355 research outputs found

    Polimorfizam gena za adiponektin (ADIPOQ) i njegova povezanost s proizvodnim i rasplodnim svojstvima indijskog mliječnog goveda

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    The present investigation was performed to explore the SNP in the promoter of the adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene and its association with production and reproduction traits in Indian Sahiwal cows. A portion of the promoter (ADIPOQ) region of the ADIPOQ gene was amplified which revealed a 977 bp amplicon, and its PCR-RFLP assay with the restriction enzyme TasI revealed three genotypes, in which the CT genotype was the most frequent (62.32%), followed by CC (24.64%) and TT (13.04%). The frequency of the C and T alleles was 0.558 and 0.442, respectively. The ADIPOQ/TasI genotypes revealed a significant association with calving interval (CI) in the first and fourth lactations, in which the CC genotype showed a significantly (P<0.05) longer CI compared to the TT genotype, while in the fourth lactation the TT genotype showed a longer CI compared to the CC genotype. In the fourth lactation, the TT genotype showed a significantly (P<0.05) longer lactation period (LP) and greater total milk yield (TMY) as compared to CC and CT genotypes. In conclusion, the SNP identified in the promoter of the ADIPOQ gene and its association with production and reproduction traits suggests that this gene might serve as a candidate genetic marker for selection of dairy cattle with better milk yield. However, further studies are needed to explore these SNPs in other regions of this gene, and in other breeds and populations.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti polimorfizam pojedinačnog nukleotida (SNP) u promotoru gena za adiponektin (ADIPOQ) i njegovu povezanost s proizvodnim i rasplodnim svojstvima indijskog goveda Sahiwal pasmine. Dio promotora (ADIPOQ) regije gena ADIPOQ je umnožen i prikazan produktom 977 bp, a PCR-RFLP metodom s restrikcijom enzimom TasI dobivena su tri genotipa. Među njima najčešći je bio CT genotip (62,32 %), zatim CC (24,64 %) i TT (13,04 %). Učestalost C-alela bila je 0,558, a T-alela 0,442. ADIPOQ/TasI genotipovi su pokazali znakovitu povezanost s međutelidbenim intervalom (CI) u prvoj i četvrtoj laktaciji u kojima je CC genotip pokazao znakovito duži interval između teljenja (P<0,05) u usporedbi s TT genotipom, dok je u četvrtoj laktaciji TT genotip pokazao duži interval teljenja u usporedbi s CC genotipom. U četvrtoj laktaciji TT genotip pokazao je znakovito duže trajanje laktacije (LP) (P<0,05) i ukupan prinos mlijeka (TMY) u usporedbi s CC i CT genotipovima. Zaključno, SNP identificiran u promotoru gena ADIPOQ i njegova povezanost s proizvodnim i reproduktivnim svojstvima upućuju na to da ovaj gen može poslužiti kao kandidatni genski biljeg za selekciju mliječnih krava s većim prinosom mlijeka. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja polimorfizama pojedinačnih nukleotida u drugim regijama ovoga gena kao i u drugih pasmina i populacija

    Inheritance of SPAD chlorophyll meter reading and specific leaf area in four crosses of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    SPAD chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR) and specific leaf area (SLA) are important traits associated with water-useefficiency (WUE). Understanding their genetic nature and association with yield parameters enables their deployment in breeding programs for drought tolerance. The results obtained from the study conducted on six generations of four groundnut crosses showed significant additive effects for SCMR and SLA in all the crosses indicating possible gains through selection. Relative contribution of additive effects was high for both, SCMR (58 to 93%) and SLA (63 to 91%). The low heritability of SCMR and SLA indicates environmental influence on these traits. SCMR is positively associated with pod, kernel and haulm yield, while the association of SLA with them was negative. Combining trait-based approach using SCMR and SLA with empirical approach can be rewarding in groundnut breeding for drought tolerance

    Gamma Passing Rate – Correlation with Patient Specific Quality Assurance Devices using Two Photon energies in Pelvic IMRT

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    The effect on Gamma Passing Rate is studied by changing the Photon Energy in the Patient Specific Quality Assurancein Pelvic IMRT using EPID and MatriXX keeping PSQA device at Isocenter. Dose verification of 62 patients, sufferingfrom pelvic malignancies and treated with Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), with EPID and MatriXX usinggamma criteria of 3%/3 mm, 3%/2 mm, 2%/3 mm, 2%/2 mm and investigated the effect on Gamma Passing Rate (%GP) bychanging beam energy from 6 MV to 10 MV. The results demonstrated that the behavior of gamma passing rate decreases ascriteria is changed from 3%/3 mm to strict criteria. The mean gamma passing rate for 6 MV beam were (%GP±StandardDeviation σ) 99.64±0.81, 99.45±1.08, 97.57±2.12, 96.17±2.63 using the criteria 3%/3 mm, 3%/2 mm, 2%/3 mm, 2%/2 mmrespectively in EPID. For MatriXX, the mean %GP were 96.69±4.11, 93.85±5.31, 88.17±10.63, 82.2±12.28 respectively.For 10 MV, the mean (%GP±Std. Dev) were 99.64±0.81, 99.45±1.08, 97.57±2.12, 96.17±2.63 for in EPID, 96.69±4.11,93.85±5.31, 88.17±10.63, 82.2±12.28 for MatriXX respectively. Difference between %GP for 6 MV and 10 MV beam were-0.01, -0.11, 1.08, 1.61 with gamma criteria of 3%/3 mm, 3%/2 mm, 2%/3 mm, 2%/2 in EPID. For MatriXX, differencebetween %GP for 6 MV and 10 MV beam were -0.40, -0.24, 0.96, 1.62 respectively. It can be concluded that applying morestrict gamma criteria results in low gamma passing rate. There is marked difference in Gamma Passing Rate (%GP) withchange in photon energy

    Bioconversion of potato-processing wastes into an industrially-important chemical lactic acid

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    Lactic acid (LA) is an important biomolecule applied in food, pharmaceutical and chemical areas, mainly to produce biodegradable polymers, such as poly–lactic acid (PLA). In this work, an efficient fermentative process for LA production was developed using potato processing waste (PPW) hydrolysate with Lactobacillus pentosus. After optimization and kinetics studies, LA production reached 150 g/L with a productivity of 1.6 g/L.h in Erlenmeyer flasks. LA production was also conducted in STR where 110 g/L were reached with a productivity of 2.4 g/L.h. LA recovery consisted of a clarification step, with powdered activated carbon, with further precipi- tation at low temperature and acidification of calcium lactate for conversion to LA. The process was effective for contaminants’ removal and clarification, and LA concentration to 416 g/L. Good perspectives for LA production, recovery and clarification were observed. Future studies will be carried out for LA purification and polymeri- zation for PLA synthesis

    Breeding for resistance to rust and late leaf spot of groundnut

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    During the last 12 years at ICRISAT center several rust and late leaf spot resistance sources available within the cultivated species have been utilized in the breeding program and high yielding varieties with high levels of rust..

    Evaluation of Genetic Traits for Improving Productivity and Adaptation of Groundnut to Climate Change in India

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    Anticipated climate change will alter the temperature and rainfall characteristics of crop growing seasons. This will require genetic improvement of crops for adapting to future climates for higher yields. The CROPGRO model for groundnut was used to evaluate genetic traits of Virginia and Spanish types of groundnut for various climate scenarios of India. The analysis revealed that productivity of groundnut can be increased in current and future climates by adjusting the duration of various life-cycle phases, especially the seed-filling to physiological maturity (SD-PM). Increased maximum leaf photosynthesis rate (AMAX), increased partitioning to reproductive organs (XFRT) and increased individual seed-fill duration (SFDUR) all contributed to the increase in pod yield in all climates. More determinate pod set (shorter PODUR) was beneficial only in the water deficit environments. The positive effect of increasing specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf size (SIZLF) on pod yield was greater in environments more favourable for plant growth. Increasing reproductive tolerance to high temperature by 2 °C increased pod yield of groundnut in warmer environments, especially where the crop often suffers from drought. Increased adaptive partitioning to roots (ATOP) increased drought resistance of groundnut on high water-holding capacity soils. Combination of traits had additive effects and pod yield increased substantially. These results indicate that the CROPGRO model can be used to assess the potential of individual or combination of plant traits for guiding breeding of improved groundnut varieties for current and future climates

    Resistance to Rust and Late Leaf Spot of Groundnut at ICRISAT Center: Problems and Progress

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    In sorghum and mungbean – lentil cropping system, field experiments were conducted for three successive years to assess the effect of mung bean residue incorporation on sorghum and succeeding lentil productivity along with different doses of phosphorus (P; 0, 30, 60 kg ha−1) applied to these crops. The level of soil fertility was also tested with or without incorporation of mung bean residue. The interaction of phosphorus to mungbean residue incorporationwas thus studied in relation to improve crop productivity with balancing fertilizer requirements through an eco-friendly approach. Sorghum grain yield increased significantly when 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 was applied and mungbean residue incorporated. The response was reduced to 30 kg P2O5 ha−1 when mungbean residue was not incorporated. The succeeding lentil crop responded up to 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 only when preceding sorghum crop received 0 or 30 kg P2O5 ha−1. Response to applied P2O5 to lentil reduced to 30 kg ha−1 when preceding sorghum crop received 60 kg P2O5 ha−1 and mungbean residue incorporated. Available soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon content increased when mungbean residue was incorporated; however, available potassium (K) of the soil decreased from its initial valu

    Registration of rust and late leaf spot resistant peanut germplasm lines

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    Four peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm lines, ICGV 99001 (Reg. no. GP-118, PI 631072), ICGV 99003 (Reg. no. GP-119, PI 631073), ICGV 99004 (Reg. no. GP-120, PI 631074), and ICGV 99005 (Reg. no. GP-121, PI 631075), were released in 2001 by the Plant Materials Identification Committee of International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, AP, India, for their resistance to foliar fungal diseases. These lines were derived from A. hypogaea and wild Arachis species crosses. ICGV#99001 and 99004 belong to subsp. fastigiata var. vulgaris while ICGV#99003 and 99005 belong to subsp. hypogaea var. hypogaea. ICGV# 99001 and 99004 possess resistance to late leaf spot (LLS) [(caused by Phaeoisariopsis personata (Berk. & Curt.) v. Arx = Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & Curt.) Deighton], and ICGV# 99003 and 99005 have resistance to rust (caused by Puccinia arachidis Speg.)