36 research outputs found
Active wild food practices among culturally diverse groups in the 21st century across latgale, Latvia
Local ecological knowledge (LEK), including but not limited to the use of wild food plants, plays a large role in sustainable natural resource management schemes, primarily due to the synergy between plants and people. There are calls for the study of LEK in culturally diverse areas due to a loss of knowledge, the active practice of utilizing wild plants in various parts of the world, and a decline in biodiversity. An ethnobotanical study in a border region of Latvia, characterised by diverse natural landscapes and people with deep spiritual attachments to nature, provided an opportunity for such insight, as well as the context to analyse wild food plant usages among different sociocultural groups, allowing us to explore the differences among these groups. Semi-structured interviews were carried out as part of a wider ethnobotanical field study to obtain information about wild food plants and their uses. The list of wild food plant uses, derived from 72 interviews, revealed a high level of homogenisation (in regards to knowledge) among the study groups, and that many local uses of wild food plants are still actively practiced. People did not gather plants as a recreational activity but rather as a source of diet diversification. The results provide evidence of the importance of safeguarding ecological and cultural diversity due to high local community dependency on natural resources
Электрон-избыточные металлoфенантроцианины – новый класс тетраазахромофорных комплексов d-элементов
Data of experimental and theoretical study (DFT method) of electron-rich metal phenanthrocyanines – new class of tetraazachromophore complexes of delements Pt2+, Pd2+, Rh3+, Cr3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ was presented. On basis of experimental data on electron absorption spectra (EAS) and quantum chemical calculations of EAS of model anion-radical 1,10-phenanthroline and electron-rich 1,10-phenanthroline complexes suggest of long-wave bands in EAS of metal phenanthrocyanines was made. Some general regularities of new metal phenanthrocyanines formation in C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-coupling reactions of coordinated 1,10-phenanthrolines concerned with metal promotion and elementary electron and proton transfer processes in initialization stage of C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-coupling was analysedредставлены результаты экспериментального и теоретического (методом DFT) исследования электрон-избыточных металлофенантроцианинов – нового класса тетраазахромофорных комплексов d-элементов Pt2+, Pd2+, Rh3+, Cr3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ и Cd2+. Сделаны отнесения длинноволновых полос в ЭСП металлофенантроцианинов. Проанализированы некоторые общие закономерности образования новых металлофенантроцианинов в реакциях C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-сочетания координированных 1,10-фенантролинов, связанные с металл-промотированием, а также с элементарными процессами электронного и протонного переноса на стадии инициирования C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-сочетания
Shared neural representations of tactile roughness intensities by somatosensation and touch observation using an associative learning method
Previous human fMRI studies have reported activation of somatosensory areas not only during actual touch, but also during touch observation. However, it has remained unclear how the brain encodes visually evoked tactile intensities. Using an associative learning method, we investigated neural representations of roughness intensities evoked by (a) tactile explorations and (b) visual observation of tactile explorations. Moreover, we explored (c) modality-independent neural representations of roughness intensities using a cross-modal classification method. Case (a) showed significant decoding performance in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the supramarginal gyrus (SMG), while in the case (b), the bilateral posterior parietal cortices, the inferior occipital gyrus, and the primary motor cortex were identified. Case (c) observed shared neural activity patterns in the bilateral insula, the SMG, and the ACC. Interestingly, the insular cortices were identified only from the cross-modal classification, suggesting their potential role in modality-independent tactile processing. We further examined correlations of confusion patterns between behavioral and neural similarity matrices for each region. Significant correlations were found solely in the SMG, reflecting a close relationship between neural activities of SMG and roughness intensity perception. The present findings may deepen our understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying intensity perception of tactile roughness
The aim of this study was to analyze drug therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Russia. Methods. Findings of the Russian National Register of CF patients, 2014, were used in this study. The 2014 Register included data for 2,131 patients (2,092 alive and 39 died) from 74 regions of Russia. The median age was 10.2 (15.2) years, 29.2% of patients were aged 18 years and older. We analyzed administration of bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), systemic steroids, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution, macrolides, systemic and inhaled antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins. Results. Drug administration rates were as follows: bronchodilators, 65.9%; ICS, 21.7%; systemic steroids, 5.5%; macrolides, 32.4%; dornase-alfa, 92.8%; hypertonic saline solution, 45.9%; intravenous antibiotics, 62.3%; oral antibiotics, 73.3%; inhaled antibiotics, 41.3%; pancreatic enzymes, 93.3%; ursodeoxycholic acid, 91.4%; and fat-soluble vitamins, 88.3%. Conclusion. Compared to treatment of CF patients in the Western Europe, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution and intravenous antibiotics in Russia. Compared to treatment strategy in USA, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes and lower rate of administration of bronchodilators, hypertonic saline solution and inhaled antibiotics in Russia. Муковисцидоз (МВ) – тяжелое мультисистемное заболевание, требующее комплексного медикаментозного и немедикаментозного лечения. Особенностям лекарственной терапии разнородных по числу и возрасту групп больных МВ, проживающих в разных регионах России, посвящено ограниченное число работ, однако общий анализ данных большой группы пациентов в рамках единого регистра ранее не проводился. Цель. Выявление особенностей медикаментозной терапии больных МВ в России по данным национального Регистра (2014). Материалы и методы. Использованы сведения о пациентах (n = 2 131; 2 092 живых и 39 умерших) из 74 регионов России, состоящих в национальном Регистре больных муковисцидозом (2014). Медиана возраста пациентов составила 10,2 (15,2) года, доля взрослых (не моложе 18 лет) – 29,2 %. Проанализирована частота назначения лекарственной терапии бронходилататорами, ингаляционными (иГКС) и системными (сГКС) глюкокортикостероидами (ГКС), дорназой альфа, гипертоническим раствором натрия хлорида, макролидами, системными и ингаляционными антибактериальными препаратами (АБП), панкреатическими ферментами, урсодезоксихолевой кислотой (УДХК), жирорастворимыми витаминами. Результаты. Частота применения медикаментозной терапии по России распределена следующим образом: бронходилататоры – 65,9 %; иГКС – 21,7 %; сГКС – 5,5 %; макролиды – 32,4 %; дорназа альфа – 92,8 %; гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида – 45,9 %; внутривенные АБП – 62,3 %; пероральные АБП – 73,3 %; ингаляционные АБП – 41,3 %; панкреатические ферменты – 93,3 %; УДХК – 91,4 %; жирорастворимые витамины – 88,3 %. Отмечено, что взрослым больным наиболее часто назначаются бронхолитические препараты, АБП и ГКС; реже применяются панкреатические ферменты и УДХК. Заключение. Среди особенностей терапии российских больных по сравнению со странами Западной Европы можно выделить высокую долю назначения панкреатических ферментов, УДХК, дорназы альфа, гипертонического раствора и внутривенных АБП. По сравнению с США чаще назначаются панкреатические ферменты, реже – бронходилататоры, гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида и ингаляционные АБП
Rationale for the parameters of pneumatic loosening of compacted loose materials
Transport pneumatyczny jest jednym z najbardziej postępowych środków mechanizacji i automatyzacji transportu materiałów sypkich. Jest on stosowany w przemyśle aluminiowym, chemicznym, spożywczym, tekstylnym, budownictwie i innych branżach. Jednak szerokie zastosowanie transportu pneumatycznego jest ograniczone przez niepełne informacje na ten temat. W artykule opisano metody intensyfikacji procesów pneumatycznych sprasowanych materiałów budowlanych luzem i przedstawiono uzasadnienie dla optymalnych parametrów procesu pneumatycznego rozpadu tych materiałów.Pneumatic transport is one of the most progressive means of mechanization and automation of loose goods transportation. It is used in aluminum, chemical, food, textile, construction and other industries. However, wide use of pneumatic transport is limited by the incomplete information on this subject. This article describes the method of process intensification of pneumatic compacted bulk construction materials and provides the rationale for optimum process parameters for pneumatic disintegration of these materials
Electron-rich metal phenanthrocyanine – new class of tetraazachromophor complexes of d-elements
Data of experimental and theoretical study (DFT method) of electron-rich metal phenanthrocyanines – new class of tetraazachromophore complexes of delements Pt2+, Pd2+, Rh3+, Cr3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ was presented. On basis of experimental data on electron absorption spectra (EAS) and quantum chemical calculations of EAS of model anion-radical 1,10-phenanthroline and electron-rich 1,10-phenanthroline complexes suggest of long-wave bands in EAS of metal phenanthrocyanines was made. Some general regularities of new metal phenanthrocyanines formation in C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-coupling reactions of coordinated 1,10-phenanthrolines concerned with metal promotion and elementary electron and proton transfer processes in initialization stage of C(sp2 )H-C(sp2 )H-coupling was analyse
A phosphotyrosine-imprinted polymer receptor for the recognition of tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides.
Synthesis of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for selective SPE extraction of peptides hyperphosphorylated at tyrosine. Proof of concept is presented by using HPLC and microLC on models such as phosphorylated angiotensin II in the presence of an excess of its non-phosphorylated counterpart. This approach appears suited for targeting disease biomarkers. One of the first MIPs capable to recognize peptides or protein epitopes thus advocating the usage for the recognition of biotechnological drugs.
Sintesi di un materiale per estrazione in fase solida (SPE) altamente specifico per l’analisi qualitativa (riconoscimento) di peptidi iperfosforilati alla tirosina. Verifica mediante HPLC e microLC su modelli quali l’angiotensina II fosforilata e non fosforilata. Applicazione per l’analisi qualitativa di sostanze aventi attività biologica o tossicologica e per la diagnostica di patologie tumorali. Uno dei primi esempi di MIPs in grado di riconoscere peptidi o epitopi di proteine, preconizza l’impiego per il riconoscimento di farmaci biotecnologici