29 research outputs found

    Factors affecting Osseointegration: A Literature Review

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    The purpose of this literature review is to collect the published data concerning factors affecting osseointegration. Popularity and large demand of dental implant makes this study essential because success of dental implant is directly related to the principle of osseointegration, a process of implant-bone interaction that finally leads to bone-implant anchorage.To identify relevant literature an electronic search was performed using term osseointegration and dental implant on PubMed central. Titles and abstracts were screened andarticles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected for full text reading. Review of selected articles enabled us to enlist various factors which have significant effects on osseointegration either by enhancing or inhibiting it. Based on the review literature, it is concluded that there are factors which when considered may increase osseointegrationwhich in turn will increase success of dental implant and some factors play an inhibiting role for bone-implant contact

    Genetic mapping for grain quality and yield-attributed traits in Basmati rice using SSR-based genetic map

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    Rice grain shape and nutritional quality traits have high economic value for commercial production of rice and largely determine the market price, besides influencing the global food demand for high-quality rice. Detection, mapping and exploitation of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with kernel elongation and grain quality in Basmati rice is considered as an efficient strategy for improving the kernel elongation and grain quality trait in rice varieties. Genetic information in rice for most of these traits is scanty and needed interventions through the use of molecular markers. A recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population consisting of 130 lines generated from the cross involving Basmati 370, a superior quality Basmati variety and Pusa Basmati 1121, a Basmati derived variety were used to map the QTLs for 9 important grain quality and yield related traits. Correlation studies showed that various components of yield show a significant positive relationship with grain yield. A genetic map was constructed using 70 polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers spanning a genetic distance of 689.3 cM distributed over 12 rice chromosomes. Significant variation was observed and showed transgressive segregation for grain quality traits in RIL population. A total of 20 QTLs were identified associated with nine yield and quality traits. Epistatic interactions were also identified for grain quality related traits indicating complex genetic nature inheritance. Therefore, the identified QTLs and flanking marker information could be utilized in the marker-assisted selection to improve kernel elongation and nutritional grain quality traits in rice varieties

    Brand Positioning-As a Growth and Sales Catalyst

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    In todayā€™s competitive world, the most efficient market strategy your company can choose is creating a company brand. A brand makes a product or service distinctive or unique. Your carefully built brand creates a visual, emotional, and cultural connection between consumers and your business, the product, or service

    Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Secondary Metabolites of Sphaeranthus indicus and Spathodea campanulata Flowers Extracts

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    Since the dawn of time, humans have used plants as a natural source for healing and remedies. Among these, medicinal herbs have gained popularity due to their widespread use and lack of negative side effects. The globe has seen a rise in plant study in recent years, and a tonne of data has been gathered to demonstrate the enormous potential of the therapeutic plants employed in many traditional systems. In this work, flower extracts of Sphaeranthus indicus and Spathodea campanulata from the Madhya Pradesh region of Bhopal were evaluated for their qualitative and quantitative phytochemical composition. The well-known test procedure described in the literature was used to determine the quantitative analysis of total phenolics and flavonoids as well as the qualitative analysis of various phytochemical constituents. Sphaeranthus indicus and Spathodea campanulata both included alkaloids, carbohydrates, saponins, fixed oils and lipids, flavonoids, and phenolics, according to phytochemical analyses. By using the Folins Ciocalteau reagent method and the aluminium chloride method, respectively, phenolic and flavonoid quantities were analysed quantitatively. The amount of total phenolics in the methanolic extract of the flowers of Sphaeranthus indicus and Spathodea campanulata was 18.23Ā±0.16 and 217.00Ā±0.916mg/gm, respectively. Flavonoids came in second with 164.10Ā±0.52 and 79.33Ā±3.511mg/gm. This research gave information that might be used to standardize and correctly identify this plant material. The wide range of phytochemicals found in the plant thus points to its medicinal potentials, which could be investigated in both traditional medicine and the drug manufacturing business. Keywords: Sphaeranthus indicus, Spathodea campanulata, Qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, Phytochemical analysi

    An analytical review on schizophrenia pharmaceutical treatment along with intelligent retrieval

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    Suicidal thoughts, higher use of resources like hospitalisation and related costs, and clinical deterioration may occur if schizophrenia patients fail to adhere to their drug regimens, according to a new study. We are analysing data from clinical trials of therapy that aim to boost the proportion of patients with schizophrenia who adhere to their medication. Nonadherence to therapy is a problem that affects both patients and healthcare providers. Behavioral treatment, long acting injectables (LAI), and antipsychotics based on methamphetamine LAI technology are a few examples. Only a small number of smartphone applications, such as medicine monitors and voice assistants, have been integrated with AI. The inclusion of clinically relevant samples in randomised, controlled, and blinded studies is necessary to measure not just adherence but also clinically important and long-lasting treatment outcomes for schizophrenia patients

    Immune thrombocytopenia: An updated review from etiopathophysiology, laboratory investigations and current therapy

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    An inherited condition with isolated thrombocytopenia, immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is still unknown in terms of the cause. A primary or secondary ITP diagnosis is determined by whether or not an underlying treatable cause exists. Diagnosis of primary ITP is based on the exclusion and hence does not have a gold standard test to validate it. Before classifying a patient as primary ITP, recent medication use, infections, lymphoproliferative illnesses, and connective tissue disorders should be checked out. An in-depth look at the most recent developments in ITP diagnostics and treatment is provided in this study. Our research was supported by GOOGLE Scholar, PUBMED, and ClinicalTrial.gov databases. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was also included in the search, as was "immune-mediated thrombocytopenia," "idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura," and "isolated thrombocytopenia." It was found that more research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of ITP. For example, corticosteroids have both short- and long-term side effects when used in the first place. In light of this, future research may need a rethinking of ITP treatment recommendations and the use of viable alternative drugs

    Is the unrealistic expectation of getting cured related to poor treatment adherence among Indian Asthma patients? A hospital based mixed methods study from central India

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    Background: Prevention of premature deaths due to asthma requires continued disease control through efforts of both patients and healthcare providers. The expectations of patients have been shown to influence treatment adherence and disease control. Methodology: We conducted a hospital-based sequential exploratory mixed methods study and used definitions of the Global Initiative for Prevention of Asthma (GINA). We recruited 80 asthma patients in a tertiary public health facility of central India. We assessed treatment expectations, health literacy, awareness, behavioural risk factors, self-care, treatment adherence, and disease control. We conducted a thematic analysis of qualitative data through manual inductive coding and used statistical software R version-3.6.1 for quantitative analysis. Results: Sixty-seven (83.75%) patients expected that the current doctor would help them achieve 'cure', while 28 (35%) expected to obtain information about asthma. 81.2% and 77.5% of participants had inadequate health literacy and inadequate awareness, respectively. 73.8% were using inhalers and 21.2% were not using any treatment. Forced expiratory volume in 1 (FEV1) and Forced vital capacity (FVC) values were available for only 46.25%, while a meagre 6.25% were using peak-flow meter for self-monitoring. Though 21.2% reported optimal treatment adherence, 27.5% had good control. We found the expectation of cure and poor health literacy being significantly related to sub-optimal treatment adherence. We didn't find any association between the expectations of patients and their disease control. Conclusion: Asthma patients in our setting mostly expected to get cured. The unrealistic expectation of 'cure' is related to poor treatment adherence and possibly poor disease control

    MaŔinska vizuelna klasifikacija sorti pirinča (Oryza sativa l.) upotrebom morfoloŔkih, hromatskih i teksturalnih osobina slika semena

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    Variety identification is an important task for plant breeders, farmers and traders. DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity, Stability) protocol is generally carried out for identification of plant variety which is time consuming and laborious. An attempt was made to quantify 28 rice varieties based on seed images by digital image analysis. Rice seed images were captured using Canon-LiDE110 flatbed scanner at 600 dpi resolutions. An algorithm was developed using Matlab 2012B to capture and extract seven morphological, 18 textural features and seven chromatic features. Discriminant analysis was carried out to identify critical parameters and classified them into similar groups. The study identified 14 best features out of 32 features that has capability to discriminate between rice cultivars. Eccentricity, awn length, major axis, equivalent diameter, kernel area, kernel perimeter and minor axis were found to be most critical among morphological features while standard deviation (STD) and Energy were found to be most critical among textural features while Hue, Red and Green were found to be most critical among chromatic features. Thus the present study indicated that morphological, chromatic as well as textural features play a vital role in identification of new varieties and distinguishing them to classify into similar groups.Identifikacija vrste je važna za odgajivače, farmere i trgovce. DUS (Rastojanja, Ujednačenost, Stabilnost) protokol je generalno izveden za identifikaciju biljne vrste koja zahteva mnogo vremena i rada. PokuÅ”ali smo da kvantifikujemo 28 sorti pirinča na osnovu slika semena digitalnom analizom slike. Semena pirinča su snimljena skenerom Canon-LiDE110 u rezoluciji 600 dpi. Razvijen je algoritam upotrebom Matlab 2012B za hvatanje i izvođenje 7 morfoloÅ”kih, 18 teksturalnih i 7 hromatskih osobina. Diskriminaciona analiza je izvedena radi identifikacije kritičnih parametara i njihove klasifikacije u slične grupe. Studija je identifikovala 14 najboljih od 32 osobine koje imaju mogućnost razlikovanja sorti pirinča. Ekscentričnost, dužina pleve, glavna osa, ekvivalentni prečnik, povrÅ”ina zrna, obim zrna i mala osa su definisane kao kritične među morfoloÅ”kim osobinama dok su standardna devijacija i energija izdvojene kao najkritičnije među osobinama teksture. Crvena i zelena boja su bile najkritičnije među hromatskim osobinama. Tako je ova studija pokazala da morfoloÅ”ke, hromatske i osobine teksture igraju odlučujuću ulogu u identifikaciji novih sorti i mkihovog razlikovanja radi klasifikacije u slične grupe