5 research outputs found

    Incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to find the incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour and to assess maternal and fetal outcome.Methods: The study was carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Patna Medical College, Patna from September 2011 to September 2013.Study was done in 100 pregnant women. 50 patients were cases and 50 were control. Cases were patients admitted with idiopathic preterm labour and controls were patients admitted with term pregnancy. A thorough general, systemic and obstetrical examination was done. Speculum examination was done to exclude leaking and to note the type of discharge which was collected for the pH estimation, amine testing and for making a smear for gram staining. Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis was confirmed on the basis of Nugent criteria. Maternal and fetal outcome was assessed.Results: The incidence of bacterial vaginosis in patients with idiopathic preterm labour was 30 percent. Bacterial vaginosis was significantly (P <0.05) associated with idiopathic preterm labour. Out of 15 patients who had bacterial vaginosis, 13 had preterm delivery (<37 weeks). In 35 patients without bacterial vaginosis 21 had preterm delivery. Bacterial vaginosis was significantly associated with low birth weight babies (P <0.05). Bacterial vaginosis was significantly associated with neonatal jaundice and neonatal sepsis.Conclusions: Bacterial vaginosis is strongly associated with preterm labour and delivery as well as adversely affects neonatal outcome. Thus screening for bacterial vaginosis in all pregnant women complaining of vaginal discharge and also in all patients with preterm labour is justifiable.

    Study of incidence and different aspects of cervical malignancy in tertiary centre of Jharkhand, India

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    ackground: Among the various killers of women of developing world, cervical cancer remains high in the list. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide and the most common cancer in developing nations. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of cervical cancer in post-menopausal women in Jharkhand and to determine various risk factors.Methods: The study was conducted on post-menopausal females presenting in outpatient department, emergency and indoor patients admitted in the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi from March 2015 to September 2016. All post-menopausal women patients with suspected or proved cervical malignancy were included in the study.Results: The incidence of cervical cancer in this study was 16%. Maximum number of cases with cervical malignancy was in the age of 51-60 (45.83%). 45.83% of cases belonged to Hindu community. Maximum number of cases belonged to low socio-economic group (66.66%).  45.83% of cases were para 5 or more Most of the patient had more than one complains. Post-menopausal bleeding was commonest complain present in 66.66%, 77.08% came in advance stage (stage IIb+ III+ IV).Conclusions: This study showed UA-S/D ratio and UA-RI>2SD are significant predictors of perinatal deaths and immediate neonatal resuscitation in preeclampsia. Acute fetal distress in labour or neonatal nursery admission could not be predicted

    Clampless non descent vaginal hysterectomy: “A novel art”

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    Background: Objective of this study was to assess feasibility and safety of clampless non descent vaginal hysterectomy of uterus up to 16 weeks size and identifying factors that determine success of surgery.Methods: Study was conducted in 50 women with non-prolapsed uteri, with clear cut indication of hysterectomy for a benign cause, without suspected adnexal pathology. Operating time, estimated blood loss, surgical techniques, difficulties encountered during operation, operative and post-operative complications and conversion to laparotomy when needed were recorded.Results: Vaginal hysterectomy was successful in 47 cases. Bisection was required in 60% cases, myomectomy in 24% cases and morcellation in 16% cases. Amount of blood loss and operating time was proportional to size of uterus.Conclusions: Clampless non descent vaginal hysterectomy is a safe and effective procedure and for success not only size of the uterus but its all dimensions and location of fibroid should be taken into consideration.

    Partnerships with Governments to Implement In - Country Science Programmes in the South Pacific Region

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    This paper essays the design of a new cohort-based model to deliver science programmes for high school graduates and teachers teaching science in the high schools in the South Pacific. The aim is to increase the number of skilled science teachers and ultimately the number of science graduates qualified to work in not only the public-private sectors but also find solutions to unique problems faced in the South Pacific. Sustaining such programmes depends heavily on the culminated tripartite efforts between students, respective regional countries and higher education institutes. The University of the South Pacific offers selected undergraduate degree programmes through its Science Teachers Accelerated Programme (STAP) and the In-country Science Programme (ISP) in its member countries. The government bodies decide upon the discipline combinations of programme based on their countries' priority areas. The first STAP launched in Samoa in 2014 had 60 science teachers enrolled in Bachelor of Science with 5 different combination of majors. The partnership achieved well and in turn paved the way for STAP offers in Samoa (second cohort), Tonga and Vanuatu. Ideally, science students would travel to the main USP Campus in Fiji for further studies; however, with programmes like STAP and ISP, the university is able to deliver science to its various member countries at much lower costs. This paper will highlight the design and implementation of the new cohort based science model, together with the successes and opportunities for the future