8 research outputs found
Determinantes ambientais e sociais da esquistossomose mansoni em Ravena, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Neste estudo foram identificados os determinantes biológicos e sociais na transmissão da esquistossomose em Ravena, Sabará, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 1980, visando a caracterizar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico da endemia na população para posterior avaliação da eficácia do fornecimento de água potável intradomiciliar e o tratamento específico quadrianual dos infectados pelo Schistosoma mansoni. O distrito é formado por três localidades: Ravenópolis, Ravena e Lavapés, cujas prevalências da endemia foram 20,1%; 42,6% e 63,9%, respectivamente. A prevalência da endemia no distrito foi estatisticamente maior nos homens. As faixas etárias que apresentaram diferenças por sexo foram as de 10-14 e 15-19 anos. A intensidade da infecção só foi diferente estatisticamente entre indivíduos com idade entre 10 e 14 anos nas três localidades, e de 15 a 19 anos entre indivíduos de Ravenópolis e Ravena. A forma hepatointestinal estava associada à idade: menores de 15 anos apresentaram risco 8,85 vezes maior do que os adultos. A análise multivariada dos fatores determinantes da transmissão da endemia evidenciou que a localidade de Lavapés esteve independentemente associada à infecção pelo S. mansoni. Era onde estavam ocorrendo os maiores riscos de infecção por falta de saneamento, maior proximidade das casas a córregos infestados por cercárias de S. mansoni, o que facilitava a infeccção das donas-de-casa em atividades domésticas e dos homens na prática de tirar areia. Esses resultados apontam o carater focal da transmissão da endemia, exigindo medidas específicas
Control of schistosomiasis mansoni in ravena (Sabará, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil) through Water supply and quadrennial treatments
In this study, the results obtained in a control programme of schistosomiasis in Ravena (Sabará, Minas Gerais) between 1980 and 1992 are evaluated. Control measures used in this programme were: specific treatment of the people infected with Schistosoma mansoni at four year-intervals (1980/84/88) and the supply of tap water to 90% of the residences in 1980. A significant reduction of the prevalence (36.7% to 11.5%, p < 0.05) and of the intensity of the infection (228.9 eggs per gram of feces (epg), s = 3.7 to 60.3 epg, s = 3.5, p < 0.05) was observed. No cases of the severe form of the disease were diagnosed in the area. Factors independently associated with the infection were in 1980 daily sand extraction and the lack of tap water in residences and in 1992 daily sand extraction and fishing and weekly swimming. Concluding, the supply of tap water together with quadrennial treatments significantly diminished both the prevalence and intensity of the S. mansoni infection, with the additional gain of persistent low indices even after four-year intervals between the treatments
The Perspectives of Patients and Health Professionals Regarding the Tuberculosis Control Programme in Recife, Brazil: A Contribution to Evaluation
The study objective is to describe patients and professionals’ perspectives on the Tuberculosis Control Program (PCT) in Recife, Brazil, contributing to the program evaluation. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three purposively selected sites, representing the three levels of care in the public health system. All eligible PCT patients in sites A, B and C were invited to participate (n = 123). Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and community health agents providing care to PCT patients in these sites, plus their managers, were purposively selected. Data were collected by means of interviews with 44 patients and a questionnaire to 24 professionals. Instruments encompassed previously published items to capture stakeholders’ perspectives (16 and 12 closed-questions, respectively), grouped into categories. The overall evaluation by patients was unsatisfactory (median score 35%; third quartile below 50%; interquartile range 21.9%). Analysis of scores by categories showed that opinions about organizational accessibility were significantly worse than about economic and geographical accessibility, taken together. Overall the median score attributed by professionals was 52% (third quartile below 65%). Professionals had significantly worse opinions about diagnosis, clinical and laboratory assistance. Patients and professionals’ perspectives highlight potential opportunities for improvement. Our findings can be used by managers as a starting point for shared decision-making, potentially contributing to a better performance of the PCT in Recife and, consequently, reducing the risk posed by tuberculosis