11 research outputs found

    Myoanatomy of the velvet worm leg revealed by laboratory-based nanofocus X-ray source tomography

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    X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging has become popular for investigating, nondestructively and three-dimensionally, both external and internal structures of various specimens. However, the limited resolution of conventional laboratory-based CT systems (≥500 nm) still hampers the detailed visualization of features on the low nanometer level. We present a laboratory CT device and data processing pipeline to routinely and efficiently generate high-resolution 3D data (≈100 nm) without requiring synchrotron radiation facilities. Our setup is especially relevant for conducting detailed analysis of very small biological samples, as demonstrated for a walking appendage of a velvet worm. Comparative analyses of our CT data with those obtained from other popular imaging methods highlight the advantages and future applicability of the nanoCT setup

    Very‐low‐carbohydrate diet enhances human T‐cell immunity through immunometabolic reprogramming

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    Abstract Very‐low‐carbohydrate diet triggers the endogenous production of ketone bodies as alternative energy substrates. There are as yet unproven assumptions that ketone bodies positively affect human immunity. We have investigated this topic in an in vitro model using primary human T cells and in an immuno‐nutritional intervention study enrolling healthy volunteers. We show that ketone bodies profoundly impact human T‐cell responses. CD4+, CD8+, and regulatory T‐cell capacity were markedly enhanced, and T memory cell formation was augmented. RNAseq and functional metabolic analyses revealed a fundamental immunometabolic reprogramming in response to ketones favoring mitochondrial oxidative metabolism. This confers superior respiratory reserve, cellular energy supply, and reactive oxygen species signaling. Our data suggest a very‐low‐carbohydrate diet as a clinical tool to improve human T‐cell immunity. Rethinking the value of nutrition and dietary interventions in modern medicine is required