7,116 research outputs found

    Simulating star formation in molecular cloud cores I. The influence of low levels of turbulence on fragmentation and multiplicity

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    We present the results of an ensemble of simulations of the collapse and fragmentation of dense star-forming cores. We show that even with very low levels of turbulence the outcome is usually a binary, or higher-order multiple, system. We take as the initial conditions for these simulations a typical low-mass core, based on the average properties of a large sample of observed cores. All the simulated cores start with a mass of M=5.4M⊙M = 5.4 M_{\odot}, a flattened central density profile, a ratio of thermal to gravitational energy αtherm=0.45\alpha_{\rm therm} = 0.45 and a ratio of turbulent to gravitational energy αturb=0.05\alpha_{\rm turb} = 0.05 . Even this low level of turbulence is sufficient to produce multiple star formation in 80% of the cores; the mean number of stars and brown dwarfs formed from a single core is 4.55, and the maximum is 10. At the outset, the cores have no large-scale rotation. The only difference between each individual simulation is the detailed structure of the turbulent velocity field. The multiple systems formed in the simulations have properties consistent with observed multiple systems. Dynamical evolution tends preferentially to eject lower mass stars and brown dwarves whilst hardening the remaining binaries so that the median semi-major axis of binaries formed is ∌30\sim 30 au. Ejected objects are usually single low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, yielding a strong correlation between mass and multiplicity. Our simulations suggest a natural mechanism for forming binary stars that does not require large-scale rotation, capture, or large amounts of turbulence.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures submitted to A&

    High-resolution Spectroscopy of Extremely Metal-poor Stars in the Least Evolved Galaxies: Leo IV

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    We present high-resolution Magellan/MIKE spectroscopy of the brightest star in the ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Leo IV. We measure an iron abundance of [Fe/H] = –3.2, adding to the rapidly growing sample of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars being identified in Milky Way satellite galaxies. The star is enhanced in the α elements Mg, Ca, and Ti by ~0.3 dex, very similar to the typical Milky Way halo abundance pattern. All of the light and iron-peak elements follow the trends established by EMP halo stars, but the neutron-capture elements Ba and Sr are significantly underabundant. These results are quite similar to those found for stars in the ultra-faint dwarfs Ursa Major II, Coma Berenices, Boötes I, and Hercules, suggesting that the chemical evolution of the lowest-luminosity galaxies may be universal. The abundance pattern we observe is consistent with predictions for nucleosynthesis from a Population III supernova explosion. The extremely low metallicity of this star also supports the idea that a significant fraction (≳10%) of the stars in the faintest dwarfs have metallicities below [Fe/H] = –3.0

    HIF and c-Myc: Sibling Rivals for Control of Cancer Cell Metabolism and Proliferation

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    O2 deprivation (hypoxia) and cellular proliferation engage opposite cellular pathways, yet often coexist during tumor growth. The ability of cells to grow during hypoxia results in part from crosstalk between hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) and the proto-oncogene c-Myc. Acting alone, HIF and c-Myc partially regulate complex adaptations undertaken by tumor cells growing in low O2. However, acting in concert these transcription factors reprogram metabolism, protein synthesis, and cell cycle progression, to “fine tune” adaptive responses to hypoxic environments

    Derivation and Improvements of the Quantum Canonical Ensemble from a Regularized Microcanonical Ensemble

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    We develop a regularization of the quantum microcanonical ensemble, called a Gaussian ensemble, which can be used for derivation of the canonical ensemble from microcanonical principles. The derivation differs from the usual methods by giving an explanation for the, at the first sight unreasonable, effectiveness of the canonical ensemble when applied to certain small, isolated, systems. This method also allows a direct identification between the parameters of the microcanonical and the canonical ensemble and it yields simple indicators and rigorous bounds for the effectiveness of the approximation. Finally, we derive an asymptotic expansion of the microcanonical corrections to the canonical ensemble for those systems, which are near, but not quite, at the thermodynamical limit and show how and why the canonical ensemble can be applied also for systems with exponentially increasing density of states. The aim throughout the paper is to keep mathematical rigour intact while attempting to produce results both physically and practically interesting.Comment: 17 pages, latex2e with iopar

    Photon Propagation Around Compact Objects and the Inferred Properties of Thermally Emitting Neutron Stars

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    Anomalous X-ray pulsars, compact non-pulsing X-ray sources in supernova remnants, and X-ray bursters are three distinct types of sources for which there are viable models that attribute their X-ray emission to thermal emission from the surface of a neutron star. Inferring the surface area of the emitting regions in such systems is crucial in assessing the viability of different models and in providing bounds on the radii of neutron stars. We show that the inferred areas of the emitting regions may be over- or under-estimated by a factor of <=2, because of the geometry of the system and general relativistic light deflection, combined with the effects of phase averaging. Such effects make the determination of neutron-star radii uncertain, especially when compared to the ~5% level required for constraining the equation of state of neutron-star matter. We also note that, for a given spectral shape, the inferred source luminosities and pulse fractions are anticorrelated because they depend on the same properties of the emitting regions, namely their sizes and orientations, i.e., brighter sources have on average weaker pulsation amplitudes than fainter sources. We argue that this property can be used as a diagnostic tool in distinguishing between different spectral models. As an example, we show that the high inferred pulse fraction and brightness of the pulsar RXS J1708-40 are inconsistent with isotropic thermal emission from a neutron-star surface. Finally, we discuss the implication of our results for surveys in the soft X-rays for young, cooling neutron stars in supernova remnants and show that the absence of detectable pulsations from the compact source at the center of Cas A (at a level of >=30%) is not a strong argument againts its identification with a spinning neutron star.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal; minor change

    Evidence for multiple nucleosynthetic processes from carbon enhanced metal-poor stars in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    Context: Carbon Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars ([C/Fe]>0.7\mathrm{[C/Fe]} > 0.7) are known to exist in large numbers at low metallicity in the Milky Way halo and are important tracers of early Galactic chemical evolution. However, very few such stars have been identified in the classical dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies, and detailed abundances, including neutron-capture element abundances, have only been reported for 12 stars. Aims: We aim to derive detailed abundances of six CEMP stars identified in the Carina dSph and compare the abundances to CEMP stars in other dSph galaxies and the Milky Way halo. This is the largest sample of CEMP stars in a dSph galaxy analysed to date. Methods: 1D LTE elemental abundances are derived via equivalent width and spectral synthesis using high-resolution spectra of the six stars obtained with the MIKE spectrograph at Las Campanas Observatory. Results: Abundances or upper limits are derived for up to 27 elements from C to Os in the six stars. The analysis reveals one of the stars to be a CEMP-no star with very low neutron-capture element abundances. In contrast, the other five stars all show enhancements in neutron-capture elements in addition to their carbon enhancement, classifying them as CEMP-ss and -r/sr/s stars. The six stars have similar α\alpha and iron-peak element abundances as other stars in Carina, except for the CEMP-no star, which shows enhancement in Na, Mg, and Si. We explore the absolute carbon abundances (A(C)A(\rm C)) of CEMP stars in dSph galaxies and find similar behaviour as is seen for Milky Way halo CEMP stars, but highlight that CEMP-r/sr/s stars primarily have very high A(C)A(\rm C) values. We also compare the neutron-capture element abundances of the CEMP-r/sr/s stars in our sample to recent ii-process yields, which provide a good match to the derived abundances.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    Chemical Signatures of the First Supernovae in the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We present a homogeneous chemical abundance analysis of five of the most metal-poor stars in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We analyze new and archival high resolution spectroscopy from Magellan/MIKE and VLT/UVES and determine stellar parameters and abundances in a consistent way for each star. Two of the stars in our sample, at [Fe/H] = -3.5 and [Fe/H] = -3.8, are new discoveries from our Ca K survey of Sculptor, while the other three were known in the literature. We confirm that Scl 07-50 is the lowest metallicity star identified in an external galaxy, at [Fe/H] = -4.1. The two most metal-poor stars both have very unusual abundance patterns, with striking deficiencies of the alpha elements, while the other three stars resemble typical extremely metal-poor Milky Way halo stars. We show that the star-to-star scatter for several elements in Sculptor is larger than that for halo stars in the same metallicity range. This scatter and the uncommon abundance patterns of the lowest metallicity stars indicate that the oldest surviving Sculptor stars were enriched by a small number of earlier supernovae, perhaps weighted toward high-mass progenitors from the first generation of stars the galaxy formed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables (2 landscape tables are at the end; for full tables, contact first author or wait for published version). Accepted for publication in Ap

    Modelling Herschel observations of infrared-dark clouds in the Hi-GAL survey

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    We demonstrate the use of the 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code PHAETHON to model infrared-dark clouds (IRDCs) that are externally illuminated by the interstellar radiation field (ISRF). These clouds are believed to be the earliest observed phase of high-mass star formation, and may be the high-mass equivalent of lower-mass prestellar cores. We model three different cases as examples of the use of the code, in which we vary the mass, density, radius, morphology and internal velocity field of the IRDC. We show the predicted output of the models at different wavelengths chosen to match the observing wavebands of Herschel and Spitzer. For the wavebands of the long- wavelength SPIRE photometer on Herschel, we also pass the model output through the SPIRE simulator to generate output images that are as close as possible to the ones that would be seen using SPIRE. We then analyse the images as if they were real observations, and compare the results of this analysis with the results of the radiative transfer models. We find that detailed radiative transfer modelling is necessary to accurately determine the physical parameters of IRDCs (e.g. dust temperature, density profile). This method is applied to study G29.55+00.18, an IRDC observed by the Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane survey (Hi-GAL), and in the future it will be used to model a larger sample of IRDCs from the same survey.Comment: MNRAS accepted, High resolution paper available at http://www.astro.cardiff.ac.uk/pub/Dimitrios.Stamatellos/Publications.htm
