7 research outputs found

    Studies on the biology of Pullus xerampelinus Muls. (Coleoptera:Coccinellidae), a predator of Aspidiotus destructor Sign. (Homoptera:Coccidae), with a note on its parasite

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    Pullus xerampelinus Muls., a coccinellid predator of coconut scale, Aspidiotus destructor Sign was studied in the Laboratory. Its life cycle consists of the egg, four larval instars, prepupa, pupa and the adult. The description of the insect, its fecundity, feeding capacity and longevity were studied. A note on its newly recorded parasite, Aminellus indicus Kerrich is mad

    Developments in the control of coconut scale Aspidiotusdestructor Sign. in Sri Lanka

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    Studies were commenced on an intensive biological control programme of the coconut scale, Aspidiotus destructor sign, in Sri Lanka. Out of the natural enemies of the coconut scale recorded, an aphelinid parasite Aphytis chrysomphali Mercet and two coccinellid predators, Chilocorus nigritus F. and Pullus xerampelinus Mulsant were found to be important, the latter being recorded for the first time from Sri Lanka. Other indigenous predators recorded for the first time are two coccinellids, Chilocorus circumdatus Sch., Pullus sp.? coccidivora Ayyar and a nitidulid Cebocephalus sp. Ch. nigritus and P. Xerampelinus were attacked byu parasites, Homalotylus flaminius sp. on H. flaminius was also recorded

    The behaviour of Aphytis chrysomphali, a hymenopterus parasite of the coconut scale - Aspidiotus destructor, in Sri Lanka

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    Aphytis chrysomphali Mercet, an aphelinid parasite of the coconut scale, Aspidiotus destructor sign, was studied in the field with refference to its behavioral response to the host. When the data on parasitism collected from a single site at seven different times were analysed, only on three accasions did the parasite show a significant direct deasity -dependent response to changes in host density

    Predaceous Coccinellids in India: Predator-Prey Catalogue (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

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