2 research outputs found
Patohistološke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u bubrezima brojlera tretiranih ohratoksinom A
A 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were offered feed contaminated with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 ppm ochratoxin A, respectively. After that period all groups were normally fed a mixture without added OTA until the end of the trial. Kidney samples were taken after the period of using contaminated feed, as well as after withdrawal the contaminated feed and a 3 week resting period. Proximal tubules were predominantly affected, while glomerules were chiefly preserved. The cytoplasm of tubulocytes was microgranulated and the nuclei were masked. Vacuolization was noticed in a certain number of altered cells. Foci of acute tubular necrosis were noticed in a few tubules. In some cases weak hemorrhage could be seen in affected areas. In the kidney samples of the group offered contaminated feed followed by a 3 week resting period morphological alterations were expressed in the form of intracellular edema. Epithelial cells of proximal tubules were enlarged with opaque cytoplasm, which caused tubule lumen stenosis. Apoptotic bodies could be noticed between some tubulocytes. The obtained results suggest that kidney alterations induced by OTA could be restored only to a certain extent as well as that minimum three week resting period is necessary for this process.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Od 14 dana ogledne grupe su tokom 7 dana dobijale hranu koja je sadržala 0.5,1.0 ili 1.5 ppm OA. Uzorci bubrega za patohistološka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon završetka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci bubrega ponovo uzeti. Patohistološkim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da su pretežno proksimalni tubuli zahvaćeni promenama, dok su glomeruli uglavnom očuvani. Citoplazma tubulocita je sitnozrnasta, a jedra su maskirana. U pojedinim ćelijama uočena je vakuolizacija, dok su u manjem broju tubula uočeni fokusi akutne nekroze. U promenjenim zonama uočena su slaba krvavljenja. U uzorcima bubrega grupa hranjenih kontaminiranom, a zatim nekontaminiranom hranom promene su se ispoljile u vidu intracelularnog edema. Epitelne ćelije proksimalnih tubula su povećane sa zamućenom citoplazmom što je u pojedinim slučajevima izazvalo su'avanje lumena tubula. Apoptotična tela su uočena između pojedinih tubulocita. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se promene u bubrezima izazvane OA mogu samo delom i u određenom stepenu restituisati, a da za je ove procese potreban period od najmanje tri nedelje
Patohistološke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u jetri brojlera tretiranih T-2 toksinom
The 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were treated daily with T-2 toxin at 0.02 mg/kg BW for 7, 14 or 21 days respectively and a mixture of ethanol and physiological saline was administered to the control group of birds. Liver samples were taken after the period of toxin administration and the remaining birds from the control and experimental groups were normally fed and watered without toxin application until the end of the trial when liver samples were taken again. Histogenetic development of dystrophic and dyscyclic changes were found in the livers of the treated broilers. Morphological alterations of the liver were diverse in character, intensity and spread depending on the duration of exposure of broilers to the adverse effects of T-2 toxin, as well as the total quantity of toxin applied. The degree of the reparation varied depending on the duration of exposure to toxin, as well as the resting period. Evident reversible processes were found after short term exposure followed by a long resting period, while regeneration processes were not pronounced after chronic poisoning followed by a short resting period.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe Eksperimentalne grupe su svakodnevno tretirane T-2 toksinom u količini od 0.02 mg/kg TM tokom 7, 14 ili 21 dana, dok je brojlerima kontrolne grupe aplikovana smeša etanola i fiziološkog rastvora. Uzorci jetre za patohistološka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon završetka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci jetre ponovo uzeti. U jetri tretiranih brojlera utvrđen je histogenetski razvoj distrofičnih i discikličnih promena. Morfološke alteracije jetre razlikovale su se po karakteru, intenzitetu i raširenosti u zavisnosti od dužine ekspozicije brojlera, kao i od ukupne količine aplikovanog toksina. Stepen sanacionih procesa zavisio je od dužine ekspozicije brojlera, kao i od vremena oporavka. Reparacioni procesi su izraženi nakon kratkotrajnog delovanja T-2 toksina praćenog dugim periodom oporavka, dok se nakon hroničnog trovanja i kratkog vremena oporavka ne uočavaju regeneracioni procesi