17 research outputs found


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    Standards service minimum are provisions regarding the type and quality of basic services which are mandatory regional affairs that every citizen has the right to obtain at a minimum. One of the minimum service standards in the medical record unit is that the time for providing outpatient medical record documents is 10 minutes which is calculated for the time for providing medical record documents starting from the patient registering until the medical record document is provided/found by the officer.  The length of time a patient waits is one of the potential indicators that can affect patient loyalty to the hospital. The is purpose study to analyze the relation between the time of providing medical record documents with patient loyalty at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of Sembiring Deli Tua General Hospital. This type of research is an analytic study with a cross sectional design. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis using chi square (x) test. The number of samples available as many as 64 samples were taken from the population, namely internal polyclinic patients. The results of the bivariate analysis of the time of providing medical record documents with patient loyalty obtained a p value of 0.001. From the results of the bivariate analysis p value < 0.05, there is a relationship between the time of providing medical record documents with patient loyalty at the Internal Medicine Polyclinic of Sembiring Deli Tua General Hospital. it is hoped that the hospital management will conduct socialization to service officers to provide excellent service, it aims to improve the quality of service in the hospital


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    Introduction: In this online learning, the role of parents becomes bigger. If online, parents usually only accompany learning to supervise. In these cases, parents must be the teacher for their children. Objective: to find out the relationship between the role of parents and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at Deli Husada Deli Tua health institute in 2021 Research Methods: This type of research uses quantitative research with a cross sectional research design, which was conducted on 30 parents whose children are doing online learning at home. The role of parents in online learning Based on the table of cross tabulation of the relationship between the role of parents and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at Deli Husada Deli Tua health institute in 2021 Research Results: The role of parents is very good with online learning very good as many as 7 people (46.7%), the role of parents is very good with online learning is quite good 8 people (53.3%), the role of parents is very good with learning Poor online 0 (0.0%),The role of parents is quite good with online learning very good as many as 2 people (20.0%), the role of parents is quite good with online learning is good enough as many as 6 people (60.0%), the role of parents is quite good with online learning is not good as many as 2 people (20.0%), the role of parents is not good with online learning very good as much as 1 (20.0%), The role of parents is not good with online learning is quite good as many as 3 (60.0%), the role of parents is not good with online learning is not good as much as 1 person (20.0%).Based on the results of statistical tests and data processing using chi square calculations with the help of SPSS version 21 for windows, the P value = 0.002 (P < 0.05) Conclusion: it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the relationship between the role of parents and online learning in Deli Husada Deli Tua health institute in 2021


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    This counseling purpose to know  use of the Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning Model on Students' Ability to Write Persuasion Texts by Class X Students of SMK YaPIM Biru - Biru  which consists of 7 classes with a total population of 240 students. From the determined population, 64 students were determined with a total of two classes selected by cluster sampling, namely class X 3 and class X 4. The data information technique used was normality test using the F test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing using the "t" test. The results of the research, concluded that the Talk Think Write (TTW) Study Model can improve student learning outcomes in writing persuasion texts

    Analisis Kesiapsiagaan Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Kabupaten Deli Serdang dalam Menghadapi Bencana Pandemi Covid-19

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    Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang mengalami pandemi Wabah Corona Virus  atau Covid-19 pada tahun 2020. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan Covid-19 sebagai Bencana Nasional dan dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai kondisi kedaruratan atau bencana. Organisasi kesehatan dunia, WHO, telah mengumumkan status keadaan darurat global wabah Covid-19 dengan pertimbangan meningkatnya jumlah korban meninggal dunia akibat virus yang kini telah menyebar ke sejumlah negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran yaitu menggabungkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Informan kunci penelitian ini adalah Ketua Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam dan informan tambahan dari sejumlah pegawai rumah sakit yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian. Penelitian diawali dengan penilaian kesiapsiagaan Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam dengan menggunakan instrument Hospital Safety Index (HSI). Hasil penilaian  dianalisis berdasarkan kesiapsiagaan rumah sakit dalam menghadapi Pandemik Covid-19. Analisis lanjut dilakukan dengan memverifikasi hasil penilaian dengan wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan data observasi untuk mengungkap hal-hal yang dianggap penting untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian. Berdasarkan analisis kesiapsiagaan Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam dalam menghadapi pandemik Covid-19 dengan skor total HSI 0,936 termasuk kategori level A (siap menghadapi bencana


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    Theoretical framework is a concept to see and explain phenomena that have become variables in research, which will used to analyze the data. Then the theoretical framework in This research will explain the independent variable and the dependent variable. The two variables sequentially are effectiveness use of motion audiovisual media and the ability to write text explanation. Effectivenessis the success of a business or action taken on something, which is success  it is something that is expected by business actors or actors the action itself. So in this study, the effort or action in the form of the use of learning media, namely motion audiovisual media. This research was conducted at the Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute. This research using the experimental method with using two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. Results or data that obtained in this study is effectiveness of use motion audiovisual media used researchers in learning  writing explanatory text in class VIII 7th Medan Junior High School year lesson 2019/ 2020. Ability score student write explanatory text in experimental class average 75.97 with good category, and in class control average 65.8 of course with sufficient category. Value earned with using motion audiovisual media in the experimental class with enough category 1 student (3.33%), good category 11 students (36.67%), very good category 18 students (60%). Based on these data, it can be  oncluded that students are very good at choosing a writing theme and developing writing according to the specified theme or topic. This ability is of course on the effectiveness of using motion audiovisual media

    The Relationship Of Online Learning With Interest In Learning Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMK Singosari Deli Tua Year 2022

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    Abstract Distance learning is an electronic-based learning process. This online learning system has no access restrictions, this allows learning to take more time. Interest in learning is one of the most important factors for the success of students' learning, interest arises from within the students themselves. Factors from outside the interest in learning are how the teacher teaches. The role of the teacher is very important to foster student interest in learning, one of which is by teaching in a fun way, providing constructive motivation. The aim of the research is to find out whether there is a relationship between online learning and student learning interest during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses quantitative research methods with a cross sectional survey approach. The sampling method is using probability sampling technique with random sampling with a total sample of 109 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire sheet. The results of the statistical test using the chi-square test with = 0.05 showed that there was a relationship between online learning and student interest in learning during the covid-19 pandemic with a value of sig. (2-tailed) thus Ho was rejected. This study shows that there is a relationship between online learning and student interest in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMK SINGOSARI Deli Tua in 2022

    The Relationship Between Stress And Online Learning Achievement During Covid-19 In Class XI Students At SMA Negeri 1 Deli Tua District Deli Tua District Deli Serdang District Year 2021

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    Stress is a psychological response to various stressors that can occur in every individual, including high school students. Stress can be one of the factors that can affect a person's learning achievement. During the Covid-19 pandemic, students were directed to take part in the online learning process, which caused most students to get various kinds of stressors that caused stress to have an impact on learning achievement. Learning achievement is an indicator of student learning outcomes obtained from teaching and learning activities carried out. This study aims to determine the relationship between stress and student achievement in class XI at SMA N 1 Deli Tua. This study uses a cross-sectional research design which was conducted in January 2021 at SMA N 1 Deli Tua. The sample of this study amounted to 71 students who have different stress level criteria. Stress level data was collected using the standard DASS-42 questionnaire, and learning achievement data used a documentation technique, namely the recap of the average value of semester 2 report. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results of the study with the chi-square test obtained p value = 0.001 <0.05, so Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant relationship between stress and student achievement in class XI at SMA N 1 Deli Tua. The conclusion of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between stress and online learning achievement results during Covid-19 in class XI MIA students at SMA Negeri 1 Deli Tua in 2021

    Penyuluhan Tentang Turnover Perawat Covid 19 Dan Pemanfaatannya Dalam Pengambilan Kebijakan di Rumah Sakit Sembiring

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    Hospitals must have quality human resources to be able to improve the quality of health services. Human resources are assets in an agency or company and are always needed in the process of producing goods and services. Nurses play an important role in the process of providing services in hospitals because they are directly involved with patients for 24 hours Nurses in hospitals are also a determining factor for service quality and hospital image, therefore nurses are required to always be professional in carrying out their duties by fostering a sense of care and concern. Must have empathy for the patient. Therefore, hospital management must pay more attention to nurses as part of human capital and not merely consider nurses as assets. If the company pays less attention to the existence of its employees and only pays attention to company profits, it will cause high turnover. Nursing care is the duty and responsibility of nurses in carrying out their professionalism and obtaining service rewards for the nurses' efforts in carrying out their duties as regulated in Law Number 38 of 2014. In fact, the turnover rate in private hospitals is higher than in government hospitals and teaching hospitals as well as nurses who work at the Sembiring Hospital, this is much influenced by the current condition, which is called the COVID 19 pandemic period, many nurses in the hospital were laid off due to breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19. In this case, it is hoped that Hospitals need to make policies in dealing with the problem of nurse turnover in hospitals


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    One type of spice whose utilization is still very limited is andaliman (Zanthoxylum sp), the Rutaceae tribe which is a typical Batak cooking spice. This study uses a systematic review method. The data used in this study are from research results that have been published in national and international journals. The results of a search for journal publications related to Andaliman Antibacterial Activity (Zanthoxylum sp) for the first phase of the 2012-2022 publication period obtained 34 domestic and foreign journal publications. After conducting a review based on the criteria, 14 journals were selected, 6 Indonesian language journals and 8 English language journals. 24 journals were excluded because they did not meet the criteria. The disc diffusion method is the most widely used method. S aureus and E.coli  most dominant of  data on Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) related to the antibacterial effect of andaliman (Zanthoxylum sp)


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    Analysis of Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction Eye Polyclinic Outpatient Hospital dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City in 2020. Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute.            This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient satisfaction based on responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiable variables with the quality of service in the eye polyclinic, outpatient installation of dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City. The population of this study were the patients of the Eye Polyclinic, Outpatient Installation of RSUD dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City as many as 253 respondents. The method used in this study was analyzed by means of the Chi-Square correlation test. The results of the research on the responsiveness variable showed that the level of responsiveness of Human Resources was 99.6%. For the assurance variable obtained 98.0%. For the reliability variable obtained 98.0%. For the empathy variable, it was obtained 93.7%. For the tangiable variable, it was obtained 90.5%. Based on research conducted from all variables, the service results are very good with a satisfaction level of 88.9%. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the variable responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiability with patient satisfaction in the Eye Polyclinic Outpatient Hospital dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City in 2020