9 research outputs found
The Application of Contruct 2 Application the Development of Interactive Digital Modules AS Learning Media in Effective Communication Course in Education PG PAU FID UNIMEND
This study aims to (1) develop and implement the construct 2 application as an interactive digital module, (2) determine the feasibility of the construct 2 application as an interactive learning media, (3) determine the assessment of students, media experts and material experts. This research is a type of method used by Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE development model. which includes analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, but only carried out up to stage four, namely implementation. Data collection techniques were carried out using a questionnaire. In general, the results of the assessment of the material aspect validation test are classified as Good with a total score of 88 and the range of values and media aspect validation are also classified as Very Good category, namely 93 with an average value of 4.65. So that the Application of Construct 2 Application-Based Interactive Learning Media in Effective Communication Courses in Education PG PAUD FIP UNIMED is worthy of being used as a learning medium and independent learning resource.
Keywords: Construct 2 Application, Effective Communication in Education, Interactive Learning Media, PG PAU
The Influence of the Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model and Learning Motivation on Civics Learning Outcomes in Primary School Students
This research aims to determine the differences in the results of PPKn subjects for groups of students taught using the TWO STAY TWO STRAY and inquiry models, differences in the results of PPKn subjects for groups of students who have high and low learning motivation, and learning motivation in influencing the results of Civics subjects. This research was carried out at SDN 091713 Amborokan with class IV samples. This type of research is quantitative, using the experimental method (quasi-experiment) with a purposive sampling technique; the researcher chose class IV-A as the experimental class and IV-4 as the control class at SDN 091713. the sample in this study was taken as the entire population; class IV-A students had 32 students, and class IV-B had 32 students. In this case, the experimental class is class IV-A, which applies the Two Stay Two Stray learning model, while class IV-B is the control class, taught using the Inquiry learning model. In this research, analysis techniques are used with the steps of Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Inferential Statistical Analysis, Calculating the average, Calculating the standard deviation, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing. The results of the research show that 1) there is an influence of learning models in influencing Civics learning outcomes with a calculated F of 59.805, 2) There is an influence of learning motivation in influencing Civics learning outcomes with a calculated F of 92.04, and 3) there is an interaction of learning models and Civics learning motivation with F count 4.09
The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Locus of Control Toward the Job Satisfaction of Educator on HKBP Private Highschool in North Sumatra
This study aims to answer the question posed, namely 1) the effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction of educators, and 2) the effect of locus of control on job satisfaction of educators at HKBP Private High School in North Sumatra Province. The population on this study was 292 educators at HKBP Private High School with total sample of 131 people were taken by using Proportional Random Sampling Technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire by using Likert scale. The research data were processed and analyzed by using SPSS program. The result of analysis shows there is a direct influence of transformational leadership on job satisfaction of educators with path coefficient of 0.188, and the direct effect of locus of control on job satisfaction of educators at 0.213 of educators at HKBP Private high school in North Sumatra Province becomes more higher. The implication of this study explain that in order to improve the job satisfaction of educators, it needs to be done many efforts to improve the effectiveness of transformational leadership of principals and locus of control. Some efforts can be undertaken include self-evaluation, education and training of transformational leadership development of the principals, and locus of control personality development of educators
Efektivitas Budaya Organisasi dalam Mewujudkan Visi dan Misi SMA Swasta UISU Siantar
This study aims to describe the Effectiveness of Organizational Culture in Realizing the Vision and Mission of UISU Siantar Private High School. School culture is the basic personality of the school which is shaped by norms, values, beliefs, and traditions shared by school members. Because a positive school culture plays an important role in directing the behavior of school members to achieve school goals. This Research In this study, a qualitative research design was used to analyze school culture. A study that focuses on school culture, student groups or classroom behavior should use an ethnographic case study format. This study reveals that school culture has a significant impact on school effectiveness. Therefore, in implementing education reform, system leaders should emphasize the important role of school culture in school effectiveness. School improvement efforts need to be focused on the dimensions of school culture and school effectiveness. Effective planning and strategies are needed to develop working conditions in which teachers can collaborate and work together effectively. School leaders should focus on creating a positive school culture based on collaboration, and mutual support. Principals to involve all stakeholders in the formulation and development of school management strategies
Manajemen dan Pemberdayaan Manusia untuk Mengefektifkan Organisasi di SMAN 1 Laubaleng, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera Utara
This study aims to describe human management and empowerment to streamline the organization at SMA N 1 Laubaleng, Karo Regency, North Sumatra. That the success of the school managed by the principal is a manifestation of efforts to develop a school organization based on creativity and innovation. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach. The use of these methods and approaches is in accordance with the main objectives of the study, namely reviewing, describing, analyzing data, and information according to the needs in this context related to management and human empowerment to Streamline the organization at SMA N 1 Laubaleng. Data collection through interviews, observations, document analysis and literature studies. The results showed, that SMA N 1 Laubaleng as a learning organization can be understood as an organization that continuously transforms itself to manage knowledge, use technology, empower society, and expand learning, to adapt and achieve better success in an ever-changing environment, and the importance of the process takes place decisively and collectively
Gaya kepemimpinan seseorang dalam suatu organisasi akan menentukan efisiensi dan kinerja organisasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru di SMK Buddhist Manjusri. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa deskriptif analitis yang membandingkan antara kajian pustaka dengan kenyataan dilapangan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMK Buddhist Manjusri, sedangkan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja guru di sekolah yang sama. Data yang diperoleh dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dan lembar observasi yang digunakan untuk mengamati variabel-variabel penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan kemudian diidentifikasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dibandingkan dengan kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMK Buddhist Manjusri yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru adalah degan memerapkan gaya kepemimpinan partisipasi.Â
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Aplikasi Qr Code Generator untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Siswa Taman Kanak-Kanak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas media pembelajaran, kelayakan media pembelajaran dan mengetahui efektifitas media pembelajaran berbasis aplikasi QR Code Generator terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Inggris siswa TK. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan teknik diskusi dan interview dalam mengumpulkan informasi dengan pendekatan skala Likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penilaian kelayan media QR Code Generator yang dikembangkan pada skala baik (75% ≤ X < 85%) hingga sangat baik (85% ≤ X ≤ 100%). Hasil evaluasi pembelajaran menunjukan peningkatan secara signifikan (p = 0,000799 < 0,05) untuk ketiga parameter yang dinilai, yakni: penilaian hasil pembelajaran, tingkat antusiasme/kesukaan, dan tingkat kepuasan sebelum (pre-test) dan sesudah (post-test) pembelajaran berbasis media aplikasi QR Code Generator. Nilai kenaikan akumulatif berdasarkan skala Likert (1-5) juga terlihat dari nilai rata-rata sebesar 1,7 (skala ‘tidak baik’) dengan metode belajar konvensional (pre-test) menjadi rata-rata 4,04 (skala ‘lebih baik’) dengan metode belajar berbasis media aplikasi QR Code Generator
The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Teacher Job Satisfaction at SMA Brigjend Katamso II Medan
This study aims to determine the effect of principal leadership and teacher work motivation on teacher satisfaction. Teacher satisfaction has a very important position in the context of improving and controlling the quality of education. This type of research is quantitative. Data was obtained by survey method, namely by distributing questionnaires as research instruments. This research was conducted at Brigjend Katamso II Senior High School Medan, Indonesia. The research sample was 49 teachers. Analysis of the data using correlational analysis techniques and multiple regression. This research is an ex-post facto research, because the researcher does not manipulate the existing variables and directly looks for the existence and level of the relationship between variables which is reflected in the correlation coefficient. The results of the study concluded: (1) there was a significant influence of principal's leadership on teacher satisfaction; (2) there is an effect of teacher work motivation on teacher satisfaction; and (3) there is a joint effect of principal's leadership and teacher's work motivation on teacher satisfaction