4 research outputs found

    Habitat shifts in response to predation risk are constrained by competition within a grazing guild

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    Predators can affect prey not only by killing them, but also by causing them to alter their behavior, including patterns of habitat selection. Prey can reduce the risk of predation by moving to habitats where predators are less likely to detect them, less likely to attack, or less likely to succeed. The interaction of such responses to risk with other ecological processes remains relatively unstudied, but in some cases, changes in habitat use to avoid predation may be constrained by competition: larger, dominant competitors should respond freely to predation risk, but the responses of smaller, subordinate competitors may be constrained by the responses of dominant competitors. For large grazing herbivores, an alternative hypothesis proposes that smaller prey species are vulnerable to more predators, and thus should respond more strongly to predation risk. Here, we tested these two hypotheses with 775 observations of habitat selection by four species of obligate grazers (zebra, wildebeest, puku and oribi) in the immediate presence or absence of four large carnivores (lion, spotted hyena, African wild dog and cheetah) in three ecosystems (Greater Liuwa, Greater Kafue and Luangwa Valley). Patterns of predation within this set were described by observation of 1,105 kills. Our results support the hypothesis that responses to predation risk are strongest for larger, dominant competitors. Even though zebras were killed least often, they showed the strongest shift into cover when carnivores were present. Wildebeest, puku and oribi showed weaker habitat shifts, even though they were more frequently killed. These patterns remained consistent in models that controlled for differences in the hunting mode of the predator (stalking, coursing, or intermediate) and for differences among ecosystems. There was no evidence that smaller species were subject to predation by a broader set of predators. Instead, smaller prey were killed often by smaller predators, and larger prey were killed often by larger predators. Broadly, our results show that responses to predation risk interact with interspecific competition. Accounting for such interactions should help to explain the considerable variation in the strength of responses to predation risk that has been observed

    Quantifying lion (Panthera leo) demographic response following a three-year moratorium on trophy hunting

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    Factors that limit African lion populations are manifold and well-recognized, but their relative demographic effects remain poorly understood, particularly trophy hunting near protected areas. We identified and monitored 386 individual lions within and around South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, for five years (2008-2012) with trophy hunting and for three additional years (2013-2015) during a hunting moratorium. We used these data with mark-resight models to estimate the effects of hunting on lion survival, recruitment, and abundance. The best survival models, accounting for imperfect detection, revealed strong positive effects of the moratorium, with survival increasing by 17.1 and 14.0 percentage points in subadult and adult males, respectively. Smaller effects on adult female survival and positive effects on cub survival were also detected. The sex-ratio of cubs shifted from unbiased during trophy-hunting to female-biased during the moratorium. Closed mark-recapture models revealed a large increase in lion abundance during the hunting moratorium, from 116 lions in 2012 immediately preceding the moratorium to 209 lions in the last year of the moratorium. More cubs were produced each year of the moratorium than in any year with trophy hunting. Lion demographics shifted from a male-depleted population consisting mostly of adult (≥4 years) females to a younger population with more (>29%) adult males. These data show that the three-year moratorium was effective at growing the Luangwa lion population and increasing the number of adult males. The results suggest that moratoria may be an effective tool for improving the sustainability of lion trophy hunting, particularly where systematic monitoring, conservative quotas, and age-based harvesting are difficult to enforce

    Do protection gradients explain patterns in herbivore densities? An example with ungulates in Zambia's Luangwa Valley

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    Ungulate populations face declines across the globe, and populations are commonly conserved by using protected areas. However, assessing the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving ungulate populations has remained difficult. Using herd size data from four years of line transect surveys and distance sampling models, we modeled population densities of four important herbivore species across a gradient of protection on the edge of Zambia's South Luangwa National Park (SLNP) while accounting for the role of various ecological and anthropogenic variables. Our goal was to test whether protection was responsible for density dynamics in this protection gradient, and whether a hunting moratorium impacted herbivore densities during the studies. For all four species, we estimated lower densities in partially protected buffer areas adjacent to SLNP (ranging from 4.5-fold to 13.2-fold lower) compared to protected parklands. Density trends through the study period were species-specific, with some species increasing, decreasing, or remaining stable in all or some regions of the protection gradient. Surprisingly, when controlling for other covariates, we found that these observed differences were not always detectably related to the level of protection or year. Our findings highlight the importance of accounting for variables beyond strata of interest in evaluating the effectiveness of a protected area. This study highlights the importance of comprehensively modeling ungulate population density across protection gradients, identifies lands within an important protection gradient for targeted conservation and monitoring, documents prey depletion and expands our understanding on the drivers in a critical buffer area in Zambia

    Do protection gradients explain patterns in herbivore densities? An example with ungulates in Zambia's Luangwa Valley

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    Ungulate populations face declines across the globe, and populations are commonly conserved by using protected areas. However, assessing the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving ungulate populations has remained difficult. Using herd size data from four years of line transect surveys and distance sampling models, we modeled population densities of four important herbivore species across a gradient of protection on the edge of Zambia's South Luangwa National Park (SLNP) while accounting for the role of various ecological and anthropogenic variables. Our goal was to test whether protection was responsible for density dynamics in this protection gradient, and whether a hunting moratorium impacted herbivore densities during the studies. For all four species, we estimated lower densities in partially protected buffer areas adjacent to SLNP (ranging from 4.5-fold to 13.2-fold lower) compared to protected parklands. Density trends through the study period were species-specific, with some species increasing, decreasing, or remaining stable in all or some regions of the protection gradient. Surprisingly, when controlling for other covariates, we found that these observed differences were not always detectably related to the level of protection or year. Our findings highlight the importance of accounting for variables beyond strata of interest in evaluating the effectiveness of a protected area. This study highlights the importance of comprehensively modeling ungulate population density across protection gradients, identifies lands within an important protection gradient for targeted conservation and monitoring, documents prey depletion and expands our understanding on the drivers in a critical buffer area in Zambia