34 research outputs found

    Variability of morphological traits in sunflower inbred lines

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    Except agronomic important traits, great diversity in sunflower is present in morphological traits which are very useful in breeding studies. The main objective of the paper was to determine genetic diversity among the 110 inbred lines in the collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad (IFVCNS) by screening 34 morphological traits according to a list of descriptors of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) as to conduct the Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Test (DUS). The diversity of morphological traits was estimated by Shannon diversity index (H') and the diversity of sunflower inbred lines was performed by homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) as well as discriminatory power of the traits. The values of the traits in Shannon diversity index were the highest (H'=0.99) for height of the tip of the blade compared to insertion of petiole and bract position, while branching, head shape and seed color showed low diversity (H'>0.1). The uniformity of inbred lines distribution determined discriminative power of descriptors. Disk flower anthocyanin coloration of stigma, hypocotyl anthocyanin coloration and intensity, leaf blistering, leaf serration, seed stripes on and between the margins showed the strongest discriminatory power. According to these six traits, the collection of inbred lines was divided into two main groups and three subgroups which better explained the relationships among the various inbred lines. Inbred lines showed the great variability of morphological traits in the whole collection and also among the inbred lines from the same type of use

    Effect of plant density on stem and flower quality of single-stem ornamental sunflower genotypes

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    The aim of this research was to determine the optimum planting density for the production of high-quality cut flowers with desirable characteristics. 25 single-stem ornamental sunflower genotypes were planted at different densities and evaluated for flowering time, flower diameter, and stem circumference and length over a two-year production cycle. Three spacing patterns were used: 25 x 25 cm, 30 x 30 cm, and 70 x 30 cm, which led to the planting densities of 160 000, 90 000, and 60 000 plants/ha, respectively. The plant density had the most important effect on the stem circumference, flower diameter, and stem length (total variation 52, 60, and 58%, AMMI analysis) and a small effect on the flowering time (total variation 1%, AMMI analysis). Based on environment-focused scaling, all high-density environments could be suitable for the production of single-stem sunflower genotypes. The results demonstrated the adaptation of several sunflower genotypes G9, G11, G12, G21, and G22 as the most suitable based on the optimum flower diameter, stem circumference, and stem length. These results may lead to progress in growing ornamental sunflowers as a cut flower

    Evaluation of sunflower inbred lines resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina using different inoculation methods

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    Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid is important pathogen of sunflower and other crops. the pathogen causes charcoal rot, disease named by charcoal coloration of infected tissues. Symptoms of diseases can vary significantly and generally appear in later development stages. Reliable disease evaluation is necessary to obtain valid information about sunflower susceptibility. Introduction of artificial inoculation of host plant is helpful for genotypes comparison. The first objective of this study was to compare two inoculation methods of sunflower with M. phaseolina and spontaneous disease occurrence. Second objective is selection of sunflower inbred lines that could be source of resistance to charcoal rot. Set of 79 sunflower inbred lines from breeding program of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad Serbia was included in research. Inbred lines were inoculated using two methods: toothpick method and Unwounded Stem Base Inoculation method (USBI). Besides two inoculation methods, inbred lines were also grown in natural conditions without artificial inoculation

    Assessment of method efficiency for sunflower inoculation with Macrophomina phaseolina: important step in sunflower tolerance testing

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    The fungal disease, Charcoal rot, caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is becoming one of important pathogen in sunflower production, mostly expressed in areas with high temperatures and dry conditions. Development of tolerant sunflower genotypes is the most reliable way to control this disease. It is important to find proper evaluation method which can provide accurate insight in potential genetic control of tolerance in sunflower. The aim of this work is: to compare two inoculation methods of sunflower with M. phaseolina, to compare the tolerance of inbred lines to this pathogen and to determine which method gives better insight into the inheritance of tolerance in sunflower. The experiment was determined under greenhouse conditions and two methods were used. The Unwounded stem base infection method (USBI), is less aggressive approach where the infection is similar to natural conditions. While for the toothpick method (TM) inoculation it is necessary to puncturing the tissue with the toothpick and create the entrance for pathogen infection. Four inbred lines were used in research which was created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad (IFVCNS)

    Varijabilnost agronomski važnih osobina inbred linija suncokreta

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    For the production of high-yielding sunflower hybrids, it is necessary to cross inbred lines, the parent components of hybrids, which differ in a number of traits. The aim of this paper was to examine the variability of sunflower inbred line for agronomically important traits and to classify them based on similarities. 110 inbred lines from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad were used in this paper. Nine important agronomic traits were examined: plant height, head diameter, number of days from germination to flowering, number of days from germination to maturity, seed yield, oil percentage, oleic acid content, 1000 seed mass and hull percentage. Inbred lines showed high variability for tested traits. The largest coefficient of variations was for seed yield (CV = 42.51%), and the smallest was for days from germination to flowering (CV = 8.86%) and days from germination to ripening (CV = 8.27%). Based on the principal components analysis (PCA analysis), inbred lines were grouped by similarity: (I) inbred lines with high seed and oil yields, (II) inbred lines with a short period from germination to flowering and (III) inbred lines with a high percentage shells, for special use. Seed yield and oil percentage as the most important agronomic traits were positively correlated, and they were positively correlated with the largest number of examined trais. The data obtained in this paper will be taken into account when crossing the inbred line in order to create sunflower hybrids.Za stvaranje visoko-produktivnih hibrida suncokreta potrebno je ukrstiti inbred linije, roditeljske komponente hibrida, koje se razlikuju u većem broju osobina. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita varijabilnost 110 inbred linija suncokreta iz kolekcije Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu za agronomski važne osobine i da se klasifikuju na osnovu sličnosti u pogledu ispitivanih osobina. Mereno je devet agronomski važnih osobina: visina stabla, prečnik glave, broj dana od nicanja do cvetanja, broj dana od nicanja do zrenja, prinos semena, procenat ulja, sadržaj oleinske kiseline, masa 1000 semena i procenat ljuske. Inbred linije su pokazale visoku varijabilnost za većinu ispitivanih osobina. Najveći koeficijent varijacije bio je kod prinosa semena (CV=42,51%), a najmanji kod perioda od nicanja do cvetanja (CV=8,86%) i zrenja (CV=8,27%). Analiza glavnih komponenata (PCA) izdvojila je inbred linije koji su se u većoj meri razlikovale od ostalih inbred linija prema sledećim osobinama: (I) inbred linije sa visokim prinosima semena i ulja, (II) inbred linije sa kratkim periodom od nicanja do cvetanja i (III) inbred linije sa visokim procentom ljuske, pogodne za specijalne namene. Prinos semena i procenat ulja kao najvažnije agronomske osobine su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji, a i u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa najvećim brojem ispitivanih osobina. Podaci dobijeni u ovom radu biće koriŔćeni prilikom ukrÅ”tanja inbred linija u svrhu stvaranja hibrida suncokreta

    Variability of stem height and head diameter of different lines of sunflower

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    Gajeni suncokret (Helianthus annuus L.) poseduje usku genetičku varijabilnost usled malog broja predaka od kojih je nastao. Povećanje genetičke varijabilnosti suncokreta postiže se ukrÅ”tanjem postojećih genotipova u cilju rekombinacije gena. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita varijabilnost visine stabla i prečnika glave 93 inbred linije suncokreta stvorene na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novim Sadu, i da se formiraju grupe odabranih inbred linija na osnovu njihove sličnosti. Ogled je postavljen u blok sistemu sa tri ponavljanja, na oglednom polju Rimski Å anĉevi, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, a merenje visine stabla i prečnika glave je vrÅ”eno tokom faze fizioloÅ”ke zrelosti za svaku liniju.Cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) has narrow genetic variability as the result of a small number of ancestors. It is possible to increase genetic variability by crossing existing genotypes in order to achieve new gene recombination. The aim of this research was to examine variability and create groups for stem height and head diameter of 93 sunflower lines created in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad (IFVCNS). The trial was organized in block design with three replications, at experimental field Rimski Å anĉevi of IFVCNS. Stem height and head diameter were measured during the phase of physiological maturity for each line separately

    Saprobni status tekućica u Hrvatskoj na temelju bentičkih beskralježnjaka

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    In the period 1999ā€“2010 biological investigations were conducted at 369 sampling stations all over Croatia, which included water-quality assessment according to benthic macroinvertebrates, involving 10 institutions. Water quality is assessed according to a type-specific approach which is demanded by the EU Water Framework Directive. From all the investigated sampling stations, 264 sampling stations (71.54%) indicate high or good water quality and therefore meet the requirements of WFD EU. 105 sampling stations (28.46%) indicate moderate or poor water quality, and thus do not meet the requirements of WFD EU.U razdoblju od 1999.-2010. godine provedena su istraživanja koja su obuhvatila i određivanje kakvoće vode na osnovu bentičkih beskralježnjaka na 369 mjernih postaja na području Republike Hrvatske, a u čemu je sudjelovalo 10 institucija. Kakvoća vode je procijenjena prema tip-specifičnoj klasifikaciji graničnih vrijednosti indeksa saprobnosti za bentičke beskralježnjake, koju zahtijeva Okvirna direktiva o vodama (ODV). Od ukupnog broja mjernih postaja, 264 mjerne postaje (71,54%) ukazuju na vrlo dobru ili dobru kakvoću i time zadovoljavaju zahtjeve ODV, dok 105 mjernih postaja (28,46%) ukazuju na umjereno dobru ili slabu kakvoću vode te ne zadovoljavaju zahtjeve ODV

    Impact of climate factors on oil yield of NS sunflower hybrids

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    Klimatske promene utiču negativno na proizvodnju suncokreta. Jedna od mera ublažavanja uticaja ekstremnih klimatskih pojava je oplemenjivanje na poboljÅ”anu adaptabilnost suncokreta na različite uslove gajenja. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita uticaj različitih godina i lokaliteta na prinos ulja kod 12 standardnih, uljanih hibrida suncokreta. Eksperimentalni ogledi su postavljeni tokom četiri vegetacione sezone (2018, 2019, 2020 i 2021) u 52 klimatske sredine (u dve godine na 15 lokaliteta, jednom na 14 i jednom na 8). Hibrid NS Ronin (G7) se izdvojio sa najvecĢom stabilnoÅ”cĢu pracĢenom visokim prinosom ulja i smatra se adaptabilnim na razlike u uslovima sredine. Stabilni hibridi, sa visokim prinosom ulja bili su i hibridi NS Kiril (G9), NS Providens (G11) i NS Zmaj (G12). Ostvareni rezultati prinosa ulja pomenutih hibrida i njihova adaptabilnost u različinim sredinama opravdavaju poverenje koje su im ukazali proizvođači suncokreta i u Srbiji i u inostranstvu.Climate change negatively affects sunflower production. One of the measures to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events is breeding to improve the adaptability of sunflower to different growing conditions. This study aimed to examine the influence of different years and locations on oil yield in 12 standard, oil sunflower hybrids. Experimental trials were set up during four vegetation seasons (2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) in 52 environments (in two years at 15 locations, once at 14 and once at 8). Sunflower hybrid NS Ronin (G7) was distinct as the most stable, followed by high oil yield and considered adaptable to environmental conditions differences. Stable hybrids with high oil yield were also hybrids NS Kiril (G9), NS Providence (G11) and NS Zmaj (G12). The achieved results of oil yield of the mentioned hybrids and their adaptability in different environments justify the trust placed in them by sunflower producers in Serbia and abroad

    Yield and quality of Novi Sad sunflower hybrids in 2020

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    Ispitivani su prinos semena i sadržaj ulja NS hibrida suncokreta u mikroogledima u Srbiji u 2020. godini. Najveći prosečni prinos semena ostvarili su hibridi Providens i NS Kiril (4,31 t/ha odnosno 4,30 t/ha) a najmanji hibrid NS Admiral (3,43 t/ha). Najveći prosečan prinos semena ostvaren je na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi (4,71 t/ha) a najmanji na lokalitetu VrÅ”ac (3,14 t/ha). Najveći sadržaj ulja ostvario je hibrid NS Ilija (51,42%) a najmanji hibrid NS Veles (42,74%). Najveći sadržaj ulja utvrđen je na lokalitetu Gakovo (50,78%), a najmanji na lokalitetu Kikinda (42,23%). Novi NS hibridi nadmaÅ”ili su stariji sortiment po prinosu semena i sadržaju ulja.Seed yield and oil content of NS sunflower hybrids in microexperiments in Serbia in 2020 were examined. The highest average seed yield was achieved by hybrids Providence and NS Kiril (4.31 t / ha and 4.30 t / ha, respectively), and the lowest by the hybrid NS Admiral (3.43 t / ha). The highest average seed yield was achieved at the locality Rimski Å”ančevi (4.71 t / ha) and the lowest at the locality VrÅ”ac (3.14 t / ha). The highest oil content was achieved by the hybrid NS Ilija (51.42%) and the lowest by the hybrid NS Veles (42.74%). The highest oil content was determined at the Gakovo locality (50.78%), and the lowest at the Kikinda locality (42.23%). The new NS hybrids surpassed the older assortment in terms of seed yield and oil content

    Creating climate smart sunflower for future challenges ā€“ the SMARTSUN multidisciplinary project

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    Among the effects of wide-ranging climate change, drought presents a significant threat to global agricultural production. Drought reduces yield quantity and quality of crops, particularly in the semiarid and arid regions. Better understanding of plant adaptation to drought is of great interest to both crop science and the society as a whole. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) possesses one of the largest collections of different wild and cultivated sunflower genotypes and populations worldwide which will be exploited for analysis of drought tolerance mechanisms. Within the project SmartSun the holistic approach of phenotyping and epigenetic mechanisms which modulate sunflower adaptation to drought stresses driven by climate change will be exploited. Using statistical and machine learning techniques, SmartSun will link the data obtained from phenotyping and epiQTLs to create climate-smart sunflower genotypes that will respond to the variable, unstable, and drought environmental growth conditions