56 research outputs found

    Quantum-state transfer via resonant tunnelling through local field induced barriers

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    Efficient quantum-state transfer is achieved in a uniformly coupled spin-1/2 chain, with open boundaries, by application of local magnetic fields on the second and last-but-one spins, respectively. These effective \textit{barriers} induce appearance of two eigenstates, bi-localized at the edges of the chain, which allow a high quality transfer also at relatively long distances. The same mechanism may be used to send an entire e-bit (e.g., an entangled qubit pair) from one to the other end of the chain

    Low dose of Rotigotine in post-stroke patients with vascular parkinsonism and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, effects on quality of life and rehabilitation therapy

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    Stroke is a frequent cause of disability in U.S.A. (200.000/ year). Aim: The aim of this study is to underline the effect of low dose of Rotigotine patches 2 mg/24 h, a complete dopamine agonist with continuous dopaminergic stimulation through the transdermal administration, in elderly with recent stroke and vascular Parkinsonism about quality of life and adherence to rehabilitation therapy. Methods: We have enrolled 6 elderly patients (3 males and 3 females, range age 60 – 95 years) with recent ischemic and vascular Parkinsonism. We have evaluated quality of life and cognitive function with UPDRS part III, MMSE, ADL, IADL and Morinsky Scale. At the same time we have evaluated the adherence to therapy and timing of rehabilitation therapy before and post-administration of Rotigotine 2 mg/24 hours. Conclusion: In conclusion, Rotigotine could be a new useful approach in the treatment of elderly patients with recent ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke correlated with vascular Parkinsonism which can lead to an akinesia with the need to start rehabilitation therapy. Our preliminary data gives comfortable results but, at this time, we have enrolled only few patients to give conclusive results


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    Il rotenone, pesticida naturale utilizzato in agricoltura biologica su una grande varietà di colture, è stato determinato quantitativamente mediante Atmosheric Pressure Chemical Ionisation Spettrometria di Massa Tandem (APCI MS/MS) nelle olive e negli oli di oliva ottenuti dopo trattamento in una prova di campo che ha interessato la cv Carolea in Calabria. La tecnica analitica ha previsto la realizzazione di esperimenti “Multiple Reaction Monitoring” (MRM) utilizzando uno standard interno ottenuto per sintesi. Le quantità rilevate sono comprese tra 9 mg/Kg di olio dopo 1 giorno dal trattamento e 0.15 mg/Kg di olio dopo 1 mese circa dal trattamento. Quest’ultimo valore è molto più elevato dei 40 µg/Kg permessi dalla legislazione italiana

    Bergamot natural products eradicate cancer stem cells (CSCs) by targeting mevalonate, Rho-GDI-signalling and mitochondrial metabolism

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    Here, we show that a 2:1 mixture of Brutieridin and Melitidin, termed “BMF”, has a statin-like properties, which blocks the action of the rate-limiting enzyme for mevalonate biosynthesis, namely HMGR (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- CoA-reductase). Moreover, our results indicate that BMF functionally inhibits several key characteristics of CSCs. More specifically, BMF effectively i) reduced ALDH activity, ii) blocked mammosphere formation and iii) inhibited the activation of CSC-associated signalling pathways (STAT1/3, Notch and Wnt/ beta-catenin) targeting Rho-GDI-signalling. In addition, BMF metabolically inhibited mitochondrial respiration (OXPHOS) and fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Importantly, BMF did not show the same toxic side-effects in normal fibroblasts that were observed with statins. Lastly, we show that high expression of the mRNA species encoding HMGR is associated with poor clinical outcome in breast cancer patients, providing a potential companion diagnostic for BMF-directed personalized therapy

    Engineering a Spin-Orbit Bandgap in Graphene-Tellurium Heterostructures

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    Intensive research has focused on harnessing the potential of graphene for electronic, optoelectronic, and spintronic devices by generating a bandgap at the Dirac point and enhancing the spin-orbit interaction in the graphene layer. Proximity to heavy p elements is a promising approach; however, their interaction in graphene heterostructures has not been as intensively studied as that of ferromagnetic, noble, or heavy d metals, neither as interlayers nor as substrates. In this study, the effective intercalation of Te atoms in a graphene on Ir(111) heterostructure is achieved. Combining techniques such as low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy, the structural evolution of the system as a function of the Te coverage is elucidated, uncovering up to two distinct phases. The presented angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy analysis reveals the emergence of a bandgap of about 240 meV in the Dirac cone at room temperature, which preserves its characteristic linear dispersion. Furthermore, a pronounced n-doping effect induced by Te in the heterostructure is also observed, and remarkably the possibility of tuning the Dirac point energy towards the Fermi level by reducing the Te coverage while maintaining the open bandgap is demonstrated. Spin-resolved measurements unveil a non-planar chiral spin texture with significant splitting values for both in-plane and out-of-plane spin components. These experimental findings are consistent with the development of a quantum spin Hall phase, where a Te-enhanced intrinsic spin orbit coupling in graphene surpasses the Rashba one and promotes the opening of the spin-orbit bandgap.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanics of cell wall remodelling in mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Organic Materials of Pharmacological Interest, Ciclo XXV, a.a. 2012UniversitĂ  degli Studi della Calabri
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