7 research outputs found

    A Common Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Spaces with Nonlinear Contractive Type Condition Defined Using Ī¦-Function

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    This paper is to present a common fixed point theorem for two R-weakly commuting self-mappings satisfying nonlinear contractive type condition defined using a Ī¦-function, defined on fuzzy metric spaces. Some comments on previously published results and some examples are given

    Identification of the norway lobster (Nephrops novergicus) preserved with ionising radiation and testing of prescribed dose with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    Primjena ionizacijskog zračenja u konzerviranju namirnica na svjetskom tržiŔtu, zakonska regulativa vezana uz upotrebu tehnologije zračenja i zahtjev potroŔača za jasnom deklaracijom ozračenih namirnica naglasila je potrebu razvoja analitičkih metoda za detekciju namirnica konzerviranih na takav način. Jedna od najpreciznijih metoda za identifikaciju ozračenih namirnica je metoda elektronske paramagnetske rezonancije (EPR). EPR spektroskopija je fizikalna metoda koja promatra nesparene elektrone, posebno slobodne radikale uzrokovane primjenom ionizacijskog zračenja. U ovom radu ta je metoda upotrijebljena kao identifikacijski test za radikale stvorene pri konzerviranju ionizacijskim zračenjem kod Ŕkampa i pokazana je primjena EPR spektroskopije za provjeru ispravnosti doze zračenja.Application of ionising radiation in the preservation of foodstuffs on the world food market, irradiation treatment regulations and demands of consumers for clear declaration of irradiated foodstuffs have emphasis the need for the development of analytical methods for the detection of foodstuffs preserved by ionising radiation. One of the most accurate methods for the identification of irradiated foodstuffs is EPR spectroscopy. EPR spectroscopy is a physical method for detecting unpaired electrons, especially free radicals induced by ionising radiation. This paper describes the use of EPR spectroscopy as identificationtest for the radicals induced in Norway lobster during the preservation by ionising radiation and the application of EPR spectroscopy in testing of prescribed dose

    NaÅ”a iskustva s trombolitičkom terapijom ā€“ preliminarno izvjeŔće

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    Stroke is a rapidly developing clinical disturbance of focal or global cerebral function, lasting for more than 1 hour. It is an acute form of symptoms of brain function disorder, with no apparent cause other than vascular origin. It is the final phase of arterial disease, the main cause of disability, and the second leading cause of death. Today, ischemic stroke can be treated successfully by acting on its cause using a very powerful weapon, thrombolytic therapy. The aim is to present a preliminary report of our experiences with thrombolytic therapy in patients with ischemic stroke. Results recorded in 20 patients who received thrombolytic therapy within three hours of stroke onset are presented. Nineteen patients survived and one patient died from therapy side effects, i.e. intracerebral hematoma. Seventeen of 19 patients were released from the hospital without any neurologic deficit, while two patients had Rankin score 2 (minimum disability) three months after stroke onset. Our experience confirms that thrombolytic therapy is the treatment of choice in patients with ischemic stroke if administered in accordance with precise protocols.Moždani udar je naglo nastali, akutni oblik fokalnog ili globalnog poremećaja moždane funkcije, koji traje duže od jednog sata, poremećaja koji nema drugog vidljivog uzroka osim vaskularnog. Predstavlja zavrÅ”nu fazu bolesti lokalizirane na moždanim arterijama, glavni je uzrok onesposobljenosti i drugi uzrok smrtnog ishoda. U danaÅ”nje vrijeme postoji mogućnost veoma uspjeÅ”nog liječenja ishemijskog moždanog udara primjenom moćnog oružja, kauzalne trombolitičke terapije. Ovdje se daje preliminarni prikaz naÅ”ih iskustava u primjeni trombolitičke terapije kod bolesnika s ishemijskim moždanim udarom. U radu se prikazuju rezultati liječenja 20 bolesnika koji su primili trombolitičku terapiju u prva tri sata od početnih simptoma moždanog udara, od kojih je 19 preživjelo, a jedan bolesnik je umro od sporednih učinaka terapije, tj. intracerebralnog krvarenja. Kod 17 bolesnika doÅ”lo je do potpunog oporavka bez neuroloÅ”kog deficita, dok su dva bolesnika imala minimalnu onesposobljenost, Rankinov zbir 2, nakon tri mjeseca od događaja. Trombolitička terapija je i prema naÅ”im prvim iskustvima terapija izbora u liječenju ishemijskog moždanog udara, ako se primjenjuje strogo prema propisanim uputama

    A fixed point theorem in strictly convex b-fuzzy metric spaces

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    The main motivation for this paper is to investigate the fixed point property for non-expansive mappings defined on b b -fuzzy metric spaces. First, following the idea of S. JeÅ”ić's result from 2009, we introduce convex, strictly convex and normal structures for sets in b b -fuzzy metric spaces. By using topological methods and these notions, we prove the existence of fixed points for self-mappings defined on b b -fuzzy metric spaces satisfying a nonlinear type condition. This result generalizes and improves many previously known results, such as W. Takahashi's result on metric spaces from 1970. A representative example illustrating the main result is provided

    Funkcionalni ishod nakon liječenja trombolizom

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    In this paper, we report our experience from a prospective study in 40 ischemic stroke patients admitted during the last two years at University Department of Neurology Stroke Unit, Banja Luka Clinical Center, in order to assess the safety and efficacy of thrombolytic therapy, the impact of age, sex and risk factors, and functional outcome at 6 months of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator treatment. According to the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, there were 5 mild, 22 moderate and 13 severe stroke cases in the study group. The outcome measures at 6 months of thrombolytic treatment were taken in 38 (100%) patients, yielding a Functional Independent Measure score ā‰„90 (good clinical outcome) in 21 (52.50%) and modified Rankin Score ā‰¤2 (good clinical outcome) in 22 (55%) patients. The rate of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in tissue plasminogen activator treated patients was 5%, with a mortality rate of 17.50%. The outcomes were comparable with those found in the NINDS t-PA trial. Current guidelines recommend a ā€˜door-to needleā€™ time of less than 60 minutes and emphasize that ā€˜time is brainā€™.U radu iznosimo naÅ”a iskustva iz prospektivne studije kod 40 pacijenata sa ishemičnim moždanim udarom, liječenih u Jedinici za moždani udar Klinike za neurologiju Kliničkog Centra Banja Luka tokom posljednje dvije godine, da bi se procijenila pouzdanost i efikasnost trombolitičke terapije Å”est mjeseci nakon intravenske primjene aktivatora tkivnog plazminogena, kao i uticaj životne dobi, spola i faktora rizika na funkcionalni ishod nakon moždanog udara. Među njima je, prema skali za moždani udar Nacionalnog instituta za zdravlje SAD, bilo pet blagih, 22 umjerena i 13 teÅ”kih oblika moždanog udara. Efikasnost terapije nakon Å”est mjeseci od trombolize kod 38 preživjelih pacijenata prezentirana je zbirom Nezavisnog funkcionalnog mjerenja ā‰„ 90 (dobar klinički ishod) kod 21 (52,50%) pacijenta, te kao modificirani Rankinov zbir ā‰¤ 2 (dobar klinički ishod) kod 22 (55%) pacijenta. Učestalost intrakranijalne hemoragije bila je 5%, sa stopom smrtnosti od 17,50%. Rezultati funkcionalnog ishoda su uspoređeni sa ishodom navedenim u studiji NINDS t-PA. Važeće preporuke savjetuju da vrijeme od ā€œvrata do igleā€ bude kraće od 60 minuta, naglaÅ”avajući izreku ā€œvrijeme je mozakā€