to cutaneous melanoma, mucosal melanoma occurs in four major anatomical sites, including the upper respiratory tract, the conjunctiva, the anorectal region, and the urogenital area. As this cancer type metastasizes, a classification used in the current medical literature is the distinction between secondary lesions and primary malignant melanoma of the abdominal cavity. Given that malignant melanoma is the most common cancer that spreads to the gastrointestinal tract, different imaging modalities compete to diagnose the phenomenon correctly and to measure its extension. Treatment is primarily surgery-based, supported by immunotherapy, and prolongs survival, even when performed at stage IV illness. In the end, special forms of malignant melanoma are discussed, such as melanoma of the genito-urinary tract and amelanotic/achromic melanoma. The importance of this present literature review relies on yielding and grouping consistent and relevant, updated information on the many aspects and challenges that a clinician might encounter during the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with intra-abdominal melanoma

    A Decade of Therapeutic Challenges in Synchronous Gynecological Cancers from the Bucharest Oncological Institute

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    The aim of our study is to present the particularities of a specific subset of gynecological cancer patients in Romania. We present a review of synchronous gynecological neoplasia (SGN) treated in the Bucharest Oncological Institute’s surgery departments over a decade. Between 2012 and 2022, 7419 female patients with genital malignancies were treated. We identified 36 patients with invasive synchronous primary gynecological cancers (0.5%) and 12 cases with one primary gynecological and another primary invasive pelvic cancer (rectal/bladder). All recurrent, metastatic, or metachronous tumors detected were excluded. Demographic data, personal history, presenting symptoms, pathologic findings, staging, treatment, and evolution for each case were recorded. Usually, the most common SGN association is between ovarian and endometrial cancer of endometrioid differentiation (low-grade malignancies with very good prognosis). However, we noticed that, given the particularities of the Romanian medical system, the most frequent association is between cervical and endometrial, followed by cervical and ovarian cancers. Moreover, the cancer stage at diagnosis is more advanced. In countries with low HPV vaccination rate and low adherence to screening programs, SGNs can present as extremely advanced cases and require extensive surgery (such as pelvic exenterations) to achieve radicality. This multimodal treatment in advanced cases with high tumor burden determines a reduction in survival, time until progression, and quality of life