148 research outputs found
LOGOS : Encounter of the Divine and the Human
“What is in a name?” William Shakespear wrote in his famous story Romeo and Juliet. Dragged out of its context, the saying seems to show insignificancy of a name. Is a name mere an arbitrary appellation for something or someone without any meaning inside? Before Shakespear, Cicero told us that “Nomen est omen!” Name, accordingly, is sign, augury, prognostication, prediction. If it's so, a name, therefore, contains something beyond. It signifies something. In this regard I agree with Cicero, bearing in mind that a name “conceals” something else, be it hope, mission, essence or anything else. The Faculty of Philosophy of the Catholic University, St. Thomas – Medan (Philosophical and Theological High School, St. John – Pematangsiantar), picks up ‘Logos' as the name of its scientific magazine. What is the idea lying behind this choice? To what extend does the name bear its ‘omen'? This simple article tries to deal with the question to account for the name, Logos. This presentation is a descriptive one
Peran Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian dalam Menurunkan Angka Kejadian Medication Error
Introduction: Medication error in term is the incidence thatcan be harmful to the patient due to human error in handlinghospitalized patient care that actually can be avoided. Medicationerror can be classified as: dispensing errors, prescribingerrors and administration errors. Among of medication errorcaused by less communication, loading work, distribution systemand a role of occupational health care was low enough.Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate the frequencyand types incidence of medication error by a role ofoccupational pharmacy working at hospitalized room care.Based on active participation they act to check the appropriateof Medical notes, Recipe (R/), Nursing drug administration notes;such as identity of patient, Medical record number, productname, quantity, posology, strengthening, doses ,and directionof doses.Methods: This research was pre-experimental, which tookpre-post intervention approach. Data Collection were conductedin three steps; pre-participation, being-participation andpost-partcipation. To indentify the incidence of medication errorof their active participant determined by Chi-Square statisticallyperformance.Result. As the result of 94 samples patient there were theinfluences of occupational pharmacy among inter variability inwhich the odds ratio value was 4,055, p value 0,0001. Amongof medication error the higher performance were administrationphase 81,32%, prescribing phase 15,88 % and transcribingphase 2,8%.Conclusion: Increasing a role of occupational pharmacy inthe hospitalized health care can be lowering the incidence ofmedication error due to their active participation.Keywords: medication error, RK Charitas Hospital, occupationalpharmac
Stunting and Development of Behavior
The current study aimed to examine the relationship between the incidence of Stunting, characteristics of mother with the development of toddlers 24-59 months in the work area of Sentolo I Public Health Center, KulonProgo Regency. The study design used was a retrospective cohort (historical cohort). The research was conducted in May 2019. The population of this study was all under-fives under the Sentolo Health Center I work area. There were 130 respondents consisting of 65 exposed groups and 65 unexposed groups participated in this study. The analysis used in this study used Chi-square.Developments wasdetected using Denver II. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship betweenStunting and the development of toddlers 24-59 months (p=0.003). There was no relationship between sex and number of siblings with the development of children under five (p=0.808). There is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers and toddler development (p=0.859). There is a relationship between the level of education of mothers with development (p=0.003). There is a relationship between family income and the development of (p=0.001), but there is no relationship between the work of mothers and children under five years (p=0.001).There is a relationship between Stunting and developing toddlers 24-59 months in the working area of Sentolo I Public Health Center, KulonProgo Regency
HERMENEUTIKA : Persoalan Filosofis – Biblis Penggalian Makna Tekstual
To define what human being is one could present various definitions. Aristotle, for instance, defines the human being as animal rationale. One can, however, say that the human being is a hermeneutical being. Since its coming into existence the human being is dealing and will deal with hermeneutical act of interpretation. This act of interpretation is usually called hermeneutics. Generally speaking the hermeneutics is the act of human being in interpreting realities in life. Strictly speaking, however, it deals with interpretation of textual reality. In philosophical domain, the hermeneutics seeks to account for the philosophical ground of the act of interpretation. What is the ground of our intrepretation so that the interpretation may be accepted valid and true
BORU NI RAJA HATOBAN "Tinjauan Filsafat Anthropologis Atas Kaum Perempuan di dalam Budaya Batak Toba"
One of many definitions offered to explain human existence is that humanbeing is a paradoxal being. By paradoxical being one intends that the veryexistence of human being is perceived in its seemingly contradictoryexpression without being contradiction. Human being is materialspiritual,individual-social, etc. This paradoxical nature constitutes humanexistence. It affects essentially his/her personality, religion, act, culture,etc. Social status of women in Toba Batak culture is placed in suchparadoxical situation too. In one hand, they are invoked as “Boru niRaja” (the honored daughter), but on the other hand, they are treated as“hatoban” (slaves). This article seeks to show critically the place of TobaBatak women in Toba Batak culture. Our purpose, therefore, is to presentthe social status of Toba Batak women inherited culturally fromancestors. By critically we mean that we seek to present fairly the socialstatus of women in both its negative side and positive one
Perancangan Alat Uji Prestasi Turbin Pelton
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju saat ini, banyak ditemukan peralatan–peralatan yang inovatif serta tepat guna,. Metodologi yang digunakan , (1) menghitung rugi mayor dan minor, (ii) dimensi turbin, (iii) daya dan putaran turbin, (iv) daya pengereman, (v) rangka. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah daya actual turbin (P) = 0,0276 kW, Ns = 13,66 rpm, c1= 8,74 m/s, u1= 4,101 m/s, Diameter lingkaran tusuk, D= 156 mm, Diameter jet optimal, d= 11 mm, z = 20 buah, b= 27,55 mm, h= 23,1 mm, a= 13,2 mm, t= 9,9 mm, k= 15,6 mm, D0= 183,72 mm, ds= 11 mm, Reaksi rem, Qr = 51,12 kg
Kajian Hukum Terhadap Kedudukan Bank Selaku Pemegang Hak Tanggungan Atas Berakhirnya Sertipikat Hak Guna Bangunan Diatas Hak Pengelolaan (Hpl) Yang Menjadi Objek Jaminan (Studi : PT Bank Internasional Indonesia, Tbk Cabang Medan Diponegoro)
Bank as one of the financing institutions, which help streamline of debtors\u27 business through lending an amount of money in the form of credit, has the main function in the economic growth. The theory used in the research Legal Certainty (Rechtssicherheit) theory. The bank as the holder of Hypothecation, when the period of the validity of the Building Rights certificate ends, which is located on the Management Rights, which is still a collateral, initially has the position as preferential creditor and the holder of hypothecation because the Deed for the Giving of Hypothecation (APHT) as the collateral has absolute, droit de suite, droit de preference, specialty, and publicity principles. There are some obstacles related to the annulment of the Building Rights Certificate as the collateral for a certain debt which occurs to the Bank as the holder of hypothecation in which the annulment of the Building Rights Certificate on the Management Rights becomes the Bank\u27s collateral
Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Sarana Hiburan Karaoke di Kota Pekanbaru
This research on a the emergence of such entertainment karaoke in the city pekanbaru that provide services and facilities interesting .The problems emerging from the study is whether motivation visitors to karaoke in the city pekanbaru. This problem student got the quantitative approach by using statistical product service solution ( spss ) version 17.0. Sample in this research was visitors karaoke and the people in around the location karaoke as many as 97. This study was conducted in two karaoke namely karaoke centers in panam and jalan. nangka , reason writer chose a karaoke is because every day visitors in karaoke is very crowded , so writer interested to have a research in karaoke this. Data analysis technique used is product moment correlation ( ppm ) with the format likert scale .The analysis of test data using validity .Reliability test , correlation and test the hypothesis. Based on approach above , we found that the public perception positive on entertainment karaoke facilities , The more crowded visitors performs karaoke with correlation value 0.972 with a significance 0.000 with the provisions of value probability sig or 0.05 ≥ 0.000, So the hypothesis accepted the public perception is perception that positive on entertainment karaoke facilities
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dwelling TIME Dan Billing System Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Pada Jakarta International Container Terminal)
This study aims to determine and explain the simultaneous and partial effects of service quality components consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance to customer satisfaction in Jakarta International Container Terminаl, аnd to know аnd explаin which between The three service quаlity vаriаbles thаt hаve а dominаnt effect on customer sаtisfаction. The type of reseаrch used is explаnаtory reseаrch with populаtion or census method with quаntitаtive аpproаch. Sаmples totаling 35 billing service users in Jаkаrtа Internаtionаl Contаiner Terminаl. Dаtа collection method used is questionnаire. The result of multiple lineаr regression аnаlysis shows thаt the three independent vаriаbles reliability, responsiveness, аssurаnce hаve significаnt influence on the dependent vаriаble thаt is customer sаtisfаction
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