10,477 research outputs found

    Individual plant care in cropping systems

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    Individual plant care cropping systems, embodied in precision farming, may lead to new opportunities in agricultural crop management. The objective of the project was to provide high accuracy seed position mapping of a field of sugar beet. An RTK GPS was retrofitted on to a precision seeder to map the seeds as they were planted. The average error between the seed map and the actual plant map was about 32 mm to 59 mm. The results showed that the overall accuracy of the estimated plant positions is acceptable for the guidance of vehicles and implements. For subsequent individual plant care, the deviations were not, in all cases, small enough to ensure accurate individual plant targeting

    Seed Mapping of Sugar Beet

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    Individual plant care may well become embodied in precision farming in the future and will lead to new opportunities in agricultural crop management. The objective of this project was to develop and evaluate a data logging system attached to a precision seeder to enable high accuracy seed position mapping of a field of sugar beet. A Real Time Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK GPS), optical seed detectors and a data logging system were retrofitted on to a precision seeder to map the seeds as they were planted. The average error between the seed map and the actual plant map was about 16–43 mm depending on vehicle speed and seed spacing. The results showed that the overall accuracy of the estimated plant positions was acceptable for the guidance of vehicles and implements as well as potential individual plant treatments

    Homologous and unique G protein alpha subunits in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

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    A cDNA corresponding to a known G protein alpha subunit, the alpha subunit of Go (Go alpha), was isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequence of C. elegans Go alpha is 80-87% identical to other Go alpha sequences. An mRNA that hybridizes to the C. elegans Go alpha cDNA can be detected on Northern blots. A C. elegans protein that crossreacts with antibovine Go alpha antibody can be detected on immunoblots. A cosmid clone containing the C. elegans Go alpha gene (goa-1) was isolated and mapped to chromosome I. The genomic fragments of three other C. elegans G protein alpha subunit genes (gpa-1, gpa-2, and gpa-3) have been isolated using the polymerase chain reaction. The corresponding cosmid clones were isolated and mapped to disperse locations on chromosome V. The sequences of two of the genes, gpa-1 and gpa-3, were determined. The predicted amino acid sequences of gpa-1 and gpa-3 are only 48% identical to each other. Therefore, they are likely to have distinct functions. In addition they are not homologous enough to G protein alpha subunits in other organisms to be classified. Thus C. elegans has G proteins that are identifiable homologues of mammalian G proteins as well as G proteins that appear to be unique to C. elegans. Study of identifiable G proteins in C. elegans may result in a further understanding of their function in other organisms, whereas study of the novel G proteins may provide an understanding of unique aspects of nematode physiology

    Differential coupling of G protein alpha subunits to seven-helix receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    Xenopus oocytes were used to examine the coupling of the serotonin 1c (5HT1c) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptors to both endogenous and heterologously expressed G protein alpha subunits. Expression of either G protein-coupled receptor resulted in agonist- induced, Ca(2+)-activated Cl- currents that were measured using a two- electrode voltage clamp. 5HT-induced Cl- currents were reduced 80% by incubating the injected oocytes with pertussis toxin (PTX) and inhibited 50-65% by injection of antisense oligonucleotides to the PTX- sensitive Go alpha subunit. TRH-induced Cl- currents were reduced only 20% by PTX treatment but were inhibited 60% by injection of antisense oligonucleotides to the PTX-insensitive Gq alpha subunit. Injection of antisense oligonucleotides to a novel Xenopus phospholipase C-beta inhibited the 5HT1c (and Go)-induced Cl- current with little effect on the TRH (and Gq)-induced current. These results suggest that receptor- activated Go and Gq interact with different effectors, most likely different isoforms of phospholipase C-beta. Co-expression of each receptor with seven different mammalian G protein alpha subunit cRNAs (Goa, Gob, Gq, G11, Gs, Golf, and Gt) was also examined. Co-expression of either receptor with the first four of these G alpha subunits resulted in a maximum 4-6-fold increase in Cl- currents; the increase depended on the amount of G alpha subunit cRNA injected. This increase was blocked by PTX for G alpha oa and G alpha ob co-expression but not for G alpha q or G alpha 11 co-expression. Co-expression of either receptor with Gs, Golf, or Gt had no effect on Ca(2+)-activated Cl- currents; furthermore, co-expression with Gs or Golf also failed to reveal 5HT- or TRH-induced changes in adenylyl cyclase as assessed by activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl- channel. These results indicate that in oocytes, the 5HT1c and TRH receptors do the following: 1) preferentially couple to PTX-sensitive (Go) and PTX-insensitive (Gq) G proteins and that these G proteins act on different effectors, 2) couple within the same cell type to several different heterologously expressed G protein alpha subunits to activate the oocyte's endogenous Cl- current, and 3) fail to couple to G protein alpha subunits that activate cAMP or phosphodiesterase

    {\em Ab initio} Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gas in the thermodynamic limit

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    We perform \emph{ab initio} quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations of the warm dense uniform electron gas in the thermodynamic limit. By combining QMC data with linear response theory we are able to remove finite-size errors from the potential energy over the entire warm dense regime, overcoming the deficiencies of the existing finite-size corrections by Brown \emph{et al.}~[PRL \textbf{110}, 146405 (2013)]. Extensive new QMC results for up to N=1000N=1000 electrons enable us to compute the potential energy VV and the exchange-correlation free energy FxcF_{xc} of the macroscopic electron gas with an unprecedented accuracy of ΔV/V,ΔFxc/Fxc103|\Delta V|/|V|, |\Delta F_{xc}|/|F|_{xc} \sim 10^{-3}. A comparison of our new data to the recent parametrization of FxcF_{xc} by Karasiev {\em et al.} [PRL {\bf 112}, 076403 (2014)] reveals significant deviations to the latter

    United States

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    Sublime Microglia: Expanding Roles for the Guardians of the CNS

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    Recent findings challenge the concept that microglia solely function in disease states in the central nervous system (CNS). Rather than simply reacting to CNS injury, infection, or pathology, emerging lines of evidence indicate that microglia sculpt the structure of the CNS, refine neuronal circuitry and network connectivity, and contribute to plasticity. These physiological functions of microglia in the normal CNS begin during development and persist into maturity. Here, we develop a conceptual framework for functions of microglia beyond neuroinflammation and discuss the rich repertoire of signaling and communication motifs in microglia that are critical both in pathology and for the normal physiology of the CNS

    Static and dynamic measures of human brain connectivity predict complementary aspects of human cognitive performance

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    In cognitive network neuroscience, the connectivity and community structure of the brain network is related to cognition. Much of this research has focused on two measures of connectivity - modularity and flexibility - which frequently have been examined in isolation. By using resting state fMRI data from 52 young adults, we investigate the relationship between modularity, flexibility and performance on cognitive tasks. We show that flexibility and modularity are highly negatively correlated. However, we also demonstrate that flexibility and modularity make unique contributions to explain task performance, with modularity predicting performance for simple tasks and flexibility predicting performance on complex tasks that require cognitive control and executive functioning. The theory and results presented here allow for stronger links between measures of brain network connectivity and cognitive processes.Comment: 37 pages; 7 figure

    Brain Modularity Mediates the Relation between Task Complexity and Performance

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    Recent work in cognitive neuroscience has focused on analyzing the brain as a network, rather than as a collection of independent regions. Prior studies taking this approach have found that individual differences in the degree of modularity of the brain network relate to performance on cognitive tasks. However, inconsistent results concerning the direction of this relationship have been obtained, with some tasks showing better performance as modularity increases and other tasks showing worse performance. A recent theoretical model (Chen & Deem, 2015) suggests that these inconsistencies may be explained on the grounds that high-modularity networks favor performance on simple tasks whereas low-modularity networks favor performance on more complex tasks. The current study tests these predictions by relating modularity from resting-state fMRI to performance on a set of simple and complex behavioral tasks. Complex and simple tasks were defined on the basis of whether they did or did not draw on executive attention. Consistent with predictions, we found a negative correlation between individuals' modularity and their performance on a composite measure combining scores from the complex tasks but a positive correlation with performance on a composite measure combining scores from the simple tasks. These results and theory presented here provide a framework for linking measures of whole brain organization from network neuroscience to cognitive processing.Comment: 47 pages; 4 figure