97 research outputs found

    Resummation of non-global logarithms and the BFKL equation

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    We consider a `color density matrix' in gauge theory. We argue that it systematically resums large logarithms originating from wide-angle soft radiation, sometimes referred to as non-global logarithms, to all logarithmic orders. We calculate its anomalous dimension at leading- and next-to-leading order. Combined with a conformal transformation known to relate this problem to shockwave scattering in the Regge limit, this is used to rederive the next-to-leading order Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov equation (including its nonlinear generalization, the so-called Balitsky-JIMWLK equation), finding perfect agreement with the literature. Exponentiation of divergences to all logarithmic orders is demonstrated. The possibility of obtaining the evolution equation (and BFKL) to three-loop is discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 32 including appendix, 7 figures. v2 presentation improved thanks to helpful refere

    Three-loop octagons and n-gons in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the S-matrix of planar N=4\mathcal{N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory when external momenta are restricted to a two-dimensional subspace of Minkowski space. We find significant simplifications and new, interesting structures for tree and loop amplitudes in two-dimensional kinematics; in particular, the higher-point amplitudes we consider can be obtained from those with lowest-points by a collinear uplifting. Based on a compact formula for one-loop N2{}^2MHV amplitudes, we use an equation proposed previously to compute, for the first time, the complete two-loop NMHV and three-loop MHV octagons, which we conjecture to uplift to give the full nn-point amplitudes up to simpler logarithmic terms or dilogarithmic terms.Comment: v2: important typos fixed. 38 pages, 4 figures. An ancillary file with two-loop NMHV "remainders" for n=10,12 can be found at http://www.nbi.dk/~schuot/nmhvremainders.zi

    Renormalization group coefficients and the S-matrix

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    We show how to use on-shell unitarity methods to calculate renormalization group coefficients such as beta functions and anomalous dimensions. The central objects are the form factors of composite operators. Their discontinuities can be calculated via phase-space integrals and are related to corresponding anomalous dimensions. In particular, we find that the dilatation operator, which measures the anomalous dimensions, is given by minus the phase of the S-matrix divided by pi. We illustrate our method using several examples from Yang-Mills theory, perturbative QCD and Yukawa theory at one-loop level and beyond.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2: explanations improved, references added, matches journal versio

    Hard thermal loops in the real-time formalism

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    We present a systematic discussion of Braaten and Pisarski's hard thermal loop (HTL) effective theory within the framework of the real-time (Schwinger-Keldysh) formalism. As is well known, the standard imaginary-time HTL amplitudes for hot gauge theory express the polarization of a medium made out of nonabelian charged point-particles; we show that the complete real-time HTL theory includes, in addition, a second set of amplitudes which account for Gaussian fluctuations in the charge distributions, but nothing else. We give a concise set of graphical rules which generate both set of functions, and discuss its relation to classical plasma physics.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Heavy quark diffusion in perturbative QCD at next-to-leading order

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    We compute the momentum diffusion coefficient of a nonrelativistic heavy quark in a hot QCD plasma, to next-to-leading order in the weak coupling expansion. Corrections arise at O(g); physically they represent interference between overlapping scatterings, as well as soft, electric scale (pgTp\sim gT) gauge field physics, which we treat using the hard thermal loop (HTL) effective theory. In 3-color, 3-flavor QCD, the momentum diffusion constant of a fundamental representation heavy quark at NLO is κ=16π3αs2T3(ln1g+0.07428+1.8869g)\kappa = \frac{16\pi}{3} \alpha_s^2 T^3 (\ln \frac{1}{g} + 0.07428 + 1.8869 g). The convergence of the weak coupling expansion is poor.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gravitational S-matrix from CFT dispersion relations

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    We analyse the double-discontinuities of the four-point correlator of the stress-tensor multiplet in N=4 SYM at large t' Hooft coupling and at order 1/N41/N^4, as a way to access one-loop effects in the dual supergravity theory. From these singularities we extract CFT-data by using two inversion procedures: one based on a recently proposed Froissart-Gribov inversion integral, and the other based on large spin perturbation theory. Both procedures lead to the same results and are shown to be equivalent more generally. Our computation parallels the standard S-matrix reconstruction via dispersion relations. In a suitable limit, the result of the conformal field theory calculation is compared with the one-loop graviton scattering amplitude in ten-dimensional IIB supergravity in flat space, finding perfect agreement.Comment: 39 pages, pretty figure

    Solvable Relativistic Hydrogenlike System in Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    The classical Kepler problem, as well as its quantum mechanical version, the Hydrogen atom, enjoy a well-known hidden symmetry, the conservation of the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector, which makes these problems superintegrable. Is there a relativistic quantum field theory extension that preserves this symmetry? In this Letter we show that the answer is positive: in the non-relativistic limit, we identify the dual conformal symmetry of planar N=4\mathcal{N}=4 super Yang-Mills with the well-known symmetries of the Hydrogen atom. We point out that the dual conformal symmetry offers a novel way to compute the spectrum of bound states of massive WW bosons in the theory. We perform nontrivial tests of this setup at weak and strong coupling, and comment on the possible extension to arbitrary values of the coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Clarifications added; published versio