6 research outputs found

    Age-related clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with ADHD

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    IntroductionAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with difficulties in regulating aversion states, high functional impairment, and a high risk of psychopathology across the lifespan. ADHD is clinically heterogeneous, with a wide spectrum of severity and associated symptoms. Clinical characteristics need to be carefully defined in different periods of life as ADHD course, symptoms, and comorbidities may fluctuate and change over time. Adolescence usually represents the transition from primary to secondary education, with a qualitative and quantitative change in environmental and functional demands, thus driving symptoms’ change.MethodsIn order to characterize age-related clinical features of children (<11 years) and adolescents (≥11 years) with ADHD, we conducted a naturalistic study on 750 children and adolescents assessed for ADHD at our Neuropsychiatry Unit over the course of 3 years (2018–2020).ResultsWe found that ADHD symptoms were significantly higher in children than adolescents. More importantly, we found worse global functioning, lower adaptive skills, higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms, somatic complaints, emotional dysregulation, social problems, and aggression in adolescents, despite a lower severity of ADHD-specific symptoms.ConclusionThese results should be confirmed in longitudinal observational studies of adequate sample size in order to reliably describe a potential course characterized by worsening of functioning, reduction in ADHD-specific symptoms and increase in general psychopathology during the transition from childhood to adolescence

    Shoe manufacturing wastes: Characterisation of properties and recovery options

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    Using the renowned shoe manufacturing sector in Marche Region (Italy) as a case-study, this paper deals with the characterisation of (1) the chemical and physical properties of representative types of shoe manufacturing wastes, (2) the quality profile of a particular material recovery finalised to a soil destination, and (3) the flue gas emissions from burning tests in view of the potential for energy recovery. The property characterisation has primarily revealed the following aspects: a general condition of resulting higher ash contents in shoe waste materials having a mineral or synthetic processing origin; and relatively high energy contents, ranging on the whole expressed as LHV (lower heating value) from 15,710 kJ kg-1 (for vegetable-tanned leather dust) to 42,439 kJ kg-1 (for natural rubber). The characterisation of a fertiliser that can be generated from the particular waste type of vegetable-tanned leather dust has determined an interesting quality profile classifiable as organic-nitrogen fertiliser with acceptable values of the humification parameters and heavy metal contents significantly below the assumed quality limits. Finally, simplified pilot-scale burning tests have provided the following findings: higher NOx emissions produced from leather-based materials as compared with the cellulose-based material, which are likely attributable to the substantial “fuel nitrogen” content of the original animal skins; higher HCl emissions produced from the leather-based materials in comparison with the cellulose-based material; and a more even combustion process occurred for the leather dust than for the other shoe materials

    Gender-Related Clinical Characteristics in Children and Adolescents with ADHD

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    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequently diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder in school-age children, and it is usually associated with a significant impairment in global functioning. Traditionally, boys with ADHD are more likely to be referred for clinical assessments due to a higher prevalence of externalizing symptoms. However, as regards gender-related differential clinical characteristics between boys and girls with ADHD, further investigation is warranted in light of conflicting results found in currently available literature. In fact, a more precise clinical characterization could help increase appropriate diagnoses and treatment planning. In this context, we carried out a retrospective observational study on 715 children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD from 2018 to 2020 at our center, in order to describe their gender-related clinical characteristics. Boys displayed higher average IQs, but they were comparable to girls in functional impairments and adaptive skills. Girls displayed higher scores on the Attention Problems subscale of the CBCL 6–18 and on several CPRS-R:L subscales, suggesting higher general ADHD symptom severity. Boys showed higher scores on CBCL 6–18 subscales, such as withdrawn/depressed, internalizing, and obsessive-compulsive problems. In conclusion, girls showed more severe ADHD features and lower IQ in clinically referred settings, while boys showed more internalizing problems and obsessive-compulsive symptoms

    Comparing the Effect of Methylphenidate and Anodal tDCS on Inhibitory Control and Working-Memory in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Study Protocol for a Randomized, within-Subject Trial

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inappropriate levels of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that interfere with individual functioning. The international guidelines recommend targeting ADHD-related neurochemical brain abnormalities by intervening via drug treatment, such as methylphenidate (MPH), as first choice. Drug treatments are usually associated with a huge amount of cost for families and the healthcare system, suspension for low compliance, poor long-term efficacy, and side effects. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been suggested as a possible noninvasive means to safely manipulate brain activity and, in turn, improve behavior and cognition in developmental ages. Several studies have shown that tDCS has the potential to improve ADHD-related cognitive deficits, but the effect of tDCS compared with MPH has never been evaluated. The aim of the present within-subject, sham-controlled, randomized proof-of-concept study is to demonstrate the positive effect of one-session anodal tDCS analogous to the MPH drug on inhibitory control and working memory in children and adolescents with ADHD. We strongly believe that this study protocol will serve to accelerate research into low-cost, drug-free, feasible interventions for ADHD

    "Disturbed immagination" e "true political econony". Aspirazioni e sfide tra Architettura e Politica in John Ruskin

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    Nella sua riflessione sulla politica Ruskin indaga il rapporto tra la libert\ue0 individuale e i meccanismi legati ai processi di industrializzazione. In questa prospettiva solleva questioni e dilemmi di larga portata culturale che pongono l'uomo di fronte al problema della Tecnica, al dinamismo "senza sedimenti memoria" che segna la sua esistenza, alla questione cruciale del limite della sua azione di fronte alla natura e al costruito. Nella medesima prospettiva richiama la necessit\ue0 della cura in luogo del dominio delle cose del mondo, della parsimonia in luogo di un consumo non rispendente alle reali esigenze dell\u2019uomo. Per contro richiama la necessit\ue0 di un impegno attivo verso l'affermazione di quelle spinte vitali - come l\u2019Amore, la Bellezza, Immaginazione \u2013 fonti di inventiva ,che spingono l\u2019azione e la ricerca dell\u2019Umanit\ue0. Queste sono solo alcune delle aspettative e delle sfide, ingenue e necessarie, che Ruskin lascia in eredit\ue0 alla contemporaneit\ue0, su cui si \ue8 inteso riflettere