944 research outputs found

    A hard tweak : TeachNZ criteria and the Smith proposal : a thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Social Policy at Massey University

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    The Hon. Dr Nick Smith suggested in 1999 and 2003 that 'men' be recruited as primary school teachers through the TeachNZ scheme. This thesis analyses the attendant policy making processes, and the influence of ideology. Six interviews were conducted and are considered against political events over the years 2003-2004. The work of Kingdon (2003) and Matland (1995) proved valuable to the analysis as they provide complementary models for discussion of data

    Blockchain-hosted data access agreements for remote condition monitoring in rail

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    Advances in sensor technologies, remote authentication, and high bandwidth data networks mean that Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM) systems are now an essential 'Internet of Things' (IoT) resource for the efficient operation of railway infrastructure. However, the full potential of the big data generated by these systems has yet to be realized. RCM data within the industry is typically collected and used in silos, with limited possibility of exploitation across system boundaries. In 2013, the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), on behalf of the GB Rail industry, established a cross-industry research program, T1010, which aimed to build stronger cooperation between stakeholders and enable sharing of RCM data. Building on the outputs of T1010, this work explores the use of blockchains and smart contracts in the automation, in an auditable and tamper-proof way, of commercial agreements for RCM data transfers in rail. By removing the limitations of paper-based agreements, we aim to enable innovation in shared business processes and stimulate the market for RCM data in rail. Leveraging existing smart contract-based schemes for trading and sharing IoT data over blockchain networks, we identify suitable methods for the enforcement of agreements, and ensure fair cost attribution between stakeholders, without a Trusted Third Party. The outline of a blockchain-based RCM data audit framework is presented, appropriate data access agreements and accounting models are specified in detail, and three permissioned blockchain platforms (Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth, and Iroha) have been analysed for their suitability for implementation. Finally, the paper outlines planned future work around validation of the tools based on two industrial use cases: monitoring systems for unattended overhead line equipment and axle bearings

    Blockchain application in remote condition monitoring

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