5 research outputs found

    Opozitia societatii civile fata de fracturarea hidraulica. Cazul Pungesti – intre evaluarile expertilor, pluralitatea de viziuni cetatenesti si proceduralism epistemic

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    In this study I will discuss the disobedience wave echoed in the civil society debates provoked by the researching and shale gas exploitation activities connected to hydraulic fracking in Pungesti, Romania. I will trace the collective decision making methods following the debates from the deliberative publicarena. My aim is to analyse this event using the epistemic proceduralism approach proposed by David Estlund as a middle ground theoretical model which blends pure democratic proceduralism, on the one hand, with epistemic considerations, on the other hand. The methodology will consist in extracting a theoretical model, operationalizing the concepts, and proposing an explanation for the debates and protests from Pungesti, namely a sign of collective opposition against shale gas exploitation. In addition, through the proposed model, I will try to present the civic engagement of experts and NGOs as civic, judicial and informational support and as a solidarity token towards the Pungesti locals

    Este statul o persoana? Argumentele realismului stiintific explicate prin realismul ofensiv

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    Scopul acestui studiu este de a identifica argumentele realismului stiintific, formulate de catre Alexander Wendt, pe baza carora statul se defineste ca persoana sau ca actor in sistemul de state. Voi vorbi despre aceste argumente si motivele pentru care acestea pot explica comportamentul statelorca actori rationali. In prima parte mi-am propus sa identific componentele teoretice din cadrul realismului stiintific, conform carora statele sunt  autoorganizate, seamana cu organismele biologice, adica au o structura interna cu elemente constituente functionale care actioneaza in sens colectiv in virtutea reproducerii si supravietuirii sistemului, iar spre exterior acestea isi stabilesc limite/granite pentru a se defini ca o identitate. Pe baza componentelor biologice ale sistemului voi identifica si componenta cognitiva a unui stat, ceea ce il defineste ca o persoana psihologica cu interese, constiinta si memorie, astfel elementele constituente actioneaza in sensul supravietuirii identitatii colective. Fiind date functiile cognitive ale statului acesta isi va putea proiecta si strategii de relationare cu ceilalti actori statali. In a doua sectiune a lucrarii voi vorbi despre paradigma realismului ofensiv, din cadrul relatiilor internationale. Astfel pe baza structurii teoretice din realismul stiintific voi extrage conceptele cheie si le voi operationaliza, sau cel putin le voi asocia cu asumptiile mai aplicate din realismul ofensiv formulate de John J. Mearsheimer care susþine ca principalul factor motivant pentru state in sistemul international il reprezinta dorinta de putere astfel voi testa asumptia principala a lucrarii conform careia statele sunt persoane supradimensionate

    Exploatarea bunurilor limitate in termenii dreptatii intergenerationale. Precautie sau libera utilizare? Analiza normativa a Legii Protectiei Mediului si a Codului Silvic

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the way in which compensations and principles of intergenerational justice function toward the environment issues. I will analyse the capacities of environment policies to generate tools for protecting and preserving the limited goods such that to fulfil both the prerogatives of intergenerational principles and to secure goods demanding of the next generations(intergenerational criterion). The main assumption is that the next generatons will have a claim for environment resources to maintain their lives and for economic, social, technological development, at least in the same measure as the present generations. So through normative theories I will argue that next generations cannot determine the amount of inherited resources and the responsability lies on actual generations, to assume their successors quality and level of welfare, therefore is a need to institute some compensations and policies of fairness to restrict the abusive exploitation, to imply pecuniary and moral costs for today?s citizens and to guarantee a minimal level of the next generations welfare by maintaining a good environment quality

    Common Governance and Socialist Cooperative Institutions in Romanian Agriculture*

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    The main objective of this paper aims the distribution of finite resources under the imperatives of collectivist institutions and a governance based on the precepts of socializing the means of society. In the first instance theoretical formulas will be used that propose methodologies for governing the common goods from the ostromian perspective (Ostrom, 2007) and alternatives for overcoming the dilemmas of collective action starting from basic concepts (Hardin, 1968), respectively forms of government that can overcomes the excesses of users of common goods that inexorably lead to the spoiling and depletion of existing resources. Complementary to this preliminary discussion necessary for further operationalization I will use the theoretical model that explains, as an extension, the typology and functionality of natural resources and according to this link between combined theoretical models I will determine what type of asset each institutional form proposed for governing assets mentioned above.The final section will be dedicated to determining which type of institutional alternative, for the governance of common resources, is joined by the socialist ideological approach when talking about the collectivization of agriculture and the institutional form that agricultural associations must take, respectively in which typology could allocate the goods, following the de facto analysis of the agricultural collectivist type organization for the socialist period, in the same way of working – identifying institutional arrangements, typology of goods, in order to identify possible inconsistencies between the normative, declarative ideological model and its implementation in real social space.The study starts from the socialist ideological assumptions regarding the governance of agricultural households and tries to test whether the factual representation of agricultural cooperatives in Romania and implicitly in the general ideological project overlaps and fulfills the theoretical aspirations regarding the collectivization of agriculture. For these it will be considered to formulate research questions and consult the extensive bibliography in the field of agricultural groups proposed by the socialist frame of reference

    Barriers and drivers of positive COVID-19 vaccination behaviours among healthcare workers in Europe and Central Asia: a qualitative cross-country synthesis

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    Abstract Vaccination uptake is essential to controlling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare workers (HCWs) play a critical role in receiving, recommending and delivering COVID-19 vaccination. Understanding the specific influences on each behaviour enables the development of targeted and tailored interventions to improve vaccination uptake. This paper presents a qualitative synthesis of HCWs’ individual and context barriers and drivers to these three vaccination behaviours across 10 countries in Europe and Central Asia. Qualitative data from interviews and focus group discussions with 378 HCWs between December 2020 and March 2022 were synthesised and organised by four COM (capability, physical and social opportunity, motivation) factors. Differences by stage of COVID-19 vaccine roll-out (in preparation, early and late delivery) were explored. Receiving vaccination related to all four factors. Recommending vaccination mostly related to capability and motivation. HCWs were generally well-informed by official sources and viewed vaccination as the way to end the pandemic, acknowledging their important role in this. Colleagues, family and friends were positive influences on personal vaccination decisions. However, knowledge gaps were evident, particularly amongst nurses who relied on (social) media. Concerns about safety and effectiveness, often connected to knowledge gaps, were heightened by the accelerated timeline for COVID-19 vaccine development and approval. This impeded some HCWs’ motivation to receive and recommend vaccination even in the later roll-out countries. Delivering vaccination was facilitated by support from public health organisations, teamwork and service re-organisation, more evident amongst later roll-out countries. Ongoing high workloads, stress and burnout hindered delivery. Complex and inter-related factors affecting HCWs’ vaccination behaviours were identified. These insights should inform the design of multifaceted interventions (e.g., communication skills training, management support for HCWs’ mental health, and engaging them in decision-making for service redesign); not only for COVID-19 vaccination as it is integrated into routine services but for routine immunization as a whole