28 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Query Execution Speeds for Large Amounts of Data Using Various DBMS Engines Executing on Selected RAM and CPU Configurations

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    In modern economies, most important business decisions are based on detailed analysis of available data. In order to obtain a rapid response from analytical tools, data should be pre-aggregated over dimensions that are of most interest to each business. Sometimes however, important decisions may require analysis of business data over seemingly less important dimensions which have not been pre-aggregated during the ETL process. On these occasions, the ad-hoc "online" aggregation is performed whose execution time is dependent on the overall DBMS performance. This paper describes how the performance of several commercial and non-commercial DBMSs was tested by running queries designed for data analysis using "ad-hoc" aggregations over large volumes of data. Each DBMS was installed on a separate virtual machine and was run on several computers, and two amounts of RAM memory were allocated for each test. Measurements of query execution times were recorded which demonstrated that, as expected, column-oriented databases out-performed classical row-oriented database systems

    Identifikacija krivotvorenih lijekova za erektilnu disfunkciju iz ilegalnog lanca opskrbe

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    The appearance of counterfeit medicines in supply chains is a global public health problem that may seriously affect patients. Counterfeit drugs do not meet quality standards and do not declare their real composition and/or source for the purposes of fraud. They may be generic or innovative, they may contain genuine constituents in a fake packaging, or wrong ingredients, or inactive ingredients, or an incorrect quantity of the active substance. In Croatia, no cases of counterfeit medicines have been detected so far, but the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices has received 34 samples of medicines and other products for testing from Zagreb City Police. The samples included medicines for erectile dysfunction: sildenafi l, tadalafi l, and vardenafi l. Twenty-three samples of tablets without marketing authorisation in Croatia were tested with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the declared sildenafi l and tadalafi l content. Samples labelled 1 (batch T/33), 3 (batch T/33), 5 (batch 4), 6 (batch M0016J), 10 (batch T-070235), 12 (batch T-070544), 15 (batch 314833201), 16 (batch 832718474), and 17 (batch 504830028) containing sildenafi l and samples labelled 20 (batch 070356), 21 (batch 05668), and 22 (batch T 378 5) containing tadalafi l did not contain the active substance within the acceptable 95 % to 105 % margin of deviation from the declared content. While most samples cannot be described as fake with a reasonable amount of certainty, there is still a suspicion of counterfeit. A correct conclusion can be drawn only with the assistance of the manufacturers and by conducting additional laboratory tests.Pojava krivotvorenih lijekova u lancima opskrbe globalni je javnozdravstveni problem koji može imati ozbiljnih posljedica za pacijenta. Krivotvoreni lijekovi ne zadovoljavaju propisane standarde kakvoće te su u svrhu prijevare drugačije deklarirani u odnosu na njihov stvarni sastav i/ili podrijetlo. Mogu biti generički, ili inovativni, mogu sadržavati ispravne sastojke, ali pogrešno pakiranje, pogrešne sastojke, ne sadržavati djelatnu tvar ili ne sadržavati dovoljnu količinu djelatne tvari. U Hrvatskoj do sada nisu zabilježeni slučajevi krivotvorenih lijekova, ali je Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode od policijske uprave Zagrebačke zaprimila 34 uzorka lijeka i ostalih proizvoda u svrhu ispitivanja. Od lijekova, radilo se o lijekovima za erektilnu disfunkciju sildenafi lu, tadalafi lu i vardenafi lu. 23 uzorka tableta koji nemaju odobrenje za stavljanje lijeka u promet u Hrvatskoj ispitana su metodom tekućinske kromatografi je visokog učinka (HPLC) na deklarirani sadržaj sildenafi la i tadalafi la. Ustanovljeno je da uzorci pod oznakama 1 (serija T/33), 3 (serijaT/33), 5 (serija 4), 6 (serija M0016J), 10 (serija T-070235), 12 (serija T-070544), 15 (serija 314833201), 16 (serija 832718474), 17 (serija 504830028) koji su sadržavali sildenafi l te uzorci 20 (serija 070356), 21 (serija 05668), 22 (serija T 378 5) i 23 (702099) koji su sadržavali tadalafi l, ne sadržavaju djelatnu tvar unutar prihvatljivih granica odstupanja od 95 % do 105 % od deklarirane vrijednosti. Iako se ne može sa sigurnosti za većinu uzoraka reći da se radi o krivotvorini, ipak se može govoriti o sumnji na krivotvorinu, a cjeloviti zaključak može se izvesti jedino uz suradnju i mišljenje proizvođača te provedbom dodatnih laboratorijskih ispitivanja

    Multivariate and multi-scale generator based on non-parametric stochastic algorithms

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    A method for generating combined multivariate time series at multiple locations and at different time scales is presented. The procedure is based on three steps: first, the Monte Carlo method generation of data with statistical properties as close as possible to the observed series; second, the rearrangement of the order of simulated data in the series to achieve target correlations; and third, the permutation of series for correlation adjustment between consecutive years. The method is non-parametric and retains, to a satisfactory degree, the properties of the observed time series at the selected simulation time scale and at coarser time scales. The new approach is tested on two case studies, where it is applied to the log-transformed streamflow and precipitation at weekly and monthly time scales. Special attention is given to the extrapolation of non-parametric cumulative frequency distributions in their tail zones. The results show a good agreement of stochastic properties between the simulated and observed data. For example, for one of the case studies, the average relative errors of the observed and simulated weekly precipitation and streamflow statistics (up to skewness coefficient) are in the range of 0.1–9.2% and 0–5.4%, respectively.This is the submitted version of the article: Đ. Marković, S. Ilić, D. Pavlović, J. Plavšić, and N. Ilich, ‘Multivariate and multi-scale generator based on non-parametric stochastic algorithms’, Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1102–1117, Nov. 2019, [https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2019.071

    The safety of enoxaparine use in elderly with acute myocardial infarction

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    Background/Aim. Enoxaparin (ENOX), the lowmolecular- weight heparin, used in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) could lead to hemorrhage. The aim of this study was to determine whether bleeding was more often in AMI patients older than 65 or 75 years who receive ENOX or unfractionated heparin (UFH). Methods. Among the patients with AMI hospitalized during three successive months receiving ENOX or UFH, three group of parameters were investigated: demographic, ischemic and bleeding TIMI criteria. Results. Among 85 hospitalized patients with signs of AIM, there were 35 (41.2%) old 65 years or less, 32 (38.5) old 66-75 years and 18 (21.2%) older than 75 years. In AMI elderly patients, according to the received ENOX/UFH: ischemic complication (18.2 vs. 21.4%) were insignificantly lower and the number of lethal outcomes (18,2 vs. 17,8%) were insignificantly more often in ENOX group; represented only by one patient (age beyond 75 years), major and non-major bleeding events occurred only in UFH group. Conclusion. The ENOX usage in AMI in patients older than 65 years did not show any significant difference in efficacy and bleeding rate comparing to UFH

    A young soldier with syncope, shortness of breath and palpitations

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    Introduction. Coronary artery disease in people under 30 years is relatively uncommon, but once a disease occurs it brings a significant morbidity and psychological effects. Case report. We reported a 28-year-old patient presenting atypical symptoms after sincopa and non-specific changes on electrocardiogram at admission. After noninvasive and invasive cardiology diagnostic procedures were made, we concluded that he had a subtotal tubular stenosis in proximal segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Myocardial revascularization was successfully performed 24-hour after coronarography with the left internal mammary thoracic artery graft on the left anterior descending coronary artery and the patient had a prompt and satisfactory postoperative recovery. Conclusion. This case indicates the importance of a careful evaluation of young adults even if they do not experience typical anginal symptoms or do not have multiple risk factors for cardiovascular diseases

    Application of nonlinear regression in recognizing distribution of signals in wireless channels

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    In many applications, it is important to recognise the distribution of empirical data in almost real time. One of the specific applications is the identification of statistical models for fading in wireless systems of the base station receivers. This is one of the most important problems in spatial diversity. In this paper, we describe the methodology and the results of a nonlinear regression approach for recognising the distribution of the input signal with the values of its parameters. Furthermore, the proposed approach could be used for the real-time recognition of the probability distributions without any prior knowledge about the input signal. To prove its performance, the LevenbergâMarquardt nonlinear least-squares algorithm is tested on a large set of randomly generated signals with the Gamma, Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m, and Weibull distributions. The experimental results demonstrate that this approach is accurate in recognizing statistical distributions from the signal

    Occurence of pyrethroid resistant pollen beetle (Meligethes spp.) in Croatian oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) crops

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    Repičin sjajnik (Meligethes spp.) najvažniji štetnik je uljane repice. Oštećuje cvjetne pupove dok su još zatvoreni i pokriveni lišćem. Ponovljena sjetva uljane repice na istim parcelama ili blizu njezinih prošlogodišnjih parcela i sjetva na velikim površinama svake godine povećala je populaciju repičinoga sjajnika. Zbog česte uporabe piretroida tijekom zadnjih desetak godina zabilježena je rezistentnost repičinoga sjajnika na djelatne tvari iz te skupine insekticida. Odrasli oblici repičinoga sjajnika skupljani su u usjevu uljane repice tijekom 2007. i 2008. na lokalitetima Županja, Komarnica i Kutina. Prema IRAC test metodama br. 011 i br. 025 rabljene su djelatne tvari lambda-cihalotrin kao standardni test te alfa-cipermetrin i klorpirifos-metil kao alternativne djelatne tvari. Rezultati pokazuju da su sve tri testirane populacije repičinog sjajnika umjereno rezistentne do rezistentne na djelatnu tvar lambda-cihalotrin i djelomično rezistentne na djelatnu tvar alfa-cipermetrin iz skupine piretroida.Pollen beetle (Meligethes spp.), as one of the most important oilseed rape pests, damages flower buds while they are completely closed in tight raceme and covered by leaves. Successive sowing of oilseed rape on the same fields or close to last year\u27s fields and sowing on the great areas every year have contributed to the increase of the pollen beetle population. Due to frequent use of pyrethroids for pollen beetle control in the last decade, the resistance of pollen beetle to this group of insecticides was confirmed. Adult forms of pollen beetle were collected from oilseed rape fields in 2007 and 2008 at Zupanja, Komarnica and Kutina. In a laboratory experiment, according to IRAC Susceptibility Test Methods No: 011 and 025, active ingredient lambda - cyhalothrin as standard test and alpha - cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos methyl as alternative active ingredients were used. Results show that all of three tested Croatian populations of pollen beetle are moderately resistant to resistant to the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin and partly resistant to the pyrethroid alpha¬cypermethrin