104 research outputs found

    Progress in Diarrheal Disease Research at Namru-2 in Collaboration with Badan Litbangkes and Rspi

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    Penyakit diare termasuk kolera masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting untuk Indonesia. Kejadian luar biasa (KLB) "muntah-berak" masih terus dilaporkan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi keadaan ini adalah menemukan suatu vaksin yang aman, praktis dan terjangkau harganya. CVD-103 adalah strain V. cholerae yang sebagian besar gen penyebab diare, toksin subunit A, telah dibuang. Pada penelitian dengan peserta anak-anak di Jakarta, CVD 103-HgR ternyata memberikan kenaikan antibodi dan dapat diterima baik oleh anak-anak Indonesia berusia 5-9 tahun dan 25-59 bulan. Di samping itu pemeriksaan sampel bakteriologik dari lingkungan dekat tempat kediaman peserta dengan menggunakan teknik yang peka untuk mendeteksi V. cholerae, tidak menemukan adanya strain vaksin. Suatu penelitian lapangan dengan tujuan untuk menilai kemanjuran dosis tunggal vaksin oral kolera CVD 103-HgR untuk pencegahan kolera secara klinis selama tiga tahun, telah dimulai didaerah Jakarta Utara pada tahun 1993. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menetapkan kemanjuran vaksin terhadap berbagai kelompok umur, terhadap kolera berat, serta membandingkan kemanjurannya pada peserta dengan golongan darah O. Jumlah penduduk yang ikut dalam penilaian vaksin ini adalah 67.000 peserta sukarela. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diketahui pada akhir tahun 1996.Di samping penelitian tentang vaksin kolera, NAMRU dan Badan Litbangkes juga telah ikut serta dalam berbagai penelitian WHO, misalnya tentang larutan garam oralit (ORS) yang dilakukan di RS Karantina/RS Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso. Salah satu penelitian terakhir adalah manfaat larutan ORS dengan osmolaritas rendah pada tahun 1994. Hasil penelitian ini telah mendorong WHO untuk melaksanakan penelitian dengan larutan yang sama di berbagai pusat penelitian (multicenter) pada tahun 1995 sebelum mengusulkan suatu Perubahan formulasi larutan ORS secara global

    P. Falciparum Resisten Terhadap Chloroquine Di Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah

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    Twenty indigenous falciparum cases were subjected to either an in vivo and/or in-vitro (macro and micro) test, held during a WHO assisted training activity in Jepara, Central Jawa, in May 1981, to assess its susceptibility to chloroquine. Result showed that all cases were resistant to chloroquine. Ten cases underwent in-vivo test, revealing 9 resistant at RI and 1 resistant at RII level. This is the first report of falciparum found in Jawa

    Etiologi Mikribiologis Penyakit Diare Akut

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    As in other developing countries, diarrhoea is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Indo­nesia. It is estimated that at least 4-5 million deaths per year in the world are caused by acute di­arrhoea. In Indonesia, 40% of deaths in the first 2 years of life is caused by acute diarrhoea. This study is to assess the microbial agents of diarrhoea! disease, from patients of 2 hospitals in Ja­karta. Rectal swabs for bacteriological examination were collected from patients at the admission using Cary & Blair as a transport media. Stools for Rota virus examination were collected in a tube container and kept at 4- 6°C before further processing. Conventional bacteriological procedures were performed for isolation and identification of bacterial agents. Enterotoxigenic E. Coli (E T E Cj was examined by ELISA for LT and by intragastric inocula­tion of suckling mice for ST. Campylobacter was incubated at 42°C in a candle jar using desiccator as a jar. The isolation results from 1937 specimens collected were V. cholera 01 50,2%, Rota virus 31,0%, ETEC 6,8%, Campylobacter sp 4,8%, Salmonella sp 4,3%, V. parahaemolyticus 1,6%, NAG 0,9%, Shi­gella sp 0,8%, Y. enterocolytica 0,2% and mixed infection of 2 or 3 different agent 5%. Most of the V. cholera isolated were of the Ogawa sero-type (98,9%). ETEC consisted of 69,2% LT alone, 21,4% ST alone and 8,9% both LT and ST. The most prevalent among 10 Salmonella species isolated were S. oranienberg 34,9% and S. kreveld 21,7%. The most prevalent among 4 species of Shigella isolated were Sh. flexneri 43,8% and Sh. dysen-triae 31,3%. Diarrhoeal diseases were continuously found through the year with 2 peaks; one high peak in May, June and July and the other lower peak in December and January

    Metastability in Josephson transmission lines

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    Thermal activation and macroscopic quantum tunneling in current-biased discrete Josephson transmission lines are studied theoretically. The degrees of freedom under consideration are the phases across the junctions which are coupled to each other via the inductances of the system. The resistively shunted junctions that we investigate constitute a system of N interacting degrees of freedom with an overdamped dynamics. We calculate the decay rate within exponential accuracy as a function of temperature and current. Slightly below the critical current, the decay from the metastable state occurs via a unique ("rigid") saddlepoint solution of the Euclidean action describing the simultaneous decay of the phases in all the junctions. When the current is reduced, a crossover to a regime takes place, where the decay occurs via an "elastic" saddlepoint solution and the phases across the junctions leave the metastable state one after another. This leads to an increased decay rate compared with the rigid case both in the thermal and the quantum regime. The rigid-to-elastic crossover can be sharp or smooth analogous to first- or second- order phase transitions, respectively. The various regimes are summarized in a current-temperature decay diagram.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 3 PS-figures, revised versio

    Macroscopic Quantum Phase Interference in Antiferromagnetic Particles

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    The tunnel splitting in biaxial antiferromagnetic particles is studied with a magnetic field applied along the hard anisotropy axis. We observe the oscillation of tunnel splitting as a function of the magnetic field due to the quantum phase interference of two tunneling paths of opposite windings. The oscillation is similar to the recent experimental result with Fe}8_8\textrm{\ molecular clusters.}Comment: 8 pages, 2 postscript figures, to appear in J. Phys.: Condes. Matte

    The Impact of Water Supply on Diarrheal Disease in Several Villages, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Dampak penyediaan air bersih terhadap penyakit diare telah dipelajari di dua kecamatan endemis Malaka Tengah dan Malaka Barat, Kabupaten Belu, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dalam bulan No-pember 1987. Prevalensi diare di 15 desa berkisar antara 73,9 - 634,2 per 1000 penduduk dengan rata-rata 2692 per 1000 penduduk. Prevalensi di desa yang menggunakan sarana baik (safe) 166 per 1000 penduduk, sarana kurang baik (less safe) 184 per 1000 penduduk dan sarana jelek (unsafe) 315 per 1000 penduduk. Sarana penyediaan air mempengaruhi prevalensi diare. Prevalensi diare relatif rendah di desa yang sebagian besar penduduknya menggunakan sarana baik. Sebaliknya prevalensi lebih tinggi di desa yang menggunakan sarana kurang baik atau jelek

    Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of a Domain Wall in a Ferromagnetic Metal

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    The macroscopic quantum tunneling of a planar domain wall in a ferromagnetic metal is studied based on the Hubbard model. It is found that the ohmic dissipation is present even at zero temperature due to the gapless Stoner excitation, which is the crucial difference from the case of the insulating magnet. The dissipative effect is calculated as a function of width of the wall and is shown to be effective in a thin wall and in a weak ferromagnet. The results are discussed in the light of recent experiments on ferromagnets with strong anisotropy. PACS numbers:75.60.Ch, 03.65.Sq, 75.10.LpComment: 13page

    Quantum Nucleation in a Ferromagnetic Film Placed in a Magnetic Field at an Arbitrary Angle

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    We study the quantum nucleation in a thin ferromagnetic film placed in a magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. The dependence of the quantum nucleation and the temperature of the crossover from thermal to quantum regime on the direction and the strength of the applied field are presented. It is found that the maximal value of the rate and that of the crossover temperature are obtained at a some angle with the magnetic field, not in the direction of the applied field opposite to the initial easy axis.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 3 PostScript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.