15 research outputs found

    Hypopigmented mycosis fungoides: Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical remission induced by narrow-band ultraviolet B

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    Mycosis fungoides (MF) is the most common type of primary cutaneous lymphomas. Several clinical variants of MF have been described. Purely, hypopigmented variant of MF (HMF) is rare. Phototherapy, especially photochemotherapy (Psoralen and ultraviolet), is the most widely used method and is recommended as the first-line treatment for HMF. However, there are no standard guidelines for phototherapy as the disease is uncommon. We, hereby, report a 30-year-old woman with HMF in whom clinical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical remission was achieved following narrow-band ultraviolet B therapy

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma Complicating Vitiligo in an Indian Man

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    An elderly man, a known case of generalized vitiligo of long duration, presented to us with an ulcerated exophytic growth arising from the vitiliginous skin. The histopathological study confirmed the clinical suspicion of squamous cell carcinoma. Cutaneous neoplasia arising from the vitiliginous skin is a rare situation. Lack of melanin leaves the skin vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation damage, which may predispose to cutaneous neoplasia. Therefore, the importance of photoprotection has been stressed upon through this illustration

    Epidermal nevus syndrome associated with unusual neurological, ocular, and skeletal features

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    Epidermal nevus syndrome (ENS) is a rare disease, the pathogenesis of which is largely elusive. We, hereby, report an exclusive case of a 20-year-old man with verrucous ENS presented with dark colored papules and plaques along the Blaschko′s lines present over the head and neck area along with fleshy growth in both eyes since birth. Limb length discrepancy and kyphoscoliosis were remarkable. Skin biopsy was compatible with verrucous epidermal nevus while the biopsy of the ocular lesion confirmed complex choristoma. MRI brain revealed calcification in the right temporal lobe. Bilateral arachnoid cyst in the middle cranial fossa, scleral osteoma in the posterior part of the right eyeball, and deformed calvarium were evident on CECT skull and orbit. The present illustration emphasizes the importance of a punctilious work up of the case

    Cutaneous basal cell carcinoma with mixed histology: Cytomorphological features of two unusual cases

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    Cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a slow growing locally aggressive malignant tumor. It is usually diagnosed on histopathological examination of the excised biopsy. Recently, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is emerging as a simple alternative technique for rapid diagnostic work of nodular and plaque-like skin lesions. We report the cytomorphological features of two cases of cutaneous BCC having unusual clinical presentation and mixed histology (MH); emphasizing the diagnostic difficulties encountered on cytology, the plausible explanation and the precautions to keep in mind to avoid misdiagnosis