34 research outputs found

    Toll-like Receptor-4 Regulation of Hepatic Cyp3a11 Metabolism in a Mouse Model of LPS-induced CNS Inflammation

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    Central nervous system (CNS) infection and inflammation severely reduce the capacity of cytochrome P-450 metabolism in the liver. We developed a mouse model to examine the effects of CNS inflammation on hepatic cytochrome P-450 metabolism. FVB, C57BL/6, and C3H/HeouJ mice were given Escherichia coli LPS (2.5 μg) by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection. The CNS inflammatory response was confirmed by the elevation of TNF-α and/or IL-1β proteins in the brain. In all mouse strains, LPS produced a 60–70% loss in hepatic Cyp3a11 expression and activity compared with saline-injected controls. Adrenalectomy did not prevent the loss in Cyp3a11 expression or activity, thereby precluding the involvement of the hypothalamic-adrenal-pituitary axis. Endotoxin was detectable (1–10 ng/ml) in serum between 15 and 120 min after ICV dosing of 2.5 μg LPS. Peripheral administration of 2.5 μg LPS by intraperitoneal injection produced similar serum endotoxin levels and a similar loss (60%) in Cyp3a11 expression and activity in the liver. The loss of Cyp3a11 in response to centrally or peripherally administered LPS could not be evoked in Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4)-mutant (C3H/ HeJ) mice, indicating that TLR4 signaling pathways are directly involved in the enzyme loss. In summary, we conclude that LPS is transferred from the brain to the circulation in significant quantities in a model of CNS infection or inflammation. Subsequently, LPS that has reached the circulation stimulates a TLR4-dependent mechanism in the periphery, evoking a reduction in Cyp3a11 expression and metabolism in the liver

    The pesticide adjuvant, Toximul™, alters hepatic metabolism through effects on downstream targets of PPARα

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    AbstractPrevious studies demonstrated that chronic dermal exposure to the pesticide adjuvant (surfactant), Toximul™ (Tox), has significant detrimental effects on hepatic lipid metabolism. This study demonstrated that young mice dermally exposed to Tox for 12 days have significant increases in expression of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase (mRNA and protein), bifunctional enzyme (mRNA) and thiolase (mRNA), as well as the P450 oxidizing enzymes Cyp4A10 and Cyp4A14 (mRNA and protein). Tox produced a similar pattern of increases in wild type adult female mice but did not induce these responses in PPARα-null mice. These data support the hypothesis that Tox, a heterogeneous blend of nonionic and anionic surfactants, modulates hepatic metabolism at least in part through activation of PPARα. Notably, all three groups of Tox-treated mice had increased relative liver weights due to significant accumulation of lipid. This could be endogenous in nature and/or a component(s) of Tox or a metabolite thereof. The ability of Tox and other hydrocarbon pollutants to induce fatty liver despite being PPARα agonists indicates a novel consequence of exposure to this class of chemicals, and may provide a new understanding of fatty liver in populations with industrial exposure

    Chemerin-156 is the Active Isoform in Human Hepatic Stellate Cells

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    The chemokine chemerin exists as C-terminally processed isoforms whose biological functions are mostly unknown. A highly active human chemerin variant (huChem-157) was protective in experimental hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) models. Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are central mediators of hepatic fibrogenesis and carcinogenesis and express the chemerin receptors chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1) and G protein-coupled receptor 1 (GPR1). Here we aimed to analyse the effect of chemerin isoforms on the viability, proliferation and secretome of the human HSC cell line LX-2. Therefore, huChem-157, 156 and 155 were over-expressed in LX-2 cells, which have low endogenous chemerin levels. HuChem-157 produced in LX-2 cells activated CMKLR1 and GPR1, and huChem-156 modestly induced GPR1 signaling. HuChem-155 is an inactive chemerin variant. Chemerin isoforms had no effect on cell viability and proliferation. Cellular expression of the fibrotic proteins galectin-3 and alpha-smooth muscle actin was not regulated by any chemerin isoform. HuChem-156 increased IL-6, IL-8 and galectin-3 in cell media. HuChem-157 was ineffective, and accordingly, did not enhance levels of these proteins in media of primary human hepatic stellate cells when added exogenously. These analyses provide evidence that huChem-156 is the biologic active chemerin variant in hepatic stellate cells and acts as a pro-inflammatory factor

    The impact of chemerin or chemokine-like receptor 1 loss on the mouse gut microbiome

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    Chemerin is an adipocyte derived signalling molecule (adipokine) that serves as a ligand activator of Chemokine-like receptor 1(CMKLR1). Chemerin/CMKLR1 signalling is well established to regulate fundamental processes in metabolism and inflammation. The composition and function of gut microbiota has also been shown to impact the development of metabolic and inflammatory diseases such as obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. In this study, we assessed the microbiome composition of fecal samples isolated from wildtype, chemerin, or CMKLR1 knockout mice using Illumina-based sequencing. Moreover, the knockout mice and respective wildtype mice used in this study were housed at different universities allowing us to compare facility-dependent effects on microbiome composition. While there was no difference in alpha diversity within samples when compared by either facility or genotype, we observed a dramatic difference in the presence and abundance of numerous taxa between facilities. There were minor differences in bacterial abundance between wildtype and chemerin knockout mice, but significantly more differences in taxa abundance between wildtype and CMKLR1 knockout mice. Specifically, CMKLR1 knockout mice exhibited decreased abundance of Akkermansia and Prevotella, which correlated with body weight in CMKLR1 knockout, but not wildtype mice. This is the first study to investigate a linkage between chemerin/CMKLR1 signaling and microbiome composition. The results of our study suggest that chemerin/CMKLR1 signaling influences metabolic processes through effects on the gut microbiome. Furthermore, the dramatic difference in microbiome composition between facilities might contribute to discrepancies in the metabolic phenotype of CMKLR1 knockout mice reported by independent groups. Considered altogether, these findings establish a foundation for future studies to investigate the relationship between chemerin signaling and the gut microbiome on the development and progression of metabolic and inflammatory disease

    The chemerin knockout rat reveals chemerin dependence in female, but not male, experimental hypertension

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    Measures of the adipokine chemerin are elevated in multiple cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, but little mechanistic work has been done to implicate chemerin as being causative in such diseases. The chemerin knockout (KO) rat was created to test the hypothesis that removal of chemerin would reduce pressure in the normal and hypertensive state. Western analyses confirmed loss of chemerin in the plasma and tissues of the KO vs. wild‐type (WT) rats. Chemerin concentration in plasma and tissues was lower in WT females than in WT males, as determined by Western analysis. Conscious male and female KO rats had modest differences in baseline measures vs. the WT that included systolic, diastolic, mean arterial and pulse pressures, and heart rate, all measured telemetrically. The mineralocorticoid deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) and salt water, combined with uninephrectomy as a hypertensive stimulus, elevated mean and systolic blood pressures of the male KO higher than the male WT. By contrast, all pressures in the female KO were lower than their WT throughout DOCA‐salt treatment. These results revealed an unexpected sex difference in chemerin expression and the ability of chemerin to modify blood pressure in response to a hypertensive challenge.—Watts, S. W., Darios, E. S., Mullick, A. E., Garver, H., Saunders, T. L., Hughes, E. D., Filipiak, W. E., Zeidler, M. G., McMullen, N., Sinal, C. J., Kumar, R. K., Ferland, D. J., Fink, G. D. The chemerin knockout rat reveals chemerin dependence in female, but not male, experimental hypertension. FASEB J. 32, 6596–6614 (2018). www.fasebj.orgPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154357/1/fsb2fj201800479.pd

    Hepatocyte expressed chemerin-156 does not protect from experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a rapidly growing liver disease. The chemoattractant chemerin is abundant in hepatocytes, and hepatocyte expressed prochemerin protected from NASH. Prochemerin is inactive and different active isoforms have been described. Here, the effect of hepatocyte expressed muChem-156, a highly active murine chemerin isoform, was studied in the methionine-choline deficient dietary model of NASH. Mice overexpressing muChem-156 had higher hepatic chemerin protein. Serum chemerin levels and the capability of serum to activate the chemerin receptors was unchanged showing that the liver did not release active chemerin. Notably, activation of the chemerin receptors by hepatic vein blood did not increase in parallel to total chemerin protein in patients with liver cirrhosis. In experimental NASH, muChem-156 had no effect on liver lipids. Accordingly, overexpression of active chemerin in hepatocytes or treatment of hepatocytes with recombinant chemerin did not affect cellular triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Importantly, overexpression of muChem-156 in the murine liver did not change the hepatic expression of inflammatory and profibrotic genes. The downstream targets of chemerin such as p38 kinase were neither activated in the liver of muChem-156 producing mice nor in HepG2, Huh7 and Hepa1-6 cells overexpressing this isoform. Recombinant chemerin had no effect on global gene expression of primary human hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells within 24 h of incubation. Phosphorylation of p38 kinase was, however, increased upon short-time incubation of HepG2 cells with chemerin. These findings show that muChem-156 overexpression in hepatocytes does not protect from liver steatosis and inflammation

    The Hippo component YAP localizes in the nucleus of human papilloma virus positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: HPV infection causes cervical cancer, mediated in part by the degradation of Scribble via the HPV E6 oncoprotein. Recently, Scribble has been shown to be an important regulator of the Hippo signaling cascade. Deregulation of the Hippo pathway induces an abnormal cellular transformation, epithelial to mesenchymal transition, which promotes oncogenic progression. Given the recent rise in oropharyngeal HPV squamous cell carcinoma we sought to determine if Hippo signaling components are implicated in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Methods: Molecular and cellular techniques including immunoprecipiations, Western blotting and immunocytochemistry were used to identify the key Hippo pathway effector Yes-Associated Protein (YAP)1. Oropharyngeal tissue was collected from CO2 laser resections, and probed with YAP1 antibody in tumor and pre-malignant regions of HPV positive OPSCC tissue. Results: This study reveals that the Scribble binding protein Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Adaptor Protein (NOS1AP) forms a complex with YAP. Further, the NOS1APa and NOS1APc isoforms show differential association with activated and non-activated YAP, and impact cellular proliferation. Consistent with deregulated Hippo signaling in OPSCC HPV tumors, we see a delocalization of Scribble and increased nuclear accumulation of YAP1 in an HPV-positive OPSCC. Conclusion: Our preliminary data indicates that NOS1AP isoforms differentially associate with YAP1, which, together with our previous findings, predicts that loss of YAP1 enhances cellular transformation. Moreover, YAP1 is highly accumulated in the nucleus of HPV-positive OPSCC, implying that Hippo signaling and possibly NOS1AP expression are de-regulated in OPSCC. Further studies will help determine if NOS1AP isoforms, Scribble and Hippo components will be useful biomarkers in OPSCC tumor biology

    Chemerin Overexpression in the Liver Protects against Inflammation in Experimental Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is marked by macrophage infiltration and inflammation. Chemerin is a chemoattractant protein and is abundant in hepatocytes. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the role of hepatocyte-produced prochemerin in NASH. Therefore, mice were infected with adeno-associated virus 8 to direct hepatic overexpression of prochemerin in a methionine–choline deficient dietary model of NASH. At the end of the study, hepatic and serum chemerin were higher in the chemerin-expressing mice. These animals had less hepatic oxidative stress, F4/80 and CC-chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) protein, and mRNA levels of inflammatory genes than the respective control animals. In order to identify the underlying mechanisms, prochemerin was expressed in hepatocytes and the hepatic stellate cells, LX-2. Here, chemerin had no effect on cell viability, production of inflammatory, or pro-fibrotic factors. Notably, cultivation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the supernatant of Huh7 cells overexpressing chemerin reduced CCL2, interleukin-6, and osteopontin levels in cell media. CCL2 was also low in RAW264.7 cells exposed to Hepa1–6 cell produced chemerin. In summary, the current study showed that prochemerin overexpression had little effect on hepatocytes and hepatic stellate cells. Of note, hepatocyte-produced chemerin deactivated PBMCs and protected against inflammation in experimental NASH

    Role of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Postischemic Recovery of Heart Contractile Function

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    Cytochrome P450 epoxygenases metabolize arachidonic acid to epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) which are converted to dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (DHETs) by soluble epoxide hydrolase (Ephx2, sEH). To examine the functional role of sEH in the heart, mice with targeted disruption of the Ephx2 gene were studied. Hearts from sEH null mice have undetectable levels of sEH mRNA and protein and cannot convert EETs to DHETs. sEH null mice have normal heart anatomy and basal contractile function, but have higher fatty acid epoxide:diol ratios in plasma and cardiomyocyte cell culture media compared with wild type (WT). sEH null hearts have improved recovery of left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) and less infarction compared with WT hearts after 20 minutes ischemia. Perfusion with the putative EET receptor antagonist 14,15-epoxyeicosa-5(Z)-enoic acid (10 to 100 nmol/L) before ischemia abolishes this cardioprotective phenotype. Inhibitor studies demonstrate that perfusion with phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitors wortmannin (200 nmol/L) or LY294002 (5 μmol/L), the ATP-sensitive K+ channel (KATP) inhibitor glibenclamide (1 μmol/L), the mitochondrial KATP (mitoKATP) inhibitor 5-hydroxydecanoate (100 to 200 μmol/L), or the Ca2+-sensitive K+ channel (KCa) inhibitor paxilline (10 μmol/L) abolishes the cardioprotection in sEH null hearts. Consistent with increased activation of the PI3K cascade, sEH null mice exhibit increased cardiac expression of glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) phospho-protein after ischemia. Together, these data suggest that targeted disruption of sEH increases the availability of cardioprotective EETs that work by activating PI3K signaling pathways and K+ channels