2 research outputs found

    Pembuatan sabun mandi padat susu kambing dengan ekstrak eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes)

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    Keberadaan eceng gondok di perairan membuat cahaya matahari sulit menembus perairan dan mengurangi kandungan oksigen di dalam perairan. Dengan populasi yang melimpah dan pengendalian yang kurang optimal, eceng gondok digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam pembuatan sabun. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan ekstrak eceng gondok adalah maserasi dengan perendaman selama 1x24 jam. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah sabun susu kambing dengan penambahan ekstrak eceng gondok. Oleh karena itu untuk mengurangi limbah tanaman eceng gondok maka perlu dilakukan pengolahan tanaman eceng gondok menjadi sabun batang organik dengan penambahan susu kambing, sehingga limbah dari tanaman eceng gondok memiliki nilai ekonomi bagi masyarakat, tidak hanya mencemari perairan

    Training On Management of 3 R (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle) Coconut Waste (Cocos Nucifera L) as Planting Pots Media for Mothers in Tiwu Galih Village

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    Real Work Lecture (KKN) is a community service activity that involves students as participants and lecturers as supervisors that focus on the Desapreneur theme. Utilization of coconut coir waste is a product to minimize waste is the 3R. The first principle of Reduce is an activity that can reduce and prevent waste accumulation. The second principle of Reuse is the activity of reusing waste that is fit for use for the same or another function. The third principle of Recycle is the activity of processing waste into new products. In this case, Recycle is the principle that makes a new product, through coconut coir waste it will be made into a media for planting pots. Unused coir waste will have economic value and this is one part of the Desapreneur program which aims to minimize coconut coir waste in the Bogak neighborhood, Tiwu Galih Village. The implementation method is carried out using a qualitative method with implementation in the form of an initial survey as well as practical training in making products. The results issued are kokedama products or plant pot media from coconut fiber. &nbsp