26 research outputs found

    Co-digestion of macroalgae for biogas production: an LCA-based environmental evaluation

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    Algae represent a favourable and potentially sustainable source of biomass for bioenergy-based industrial pathways in the future. The study, performed on a real pilot plant implemented in Augusta (Italy) within the frame of the BioWALK4Biofuels project, aims to figure out whether seaweed (macroalgae) cultivated in near-shore open ponds could be considered a beneficial aspect as a source of biomass for biogas production within the co-digestion with local agricultural biological waste. The LCA results confirm that the analysed A and B scenarios (namely the algae-based co-digestion scenario and agricultural mix feedstock scenario) present an environmental performance more favourable than that achieved with conventional non-renewable-based technologies (specifically natural gas - Scenario C). Results show that the use of seaweed (Scenario A) represent a feasible solution in order to replace classical biomass used for biofuel production from a land-based feedstock. The improvement of the environmental performances is quantifiable on 10% respect to Scenario B, and 38 times higher than Scenario

    Sostenibilità economica e ambientale degli impianti per la produzione di biogas da reflui zootecnici: un caso di studio nel comune di Pontinia

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    ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OF PLANTS FOR THEPRODUCTION OF BIOGAS FROM LIVESTOCK WASTE: A CASE STUDY IN THEMUNICIPALITY OF PONTINIA. The presence in the municipality of Pontinia of an intensive livestock activity has led to assess the possibility to realize a biogas production plant, aimed at the generation of electricity and thermal energy. From an economic point of view various process scenarios were analyzed. An economic feasibility analysis was carried out, demonstrating that the maximum economic benefit of the production may be fostered with a biomethane production. The work also addressed the issue of improving the sustainability of biogas production plants, in order to amend their social acceptability

    European Commission Expert for Evaluating Horizon 2020 call for proposals - H2020-LCE-2014

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    Participated in the evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to the - H2020-LCE-2014-1 call for proposals, issued on the basis of the work programme(s) OJ C361 11/12/201

    Software Labview Biowalk4Biofuels

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    Developed customized software for automation control, remote control and plant management of the entire Biowalk4Biofuels plant

    Biowalk4Biofuels FP7 Project annual meeting

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    Review of the technical progress made during the last months. Review of the technical progress made regarding the use of the drone Roboharv. Review of the technical progress regarding the upgrading system, list of the analyzed systems. Review of the new web site realized by Conisma and new suggestions from the partners

    La produzione di Biocarburanti come risultato della depurazione delle acque reflue

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    Partendo da un'analisi storica dell'evoluzione dei processi a biomassa fissata - dai sistemi a filtri fino alle attuali tecnologie che permettono di produrre biometano - si descrive un nuovo processo a contattori biologici la cui sostenibilità energetica è stata dimostrata grazie all'utilizzo di una particolare tecnologia innovativa italiana che consente un'elevata razionalizzazione dei consum

    Nuove tecnologie agricole per la produzione di biocarburanti in Brasile

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    La conferenza BioEnergy World Americas tenutasi a Salvador de Bahia in Brasile dal 28 novembre al 1 dicembre 2006 ha offerto molte occasioni per approfondire le tematiche legate ai biocarburanti. Nell’ambito della conferenza è stato, tra l’altro, organizzato un “evento di incontro internazionale” tra imprese che hanno potuto dialogare e promuovere le proprie iniziative progettuali al fine di creare un partenariato tecnico e finanziario necessario al decollo di nuove idee. L’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, insieme ad università, imprese e centri di ricerca italiani e brasiliani ha promosso un progetto finalizzato a garantire al Brasile un nuovo sviluppo agricolo altamente innovativo che permetta la produzione di biocarburanti in aree socialmente ed economicamente disagiate. In concreto l’impegno si potrebbe concentrare sulla produzione di biocarburanti più economici e sostenibili grazie all’utilizzo di innovative tecnologie agricole che, attraverso il ricorso al telerilevamento satellitare ad alta risoluzione, ai Sistemi Informativi Geografici e al sistema GPS, consentano la razionalizzazione delle risorse utilizzate in agricoltura al contempo massimizzando la produttività dei terreni e minimizzando gli impatti ambientali

    Developed a raw Biogas cleaning system

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    Developed a Biogas cleaning system to remove H2S and H2O

    Biowalk4Biofuels FP7 Project annual meeting

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    Governing board meeting Technical Sessions-Technical Committe Description of the work carried out in the second year of the projec

    BiowalkforBiofuels FP7 Project annual meeting

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    Project description The world energy demand is expected to rise 60% by 2030; oil consumption has increased by 20% since 1994, while the European Union import dependency has reached almost 54% of its energy requirements in 2006. Land filling of biowaste is one of the major sources of methane emissions in Europe, contributing to 2% of GHG emissions in 2007 in the European Union (EU). Biodegradable waste that is land filled should be reduced to 35% of 1995 levels by 2016 according to the EC Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC). Direct and indirect green-house gas emissions (GHG) from industries are currently at about 12 GtCO2-eq. The Council Directive 91/676/EEC, has underlined the need to control the reduction of water pollution caused by nitrates from wastes to protect human health, living resources and aquatic ecosystems. Additionally attention is being focused on the treatment of biowaste, which requires strong support from EU legislation to address difficulties in their direct utilisation, cost-efficiency and its output product pollution. Moreover, the need to focus on ‘non-food’ energy crops for the production of 2nd generation biofuels and develop cost-efficient solutions has been revealed and underlined in the recent report of the Food and Agriculture Organisation. In fact, currently, the production of biogas is principally carried out through anaerobic fermentation of (mixed) cereal crops. The European Council, after the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali December 2007, set two ambitious key tar-gets: a reduction of 20% of greenhouse gases (GHG) by 2020; and a 20% share of renewable energies in EU energy consumption by 2020. Hence, the need to further explore new sources of alternative renewable energy and ground-breaking solutions to reduce GHG emissions becomes of the utmost importance. Hence, it appears fundamental to improve the know-how about a “new” biofuel production, in particular regarding 2nd generation biofuels. In order to face this new challenge, this project, “Biowaste and Algae Knowledge for the Production of 2nd Generation Biofuels” will showcase a multidisciplinary approach for biowaste to be used as a feedstock and algae as a catalyst for producing biofuels