133 research outputs found

    Une base de donn\ue9e sur les primates du Miocene

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    La recherche porte l\u2019attention sur la question complexe li\ue9e \ue0 la coh\ue9rence des \ue9valuations quantitatives de l'ancien record des fossiles des primates du Mioc\ue8ne. L'ensemble des donn\ue9es ici pr\ue9sent\ue9s a \ue9t\ue9 rempli avec les informations et le format de la base de donn\ue9es propre \ue0 NOW (N\ue9og\ue8ne mammif\ue8res de l'Ancien Monde), ainsi que avec les informations suppl\ue9mentaires aupr\ue8s de sources diverses. La compilation et l'analyse des donn\ue9es a \ue9t\ue9 conduite avec une m\ue9thode quantitative. Le traitement num\ue9rique des donn\ue9es adopt\ue9es a \ue9t\ue9 particuli\ue8rement efficace dans la synth\ue8se et l'analyse de la grande quantit\ue9 d'informations contenues dans la base de donn\ue9es. Cette recherche montre une image synth\ue9tique de la coh\ue9rence de l'enregistrement des fossiles, analys\ue9s \ue0 diff\ue9rents niveaux taxonomiques, \ue0 l'\ue9poque pr\ue9c\ue9demment mentionn\ue9e, en ce qui concerne la r\ue9partition g\ue9ographique. Une analyse \ue9cologique a permis une meilleure compr\ue9hension de la variation de certains param\ue8tres tels que l'alimentation, la taille du corps et la locomotion, par rapport au temps et \ue0 la r\ue9partition g\ue9ographique

    L\u2019ibridazione interspecifica: evidenze e limiti di un fenomeno ancora da comprendere

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    L\u2019interesse per l\u2019aspetto evoluzionistico dell\u2019ibridazione interspecifica \ue8 cresciuto negli ultimi anni, a giudicare dalla mole di articoli e review pubblicati sull\u2019argomento. Fili conduttori di questi lavori sono la considerazione dell\u2019ibridazione avvenuta e la conseguente ricerca delle evidenze che la dimostrano, siano esse morfologiche o genetiche: quasi mai l\u2019evento di ibridazione viene messo in discussione, neppure quando le specie coinvolte sono caratterizzate da sbilanciamenti aneuploidi molto forti. Generalmente, l\u2019ibridazione tra specie riconosciute come distinte \ue8 impedita dall\u2019innescarsi di meccanismi d\u2019isolamento pre e postzigotici. Questa incompatibilit\ue0 ci porta a mettere in discussione la facilit\ue0 con cui lo status di ibrido sia stato stabilito in questi lavori. Scopo della presente review \ue8 quello di investigare il trend del fenomeno nel tempo e i metodi utilizzati per analizzarlo. Prendendo come punto di partenza proprio l\u2019approccio teorico di Dobzhansky, abbiamo analizzato criticamente la letteratura disponibile al riguardo, privilegiando le indagini effettuate sui mammiferi e, in modo particolare, sui primati, data la constatazione che anche minime evidenze di aneuploidia sono non vitali nell\u2019uomo. Il database che ne abbiamo ricavato ci ha permesso di verificare come l\u2019interesse nei confronti dell\u2019ibridazione sia cresciuto nel tempo e quanto il numero di specie soggette ad ibridazione sia aumentato. Tuttavia, nonostante l\u2019evoluzione delle tecniche, alcuni lavori hanno privilegiato l\u2019approccio morfologico: discriminante, ma non sufficientemente risolutivo. Gli studi che, invece, hanno investigato l\u2019aspetto genetico si sono limitati a ricercare i riarrangiamenti cromosomici che caratterizzano l\u2019ibrido (supposto). La definizione di buona specie \ue8 spesso aleatoria, in quanto frutto di concetti che rappresentano categorie mentali. Non nascondendo che l\u2019introgressione possa essere considerata un valido meccanismo di speciazione, non crediamo, tuttavia, che esso possa manifestarsi cos\uec facilmente in specie caratterizzate da profonde differenze genomiche. Riteniamo che ulteriori indagini \u2013 in particolare, mediante approcci come l\u2019ibridazione in situ miranti al confronto di ampie aree cromosomiche di omologia - siano necessarie per approfondire le nostre conoscenze su un fenomeno ancora in gran parte da comprendere

    La phylog\ue9nie des cercopithecin\ue9s encore en costruction.

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    Les cercopithecines (guenons et autres taxa corr\ue9l\ue9es) sont un groupe de singes africains qui se composent d'environ 36 r\ue9elles esp\ue8ces avec une \ue9volution et une phylog\ue9nie tr\ueas difficile \ue0 reconstruire. L\u2019approche scolaire a la tendance \ue0 proposer la clusterisation du groupe en question en deux: strictement arboricoles et terrestres. Avec la pr\ue9sente, nous analysons de fa\ue7on critique les diff\ue9rentes reconstructions phylog\ue9n\ue9tiques propos\ue9es aujourd\u2019hui tout en conduisant une analyse sur la base des aspects mol\ue9culaires, chromosomiques et \ue9cologiques des esp\ue8ces incluses dans le "groupe d'esp\ue8ces" actuellement reconnu. Cette approche multidisciplinaire inclue la morphologie, l'\ue9cologie r\ue9gionale ainsi que les r\ue9sultats des recherche s conduites dans les zones g\ue9ographiques d\u2019appartenance et d\ue9montre l'incoh\ue9rence e l\u2019insuffisance du point de vue traditionnel

    Chromosomal distribution of interstitial telomeric sequences in nine neotropical primates (Platyrrhini): possible implications in evolution and phylogeny

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    To localize interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) and to test whether their pattern of distribution could be linked to chromosomal evolution, we hybridized telomeric sequence probes (peptide nucleic acid, PNA) on metaphases of New World monkeys: Callithrix argentata, Callithrix jacchus, Cebuella pygmaea, Saguinus oedipus, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae), Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae) and Callicebus moloch (Pithecidae), characterized by a rapid radiation and a high rate of chromosomal rearrangements. Our analysis of the probe signal localization allowed us to show in all the species analysed, as normally, the telomeric location at the terminal ends of chromosomes and unexpected signal distributions in some species. Indeed, in three species among the nine studied, Aotus lemurinus griseimembra, Aotus nancymaae (Cebidae) and Lagothrix lagotricha (Atelidae), we showed a high variability in terms of localization and degree of amplification of interstitial telomeric sequences, especially for the ones found at centromeric or pericentromeric positions (het-ITS). A comparative analysis, between species, of homologous chromosomes to human syntenies, on which we have found positive interspersed PNA signals, allowed us to explain the observed pattern of ITS distribution as results of chromosomal rearrangements in the neotropical primates analysed. This evidence permitted us to discuss the possible implication of ITSs as phylogenetic markers for closely related species. Moreover, reviewing previous literature data of ITSs distribution in Primates and in the light of our results, we suggest an underestimation of ITSs and highlight the importance of the molecular cytogenetics approach in characterizing ITSs, which role is still not clarified

    Bacteria, fungi and arthropod pests collected on modern human mummies

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    A survey of opportunistic biocenosis (macro and micro organisms) associated with a rest of human mummy samples was carried out to characterise the biocenosis and to detect the potential of biodeteriogens. The rests of the human modern mummies come from a hypogeic site. Since mummies are relevant from a historic-artistic-scientific point of view, an aspect of this study was the identification and characterization of the biological systems related with biodeterioration of organic matter. In a first step, different sampling methods, according to the taxa, were applied. Technological procedures were combined in order to have an interdisciplinary approach to the conservation actions for testing future restoration protocols. Specimens were collected, identified and characterized by Microscopy (light, SEM, CLSM) and molecular analyses (DNA extraction, in vitro target sequence amplification, sequencing, sequence analysis). The results highlight a rather complex biocenonsis consisting of fungi, cyanobacteria, several insects and other arthropods

    Archaeogenetics and landscape dynamics in sicily during the holocene: A review

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    The Mediterranean islands and their population history are of considerable importance to the interpretation of the population history of Europe as a whole. In this context, Sicily, because of its geographic position, represents a bridge between Africa, the Near East, and Europe that led to the stratification of settlements and admixture events. The genetic analysis of extant and ancient human samples has tried to reconstruct the population dynamics associated with the cultural and demographic changes that took place during the prehistory and history of Sicily. In turn, genetic, demographic and cultural changes need to be understood in the context of the environmental changes that took place over the Holocene. Based on this framework, this paper aims to discuss the cultural and demographic dimension of the island by reviewing archaeogenetic studies, and lastly, we discuss the ecological constraints related to human peopling in times of change in landscapes that occurred on the island in various periods. Finally, possible directions for future archaeogenetic studies of Sicily are discussed. Despite its long human history, Sicily is still one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. The lessons we learn from the past use of landscape provide models for sustainable future management of the Mediterranean’s landscapes

    A Revised Sex Assessment of the Epigravettian Human Remain ST1 from San Teodoro Cave (Messina, Sicily)

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    Bias in skeletal sexing is well known and depends upon the completeness of the skeletal remains. The problem is very hard concerning prehistorical remains. We applied \u2018Visual methods\u2019 and \u2018Probabilistic Sex Diagnosis\u2019 (DSP) on the coxal bones on the Epigravettian skeleton (ST1) from San Teodoro (Messina, Sicily). On the basis of cranial characters and the overall robustness of the postcranial skeleton, it was suggested, since the time of the discovery, a male sex for ST1. This determination was later modified on the basis of the pelvic girdle morphology, and the skeleton was attributed the female sex for many years by large consensus. Our results indicate without ambiguity that ST1 is a male and show the importance of applying update methods of sex determination to ancient remains

    Inferences on Sicilian Mesolithic subsistence patterns from cross-sectional geometry and entheseal changes

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    Using cross-sectional geometry (CSG), entheseal changes (ECs), and presence of external auditory meatus exostosis (EAE), this study tests the hypothesis—based on isotopic and zooarchaeological evidence—that in the Sicilian Mesolithic terrestrial rather than marine resources were predominantly exploited, in substantial continuity with previous Epigravettian hunters. Results show similarities in the general frequency of ECs—a rough proxy for overall activity—with Late Pleistocene hunters, in contrast with Mesolithic coastal foragers or Neolithic herders/farmers. Yet, CSG suggests that this possible continuity in the type of resources exploited was accompanied by a behavioral change, and in particular the abandonment of the throwing technology, possibly in favor of new tools such as traps and the bow and arrow. In fact, the dramatic decrease in humeral bilateral asymmetry documented at a European level with the Pleistocene-Holocene transition can be found also in the Sicilian Mesolithic. Results for the lower limb appear compatible with a certain degree of terrestrial mobility in a rugged environment. The frequency of EAE suggests that activities related to water were present but not common; however, their prominence is difficult to determine given the small sample size. The pattern of information provided by the proxies for activity used here is complex and partially contrasting, but has the potential to integrate and enrich archeological methods and biochemical approaches. This study corroborates a varied scenario of continuity and discontinuity in subsistence at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, and highlights the importance of a regional bioarchaeological approach of human biological and behavioral adaptations

    PrP Gene Polymorphism in Medieval Remains of Sicilian Sheep

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    Encephalopathy in sheep was at first described in Ireland in 1732 and was called scrapie. Ancient DNA in archaeogenetics represents an effective method to evaluate the ancestral pedigree of living animals and track evolutionary changes occurred between the past and the present day. Since several point mutations are today widely described in modern scrapie, no data about both sequence and frequency are still available for the prion protein (PrP) gene in ancient breeds. In order to evaluate whether the haplotypes distribution in ancient sheep differed from those of the modern population we evaluated polymorphism at four well know codons of the Prp Open Reading Frame. In the present work, we collected 37 medieval sheep bone remains found at the Calathamet (n = 11), Palazzo Bonagia (n = 12) and Palazzo Steri (n = 14) Sicilians archeological sites and dated back between 9th - 15th century. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at codons 136, 141, 154 and 171 of the prion protein (PrP) were investigated using cycle sequencing. Sequenom Mass ARRAYiPLEX platform confirmed the results for 5 individuals out of 37. Cycle sequencing showed at all samples the AA136LL141RR154QQ171 (hereafter ALRQ/ALRQ) genotype except at 2 individuals showing the very susceptible genotype VLRQ/VLRQ (n = 1) and the resistant (ALRR/ ALRR) (n = 1) respectively. Supported by a high incidence of susceptible genotype to prion infection we concluded that presumably scrapie was already widespread enough in the medieval Sicily. Moreover, we described conceivable scenarios that could have underlain evolutionary changes in the medieval sheep population

    The mummy of Rosalia Lombardo at the end of 2022: an update on the status quaestionis and a reflection on the level of evidence

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    In this communication we present key new evidence on the story of the famous Salafia embalming manuscript that further clarifies the genesis of a series of studies on this topic and corroborates our assumptions published in previous articles on this matter. In the second part of the paper, we provide a concise ethical analysis of Rosalia Lombardo’s case and try to establish a level of evidence in the assessment of her preservation by comparing facts and interpretations. Finally, we call for an independent assessment of the mummy’s state of preservation and the disclosure of the full content of the Salafia manuscript. Rosali
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