59 research outputs found

    Task priority control of underwater intervention systems: Theory and applications

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    This paper presents a unifying task priority control architecture for underwater vehicle manipulator systems. The proposed control framework can be applied to different operative scenarios such as waypoint navigation, assisted teleoperation, interaction, landing and grasping. This work extends the results of the TRIDENT and MARIS projects, which were limited to the execution of grasping actions, to other applications taken from the DexROV and ROBUST projects. In particular, simulation results show how the control framework can be used, for example, for pipeline inspection scenarios and deep sea mining exploration

    ROBUST project: Control Framework for Deep Sea Mining Exploration

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    This paper presents the control framework under development within the ROBUST Horizon 2020 project, whose goal is the development of an autonomous robotic system for the exploration of deep-sea mining sites. After a bathymetric survey of the initial zone of interest, the robotized system selects a subarea deemed to have the most chances of containing a manganese nodule field and proceeds with a detailed low altitude survey. Whenever a possible nodule is found, it performs an insitu measurement through laser induced spectroscopy. To do so, the underwater vehicle must first land on the seafloor, with a certain precision to allow a subsequent fixed-based manipulation, bringing its manipulator endowed with the laser system in the position to carry out the measurement. The work reports the developed control architecture and the simulation results supporting it

    Distributed Task-priority Based Control in Area Coverage & Adaptive Sampling

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    Abstract\u2014The paper presents the first simulative results and algorithmic developments of the task-priority based control applied to a distributed sampling network in an area coverage or adaptive sampling mission scenario. The proposed approach allowing the fulfilment of a chain of tasks with decreasing priority each of which directly related to both operability and safety aspects of the entire mission. The task-priority control is presented both in the centralized and decentralized implementations showing a comparison of performance. Finally simulations of the area coverage mission scenario are provided showing the effectiveness of the proposed approac

    Satellite-Based Tele-Operation of an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System. Preliminary Experimental Results

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    Within the European project DexROV the topic of underwater intervention is addressed. In particular, a remote control room is connected through a satellite communication link to surface vessel, which is in turn connected to an UVMS (Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System) with an umbilical cable. The operator may interact with the system using a joystick or exoskeleton. Since a direct teleoperation is not feasible, a cognitive engine is in charge of handling communication latency or interruptions caused by the satellite link, and the UVMS should have sufficient autonomy in dealing with low level constraints or secondary objectives. To this purpose, a task-priority-based inverse kinematics algorithm has been developed in order to allow the operator to control only the end effector, while the algorithm is in charge of handling both operative and joint-space constraints. This paper describes some preliminary experimental results achieved during the DexROV campaign of July 2017 in Marseilles (France), where most of the components have been successfully integrated and the inverse kinematics nicely run

    On Autonomous Robotic Cooperation Capabilities within Factory and Logistic Scenarios

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    The paper presents the development of a unified functional, algorithmic and Software (Sw) architecture, which can be adopted as a standard for controlling, at action level only, any robotic structure within a given wide class of them; even of reconfigurable type within the class. Such control architecture is therefore deemed very suitable for operating within factory and/or logistic, possibly reconfigurable, scenarios. Moreover, for the few cases of cooperative activities to be established between agents not allowed to be cable connected, an effective coordination policy, based on the exchange of a reduced information set, only regarding the cooperation goals, is developed; and relevant simulative and experimental trials are briefly outlined. Moreover, the advantage of having, in whatever operative condition, the possibility of commanding the involved structures only in terms of the ultimate goals of each action, also seems to be the right basis for having non-negligible improvements within their integration with automated action planning, and even learning, techniques

    Compósito para a construção civil a partir de resíduos industriais

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    RESUMO Os estudos que visam à utilização dos resíduos industriais vêm se intensificando diante da pressão das organizações ambientais, escassez de recursos naturais, busca de certificações para ganho de mercado e minimização de impacto ambiental. O presente trabalho desenvolveu um novo compósito a base de resíduos industriais como cinzas de madeira, lodo de estação de tratamento de água (ETA) e resíduos de produção de cal com propriedades mecânicas que atendem às exigências da ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS - NBR 15270-1/2005, NBR 15270-2/2005 e NBR 5739/2007, objetivando a sua utilização na construção civil sem o acréscimo de cimento Portland. As resistências à compressão variaram de 2,35 a 16,48 MPa. O índice de absorção de água das amostras testadas também atendeu às normas aplicadas, demonstrando que ao longo do tempo de cura houve diminuição da porosidade com possível hidratação da cal. Os resultados do ensaio de resistência à compressão apresentaram variações durante o tempo de cura que podem ser justificadas pela presença de material orgânico no lodo de ETA e pelo tamanho das partículas de cinza de madeira que durante a homogeneização não foram destruídas completamente. Apesar das variações observadas nos resultados, as resistências dos compósitos se enquadram na classificação para blocos cilíndricos de concreto e blocos cerâmicos para alvenaria

    Visual Servoed Autonomous Landing of an UAV on a Catamaran in a Marine Environment

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    This paper introduces a procedure for autonomous landing of a quadrotor on an unmanned surface vehicle in a marine environment. The relative pose and velocity of the vehicle with respect to the quadrotor are estimated using a combination of data coming from a vision system, which recognizes a set of AprilTags located on the vehicle itself, and an ultrasonic sensor, to achieve further robustness during the final landing phase. The considered software and hardware architecture is provided, and the details about the landing procedure are presented. Software-in-the-loop tests were performed as a validation step for the proposed algorithms; to recreate realistic conditions, the movements of the landing platform have been replicated from data of a test in a real marine environment. In order to provide further proof of the reliability of the vision system, a video sequence from a manual landing of a quadrotor on the surface vehicle in a real marine environment has been processed, and the results are presented