4 research outputs found


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    Measuring the economic and financial performances of a company is a very complex activity and involves taking into consideration several quantitative and qualitative indicators, which have in view the entire activity of the company. Out of all the economic and financial indicators used to measure the performances of the enterprises, in this paper we took into consideration the profit, in all its forms. The study was conducted on 17 Romanian industrial companies listed on BSE, for the period 2005-2007.return, profit, performances, industrial enterprises

    The estimation of the commercial capital - goodwill

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    The notion of commercial capital is used in present bookkeeping law in Romania and it represents the part from the commercial capital that is not mentioned in other elements of patrimony, but which take part at the maintenance or the development of the unity as: the customers, the commercial good custom, the reputation, outlets. For the evaluation of the commercial fund must be taken into account the fact that the requests stated in the international standards of applicable bookkeeping, the specifications and the provisions of the internal legislation with reference to the norms of evaluating the actives. As a viable method for determining the size of the goodwill it remains the difference between the rentability value and the bookkeeping net active. In certain situations (acquisition, merging, division, liquidation, taxing) it is necessary the estimation of the commercial fund in an anticipated way, be it for the establishment of a negotiation base or for other motives. The evaluators benefit in this case of certain methods presented within the evaluation that can be grouped in direct and indirect methods. The direct methods have as ground in their landing the super profit, and the indirect ones the super value.goodwill, commercial capital, the estimation of the commercial capital,devaluation test

    A Study Regarding the Level and the Dynamics of the Performances of the Romanian Industrial Companies

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    The work of the market economy in a modern and efficient way depends on the existence of an as large as possible number of competitive enterprises, both on the internal and external market. In order to make a global assessment of the economical and financial performances of the Romanian industrial companies, in this paper we set as a goal to analyze the dynamics of their number, the number of employees, as well as the main result indicators. The analysis is made both on the whole industrial companies and on types of size and this further allows pointing out the sectors with the highest level of the economical and financial performances.market economy, companies, the population, economical power


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    Pentru finansarea activitatii o firma apeleaza la doua categorii de surse financiare: surse proprii si surse imprumutate. Cele doua categorii de surse de finantare identificate se completeaza reciproc, existand anumite proportii intre acestea care trebuie respectate, deoarece apelarea la credite intr-o masura necontrolata antreneaza o serie de riscuri pentru intreprindere, punand in pericol intreaga activitate a acesteia. Plecand de la aceste considerente, in cadrul lucrSrii sunt prezentate rezultatele unui studiu efectuat la nivelul mai multor firme industriale listate la Bursa de Valori Bucureati pe piaSa Rasdaq, care, in perioada 2002- 2004, au apelat la credite bancare pentru finanSarea activitSSii.structura financiara, autonomie financiara, levier financiar, lichiditate, solvabilitate