33 research outputs found
UKM di Indonesia sebagian besar masih dikelola dengan metode tradisional, sentuhan teknologi informasi
belum optimal. Disisi lain jumlah pelanggan atau transaksi yang dilakukan oleh UKM bisa tidak dalam nilai
kecil lagi. Salah satu pendekatan bisnis modern adalah dengan memperhatikan faktor pelanggan, bukan saja
sebelum transasksi, tapi tidak kalah penting adalah setelah transasksi. Aplikasi pada bidang teknologi informasi
pada domain ini disebut dengan Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Permasalahan pengembangan
CRM lebih melihat kepada perusahaan besar dan budaya barat. Penelitian ini mencoba mengembangkan model
CRM yang disesuaikan dengan budaya masyarakat dan model bisnis UKM di Indonesia, serta juga
memperhatikan tingkat penetrasi teknologi informasi secara umum. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah
menggunakan model 'lokalisasi' sosial budaya yang telah banyak dipergunakan pada produk elektronik
Determining News Category with JAVA and MySQL
Existing news portals on the WWW have aim to provide
users with numerous of articles that are categorized into
specific topics. Such a categorized procedure improves presentation
of the information to the end-user [1]. Classifying
of news article is determined by editor. The category
of news article is easily to determine if we do manual edition.
But how the computer will perform their task, and
how it can determine the category? In a fact we can create
a tool to determine the news category (the news in Indonesian
language) by using the JAVA Programming Language
that combined by WF and MySQL database. We can implement
some text mining techniques in the application that we
have created.
Hopefully it electronically can help the editorial staff
system to classify or to know the article’s category, so that
it will reduce cost and time consuming
Decision Support System On Operating System
The micro-computing world of the ´ 90s is more volatile
ever, not only having choices on which hardware to buy
(and the brands to choose from seem to be endless).
Nowadays, many stuff based on computer technology.
Computer needs an operating system to handle the task.
Open source gave paradigm in operating system developing.
Now, we have to decide which operating system (
OS ) we are going to run on our computers. MS Windows
is a leader operating system in desktop, Linux will be a
leader operating system in server of internet. Currently,
Linux give high effort to bring the operating system to
desktop and entertainment. Many platform of hardware
also were produced to fulfill the need of IT activities. A
lot of applications have highly increased since twenty
years ago. Many application can run in more operating
system and hardware platform. The user need to consider
which operating system appropriate to his system and
purpose. In this paper, we will demonstrate matrix decision
approach for decision support system (DSS) in choosing
operating system. Section one will look at the relations
between applications and hardware platform which related
to operating system. Methodology of decision based on
matrix decision will discuss in section two. Section three
will look at some example scenarios in choosing operating
Mewujudkan interoperabilitas e-government sama susahnya dengan membangun e-government. Banyak isu laten yang menjadi kendala di lapangan yang dapat menghambatnya, seperti ego sektoral, privacy, sistem yang heterogen. Ada pilihan metodologi dalam memwujudkan interoperabilitas, namun khusus untuk menimalisir isu laten memerlukan langkah yang cukup revolusioner yaitu dengan mengkombinasikan metode yang ada menjadi satu metode baru yang disebut metode SPOT. Dengan metode ini diharapkan proses-prosen ontology dan interoperabilitas dapat dimulai dengan baik tanpa menggangu wilayah kerja dari masing-masing instansi pemerintahan.
Keywords: interoperabilitas, e-government, ontology, metode spotv
Image Analysis Using ImageTool to Detect Dangerous Object in Airport Baggage Scanner
Airport is one of the vital places that need very extra
security level. The major problem is how to optimize current
airport security system to increase security and flight
passenger’s comfort. In this paper we suggest an idea to increase airport security by implementation of image mining
in scanner machine as an early warning if there are dangerous
Dengan semakin bertambahnya jumlah transaksi database sangat penting untuk membuat data tersebut lebih bermanfaat bagi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan laba. Metode data mining bisa digunakan untuk mengolah data dengan cara mengelompokkan masing-masing pembeli dan mempelajari tingkah laku pembeli dalam melakukan transaksi. Dengan informasi yang dihasilkan dari data mining setiap pembeli akan memperoleh informasi sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Teknik market basket analysis adalah salah satu teknik data mining yang bertujuan untuk menemukan produk-produk yang sering dibeli bersamaan dari data transaksi, ini sangat diperlukan untuk menentukan aturan asosiasi. Aturan asosiasi adalah suatu pola kecenderungan pembeli dalam berbelanja barang. Dengan pola pembelian barang inilah dapat dilakukan strategi – strategi pemasaran untuk menentukan barang apa yang akan dijual dan bagaimana cara supaya proses penjualan lebih baik. Salah satu teknik yang bisa digunakan pada proses mining aturan asosiasi adalah menggunakan algoritma pincer-search
Implementasi Teknik Data Mining untuk Sistem Pemindai Barang di Bandara
Saat ini, bandara menjadi salah satu tempat yang sangat vital dan harus memiliki tingkat
keamanan yang sangat tinggi Permasalahan utama yang timbul ialah bagaimana
mengoptimalakan sistem pengamanan bandara yang telah ada sehingga mampu
meningkatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan calon penumpang pesawat. Pada paper ini
kami menyajikan sebuah ide untuk meningkatkan keamanan bandara dengan penerapan
image mining pada mesin pindai sebagai pemberitahuan awal apabila terdapat barang
yang mencurigakan. Dalam tulisan ini, kami melakukan beberapa tahapan terhadap
database citra dari hasil pindai antara lain melakukan ekstraksi pada fitur untuk
mengetahui pola dari barang berbahaya yang ada. Pola tadi akan dimasukkan kedalam
lookup table berdasarkan kriteria atau tingkatan yang diinginkan
Data Analysis in E-Learning System of Gunadarma University by Using Knime
Nowadays, E-Learning has become a preferred choice of
learning method because it can reduce operational cost in
establishing educational activities. It also offers time efficiency,
flexibility in the way of attending courses, and ease
of access on teaching material. The main problem is how to
make user more interested in accessing and fulfilling user
requirements to provide suitable E-Learning system. One
way to meet that challenge is by analyzing user behaviors.
The purpose is to give a recommendation and evaluation in
developing E-Learning system.
In this paper, we will use log data from E-Learning system
of Gunadarma University. Using Knime, we have done
some analysis to explore the pattern of user’s behaviors.
Later, the pattern will be used as an input to decide a way
to enhance E-Learning syste
Development of Parking Retribution System with Mobile Application
A computer based parking retribution system has ever developed before. This system can cover parking retribution system at a building and has been build on web application. But this system just can work in one building, so the Manager just can see the report from the related building. This paper presented the enhancement of parking retribution system. The system will be built on web application and mobile application. This system can be accessed via Internet or mobile application and from the testing, the system give more than 90% true result from all of procedure that have teste
Sport policy convergence: a framework for analysis
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in European Sport Management Quarterly on 30th April 2012, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/16184742.2012.669390The growth in the comparative analysis of sport management processes and policy has led to an increased interest in the concept of convergence. However, the concept is too often treated as unproblematic in definition, measurement and operationalisation. It is argued in this paper that a more effective framework for examining claims of convergence is one that analyses the concept in terms of seven dimensions which can be explored through a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. It is also argued that a deeper understanding of the process of convergence can be gained by operationalising the concept in the context of a selected range of meso-level theories of the policy process or of specific aspects of the process. The proposed analytic framework provides not only a definition of convergence but also the basis for a more nuanced investigation of hypotheses of convergence