69 research outputs found

    Seed germination of three provenances of arbutus Andrachne L. in response to different pretreatments, temperature and light

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    Seeds of Arbutus andrachne possess a physiological dormancy that prevents synchronized and rapid germina­ tion. The seeds were subjected to different pretreatments involving hot water, concentrated sulphuric acid, gibberellic acid and cold-moist stratification to break the dormancy. To determine the effects of temperature and light on seed germination they were treated with gibberellic acid and incubated at 20 and 24°C in light or dark. Gennination ability of seeds from different sources was also compared to determine the effect of source environment. Compared with the control, sulphuıic acid treatments were not effective in enhancing germination of A. andrachne seeds and hot water scarification was also not successful. When averaged over ali provenances, cold moist-stratification at 4°C for 8 to 12 weeks or treatment of seeds with 200-800 mg 1-1 gibberellic acid (GA3) greatly increased germination percentage at 24°C in dark. Also, there was a remark­ able effect of provenance on the gennination percentage. Seeds treated with 400 mg J- 1 GA3 did not exhibit an obligate light requirement during germination, but germination rate was higher under light condition although temperature (20 or 24°C) did not affect germination performance

    Defoliation levels of oriental spruce by Ips typographus (L.) in relation to elevation and exposure

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    Astudy concerning the effects of elevation and exposure of the spruce forests on defoliation levels of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) by Ips typographus L. wascarried outduring 2005 and 2006 in Artvin-Hatila National Park, Turkey. Nine spruce standswere selected at 3 zonesofelevations (1000-1350 m, 1350-1700 m and 1700-2000 m) and at different aspects to assess the role of elevation and exposure in the crown defoliation level and body length of beetles. Influence of bark thickness and trunk diameter at 1.3 m on the damage caused by the pestwas investigated aswell. The results of the study were as follows: (1) The mean defoliation level was highest at 1700-2000 m following by 1350-1700 m and 1000-1350 m. (2) The highest defoliation levels occurredonsouthernslopes following byeasternand northernslopesat 1700-2000 m. (3) Nostatistical differenceswere found in the mean barkthicknessbetween tree defoliation levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.(4) Mean trunk diameters of deadtrees(level 4) were significantly greater than thosewith defoliation levels 0, 1 and 2. (5) Mean body length of I. typographus at upper zones was significantly higher than those at middle and lower zones

    Effects of site preparation tıme on seed germination and seedling survival rate in mixed species conifer forest stands in Giresun, Turkey

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    This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the year of site preparation relative to that of large-scale seed dispersal on seed germination and seedling survival success for natural regeneration of oriental spruce in a mixed forest of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis) and Caucasian fir (Abies nordmanniana) in the Pasakonagi region of Giresun province, Turkey. Two ecologically similar sites, both 120 years of age with an area of 12 ha (site 20) or 15 ha (site 21) were selected. Seed-tree cutting, site preparation and soil tillage activities were performed in "site 20" in 2014, which was a low seed year, and in "site 21" in 2015, which was an abundant seed year, respectively. Oriental spruce trees at both sites dispersed an average of 363 seeds/m(2) in the abundant seed year of 2015, and 92,840 and 143,704 oriental spruce seedlings per ha germinated from these seeds in 2016 in sites 20 and 21, respectively. Seedling number decreased significantly until May 2018 by 34.04% and 49.82% in "site 20" and 21, respectively (P<0.05). The greatest significant decrease took place during the first winter germination occurred. Taller and stockier seedlings occurred at "site 21" where site preparation and soil tillage was carried out in the same year as seed dispersal (P<0.05)

    Dormancy breaking in cotinus coggygria Scop. seeds of three provenances

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    With the objective of studying the effect of pretreatments involving sulfuric acid scarification, cold moist stratification, and scarification followed by stratification on germination of Cotinus coggygria Scop. seeds of different provenances, fruits were collected in three provenances from Artvin, Turkey. Sulfuric acid was not found an effective scarifying agent for breaking seed coat dormancy in C. coggygria seeds. Germination percentage and germination rate increased significantly with increasing stratification duration (30 to 120 days), with optimum at 120 days for all seed provenances. When averaged over all provenances, cold stratification for 3 months resulted higher germination percentage (GP = 72.3%) and germination rate (PV = 8.2) than that of scarification. Also, germination response for different scarification and stratification treatments revealed a significant difference on germination of the provenances. Seeds scarified with sulfuric acid followed by cold moist stratification showed significant improvement for germination performance. Highest improvement observed under scarifi- cation (20 - 40 min) followed by stratification (30 or 60 days) treatments (GP > 90%; PV > 16), and seeds from three provenances exhibited uniformity in response

    Priprema plana uzgajanja šuma u Turskoj: Sažetak primjera upravnog odjela Hisar šume

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    Forestry resources are managed by long, middle and short term national, regional and local scale plans, programs and special arrangements to consider international and national purposes. The smallest administrative and planning units of forest area in Turkey are the Forest Administration Chief Offices. Planning units are managed by forest management plans prepared in accordance with Ecosystem-based Multiple Use Forest Management principles. The application steps of forest management plans are the silvicultural plans. Although the preparation of silviculture plans in the last five-year period in Turkey is included in the planning process as a legal challenge, a definite standard cannot be formed in the preparation and application of the silviculture plans. In this article, silvicultural plan of Hisar Administration Chief Office selected as the pilot area in order to find solutions to the specified problems were prepared. The process of preparing silviculture plan has been introduced comprehensively. The process begins after the completion of forest management plans. Silviculture plan preparation process, the measurement and evaluation on the forest land, geographical database design, the preparation of silvicultural treatment prescriptions, the production of output such as table, graph and maps, and application, monitoring and evaluation are composed of stages.Šumskim resursima se upravlja dugoročnim, srednjoročnim i kratkoročnim nacionalnim, regionalnim i lokalnim planom, programom i posebnim uredbama, imajući u vidu međunarodne i nacionalne ciljeve.. U Turskoj je najmanja jedinica gospodarenja šumom šumski upravni odjel. Šumski upravnim odjelom se upravljaju na osnovi planova eksploatacije šuma koji se pripremaju prema načelima Višestrukog planiranja zasnovanog na Ekosustavu. Uprkos tome, što je u Turskoj u zadnjih pet godina proces pripreme planiranja šumskouzgojnih radova uvršten kao zakonska obveza, ipak u pogledu pripreme planova i njihove primjene nije se uspostavio jedan određeni standard. U ovom članku, s ciljem da se se iznađe rješenje za navedene probleme, sačinjen je plan šumskouzgojnih radova gdje je odabran šumski upravni odjel Hisar šume. Proces počinje nakon upotpunjavanja planova u vezi eksploatacije šume. Sastoji se iz sljedećih faza primjene i nadzora: radovi na terenu, izrada geografske baze podataka, priprema rješenja u pogledu intervencija kada se radi o uzgoju šuma, izrada tabela, grafikona i karata

    Preparation of silvicultural plans in pinus sylvestris l. forests: case study of oltu planning unit

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    This study was carried out as part of the project 2016. F10.02.02 supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordinatorship of Artvin Coruh University (ACUBAP). Foremost, we thank (ACUBAP) for the support they provided. Also, we extend our thanks to the Anatolia Environment Forestry Mapping Inc. Company (ANCEO), the General Directorate of Forestry and the Faculty of Forestry of Artvin Coruh University for all the support and help they provided during the preparation of the silvicultural plan and the forest management plan and for the acquisition of the data.Forest resources in Turkey, according to the principles of ecosystem-based, multiple-use management approach, forest management chief/planning units are governed by forest management plans. Forest management planning process involves taking inventory, preparing the database with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), determining the forest management units and silvicultural treatments, and the preparation phase. After its completion begins the process of preparing silvicultural plans. First, in the regeneration areas, ecological conditions are evaluated and tree seeds are measured. Then regeneration methods are applied in this area and a detailed spatial and temporal planning is performed. Three different silvicultural plan tables are prepared by the forestry legislation. Beside the preparation of silvicultural plans, its enforcement has put an additional workload on forest management chief officers. Selected as a pilot region, the preparing of a silvicultural plan and monitoring its application with geographic database was undertaken at Oltu Forest Planning Unit. First of all, afforestation, regeneration and tending areas according to forest management plan were measured and evaluated. Then, the existing geographic database was updated to prepare the silvicultural plan. Then, in order to prepare and perform silvicultural prescriptions, spatial and temporal arrangements were added to the geodatabase. In the next step, the allowable cut was calculated. Finally, silvicultural treatments were applied at regeneration and tending areas, and illustrated with tables, graphs and maps. The paper is a case study for Oltu Forest Planning Unit, consisting mostly of Pinus sylvestris, while other tree species should be supported by a similar study in Turkey, particularly for mixed stands

    Doğu kayını ormanında yapılan aralamanın, büyüme, kök biyokütlesi ve toprak özellikleri üzerine etkileri

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    In this study, three thinning treatments were applied on a 0.54 ha, young oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) stand (25-30 years old) in Karadag, Artvin in the fall of 1999. The treatments were: (1) no thinning, (2) light thinning, and (3) heavy thinning. Prior to thinning, the stand averaged 15000 trees ha-1 and 40.0 m2 ha-1 of basal area, with an average mean diameter of 5 cm. Thinning reduced stand basal areas to about 31.1 and 24.9 m2 ha-1 for the light and heavy thinning treatments, respectively. After 3-year, diameter increment was the highest in heavily thinned stand and the lowest in unthinned stand. The increment in stand basal area was about 10, 18 and 27 % in the unthinned, lightly thinned, and heavily thinned stands, respectively. Fine root biomass significantly decreased with thinning and thinning had no significant effects on soil pH and soil organic matter content.Bu çalışmada, Karadağ - Artvin bölgesinde ve 0.54 ha büyüklüğündeki ve sırıklık çağındaki (25-30 yaş) doğal doğu kayını ormanında, üç farklı aralama işlemi (kontrol, mutedil aralama ve şiddetli aralama) Kasım 1999 tarihinde yapılmıştır. Aralamadan önce meşceredeki ağaç sayısı ortalama 15000 adet ha-1, göğüs yüzeyi 40.0 m2 ha-1 ve çap 5 cm olarak belirlenmiştir. Hafif ve şiddetli aralama sonucunda meşcere göğüs yüzeyleri yaklaşık olarak 31.1 ve 24.9 m2 ha-1’ a düşürülmüştür. Üç yıl sonunda çap artımı şiddetli aralama yapılan parsellerde en yüksek olarak belirlenmiş ve göğüs yüzeyindeki artış şiddetli müdahale yapılan parsellerde %27, mutedil aralama da %18 ve kontrol de ise %10 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kılcal kök kütlesi, şiddetli aralamaya maruz kalan parsellerde, kontrol ve mutedil aralama parsellerine oranla istatistik anlamda azalma göstermiştir. Toprak pH’ sı ve organik madde içeriği aralama ve kontrol parselleri arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermemiştir

    Doğu karadeniz bölgesi’nde iklim değişimi ve doğu ladini (pıcea orıentalıs) ekosistemleri

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    Climate change has been getting more attention from scientific community recently. Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey will get significant influences from the climate change according to regional climate model (RegCM3). Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.) is an important tree species of Turkey and it only grows in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. With the increase in global warming, spruce forests started to have serious bark beetle problems. More than 200 000 trees died in the region recently due to bark beetle attack. We used existing literature related to oriental spruce and future climate of the region and field observations done in the different times to assess current status of the spruce stands. Future climate of the region has been predicted using RegCM3 regional climate model. Climate change could significantly influence distribution, diversity, structure and stability of the oriental spruce ecosystems. According to RegCM3 regional climate model, the temperatures will increase 2-4 °C in the region in the next century. Future climate scenarios predict 200-300 mm increases in precipitation in the eastern part of the region while the western part won't have any increase in precipitation in the next century. Temperature increases in the western part of the region can cause more stress on spruce trees and would probably increase bark beetle attacks. Also, fire could become an important threat in the western part of the region. It is possible to observe 400- 800 m upward shift in the spruce belt in the western part. Treeline of spruce stands would probably move upward both in western and eastern part of the North-eastern Blacksea Regionİklim değişimi son zamanlarda bilim insanlarının dikkatini önemli ölçüde üzerine çekmektedir. Bölgesel İklim Modeline (RegCM3) göre Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi iklim değişiminden önemli ölçüde etkilenecektir. Doğu ladini ülkemizin önemli bir orman ağacı olup sadece Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde yayılış göstermektedir. Küresel ısınmanın artması ile doğu ladini ormanları önemli düzeyde kabuk böceği problemi ile karşı karşıya kalmışlardır. Bölgede 200.000 den fazla ladin ağacı kabuk böceklerinin zararından kurumuştur. Bu çalışmada mevcut literatürlerin ve arazi gözlemlerinin ışığında, iklim değişiminin ladin ormanlarına etkisi irdelenmiştir. Bölgenin gelecekteki iklimi RegCM3 modeli kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. İklim değişimi, ladin ekosistemlerinin çeşitlilik, yapı ve stabilitesini önemli ölçüde etkileyebilecektir. RegCM3 modeline göre bölgenin sıcaklıkları 2-4 °C artabilecektir. Ayrıca Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinin batı kısmında yağış artışı beklenmezken, doğu kısmında (Rize ve Artvin) 200-300 mm yağış artışı tahmin edilmektedir. Bölgenin batısındaki sıcaklık artışı ladin ekosistemlerinin daha fazla strese maruz kalmasına neden olacak ve kabuk böceği salgınlarını artırabilecektir. Ayrıca, bölgenin batısındaki ladin ekosistemlerinde yangın önemli bir problem olabilecektir. Bölgenin batısında ladin kuşağı muhtemelen 400-800 m yukarı kayacaktır. Ağaç sınır Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinin hem batı hem de doğusunda muhtemelen yukarı yöne kayacaktır

    Root biomass and carbon storage in oriental spruce and beech stands in Artvin, Turkey

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    In this study, influence of slope position (south-facing vs. north-facing), species type and sampling time on fine(0-2 mm), small (2-5 mm) and coarse (5-10 mm) root biomass and carbon storage of oriental spruce (Picea orientalis) and oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) were investigated. Mean total root biomass of oriental spruce was 20160 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes and 17140 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes. Mean total belowground C storage of oriental spruce was 7861 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes and 6840 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes. Similarly, biomass and C storage of oriental beech were 17190 and 6690 kg ha-1 in south-facing slopes, and 13260 and 5200 kg ha-1 in north-facing slopes, respectively. Oriental spruce had significantly higher fine root biomass than did oriental beech in south-facing slopes. Fine root biomass was significantly higher in fall than in spring in south-facing slopes