97 research outputs found

    Razões para Aposentar e Satisfação na Aposentadoria

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    This study aims to verify the validity of the retirement satisfaction inventory (RSI) for Brazilians and its invariance with regard to gender, age, education, marital status, income and region of the country, and to investigate whether the reasons for retirement influence a person's retirement satisfaction. At total of 1,002 retirees participated in the study, including both men and women ranging in age from 44 to 88. The analyses indicated RSI being subdivided into two scales: i) the scale of satisfaction with retirement, and (ii) the reasons for retirement with good psychometric characteristics. The latter was found to be a predictor of the former. The instruments were structured differently than in other countries, but they were shown to be applicable in the Brazilian context, especially with regard to assessing interventions such as retirement preparation programs.O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar evidências de validade do inventário de satisfação na aposentadoria (RSI) para os brasileiros e sua invariância em função de sexo, idade, escolaridade, estado civil, renda e região do país, além de investigar se as razões para aposentar influenciariam a satisfação na aposentadoria. Participaram 1002 aposentados, 44 a 88 anos, homens e mulheres. As análises indicaram o RSI sendo subdividido em duas escalas: i) escala de satisfação na aposentadoria e ii) razões para aposentar com boas características psicométricas, sendo a última escala preditora da primeira. Os instrumentos apresentaram uma estrutura diferente da encontrada em outros países, porém demonstraram aplicabilidade no contexto brasileiro, principalmente, na avaliação de intervenções como programas de preparação para a aposentadoria

    Predictors of happiness among retired from urban and rural areas in Brazil

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    This study compared differences in degree of happiness, social support, activities performed, and health and economic situation among retirees from urban and rural areas in Minas Gerais State in Brazil. The influences of these predictors over individuals’ level of happiness were also analyzed. We included 279 retired individuals living in Abre Campo (a municipality with a population fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, which is considered a rural area) and in Belo Horizonte (a municipality with a population of almost 2.5 million inhabitants, which is considered an urban area). Participants responded to a questionnaire that included scales of happiness, social support, diversity of activities, and issues about satisfaction with health and economic situation. Retirees from the urban area had a higher happiness level than retirees from the rural area (β = 0.16). The most important predictors of happiness were health (β = 0.42), social support (β = 0.26), and economic situation (β = 0.15), but no moderation effects of urban and rural areas were found. Our findings support the implementation of actions to offer financial planning before retirement and to stimulate social support and health promotion for retirees, particularly given the importance of these factors in perception of happiness

    Life Satisfaction in Retirees Who are still Working 1

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    Retirement does not always represent the final exit from the labor market. Work is one of the most important aspects in people’s lives, and a relationship seems to exist between continuity of work during retirement and life satisfaction. This study evaluated the perception of life satisfaction among 230 retirees who were still working. Participants completed a questionnaire containing scales for Life Satisfaction, Job Perception and Reasons for Returning to Work. Correlations and multiple linear regression indicated that perception of the work, satisfaction with income and intrinsic reasons (such as the feeling of productivity) influenced life satisfaction of retirees who returned to work. Our results reinforce the adoption of public and organizational policies to maintain retirees who wish to continue working.Nem sempre a aposentadoria significa a saída definitiva do mercado de trabalho. O trabalho é um dos aspectos mais relevantes na vida das pessoas adultas e parece haver uma relação entre a continuidade do trabalho durante a aposentadoria e a satisfação com a vida. Este estudo avaliou a percepção de 230 aposentados que ainda estavam trabalhando e a satisfação com suas vidas. Os participantes responderam a um questionário contendo escalas de Satisfação com a Vida, Percepção do Trabalho e Motivos para o Retorno ao Trabalho. As correlações e a regressão linear múltipla apontaram que a percepção do trabalho, a satisfação com a renda e os motivos intrínsecos, como o sentimento de produtividade, influenciaram a satisfação com a vida desses aposentados que retornaram ao trabalho. Tais resultados apontam para a necessidade de políticas públicas e organizacionais visando a retenção de aposentados que desejam permanecer trabalhando.La jubilación no siempre representa la salida definitiva del mercado laboral. El trabajo es uno de los aspectos más importantes en la vida de las personas adultas y parece haber una relación entre la continuidad del trabajo durante la jubilación y la satisfacción con la vida. Este estudio evaluó la percepción de 230 jubilados que aun trabajan y su satisfacción con la vida. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario que contiene las escalas de Satisfacción con la Vida, Percepción del Trabajo y Razones para el Regreso al Trabajo. Las correlaciones y la regresión linear múltiple, demostraron que la percepción del trabajo, la satisfacción con la renta y las razones intrínsecas - como la sensación de la productividad - influyeron en la satisfacción con la vida de estos jubilados. Estos resultados refuerzan la necesidad de políticas públicas y organizacionales que permitan la permanencia de jubilados que deseen seguir trabajando

    Inventário de recursos individuais para a aposentadoria em Portugal: um estudo de adaptação e validação

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    A quarter of Portugal’s population is aged 65 years or over, mostly retired individuals. However, there is a lack of studies and instruments to facilitate retirement planning. This study aims to validate the Retirement Resources Inventory in Portugal to use it in future interventions. In total, 450 Portuguese retirees from all regions who responded to the inventory and sociodemographic questions participated in this study. According to the exploratory and confirmatory analyses, 23 items were found, confirming the four-factor model [c2(gl) = 404.63(216); CFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.88; RMSEA = 0.06; SRMR = 0.06], with good evidence of internal and convergent validity. The first factor corresponded to physical and financial aspects, the second to social and family resources, the third to received support, and the fourth to emotional and cognitive resources. We recommend the replication of the RRI in a longitudinal study before and after retirement.Una cuarta parte de la población de Portugal tiene 65 años o más, y la mayoría está jubilada. Sin embargo, faltan estudios e instrumentos que faciliten la planificación de la jubilación. El objetivo de este estudio fue validar el Retirement Resources Inventory (RRI) en este país para que sea utilizado en futuras intervenciones. Participaron 450 jubilados portugueses de todas las regiones, quienes respondieron al inventario y a preguntas sociodemográficas. De los análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio emergieron 23 ítems, confirmando el modelo de cuatro factores [c2 (gl) = 404,63 (216); CFI = 0,90; TLI = 0,88; RMSEA = 0,06; SRMR = 0,06], con buena evidencia de validez interna y convergente. El primer factor correspondió a los aspectos físicos y económicos, el segundo a los recursos sociales y familiares, el tercer al apoyo recibido, y el cuarto a los recursos emocionales y cognitivos. Se recomienda la replicación del RRI en un estudio longitudinal antes y después del evento de jubilación.Um quarto da população de Portugal tem 65 anos ou mais, sendo a maioria aposentada. Apesar disso, há uma carência de estudos e instrumentos para facilitar o planejamento para a aposentadoria. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar o Retirement Resources Inventory – RRI neste país para utilizá-lo em futuras intervenções. Participaram deste estudo 450 aposentados portugueses de todas as regiões, que responderam ao inventário e a questões sociodemográficas. Das análises exploratórias e confirmatórias emergiram 23 itens, confirmando o modelo de quatro fatores [c2(gl) = 404.63(216); CFI = 0.90; TLI = 0.88; RMSEA = 0.06; SRMR = 0.06], com boas evidências de validade interna e convergente. O primeiro fator correspondeu aos aspetos físicos e financeiros, o segundo aos recursos sociais e familiares, o terceiro ao suporte recebido e o quarto aos recursos emocionais e cognitivos. Recomenda-se a replicação do RRI em estudo longitudinal antes e após o evento da aposentadoria

    Evaluation of lifestyle of female adolescents through latent class analysis approach

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    Lack of regular physical activity, high sedentary behavior and presence of unbalanced alimentary practices are attitudes associated with an inadequate lifestyle among female adolescents.To assess the lifestyle of female adolescents based on measurements of behavioral variables.Cross-sectional study with 405 female adolescents between 14 and 19 years old, resident and attending public schools in Viçosa (state of Minas Gerais). Their lifestyle was analyzed by the Physical Activity Recall, number of steps, screen time (ST), cellphone time (CT), sitting time, food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and alcohol and tobacco consumption. With multiple correspondence analysis it was possible to observe dispersion and approximation of the variables’ categories. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used for modeling the “lifestyle” variable, having been conducted in the poLCA (Polychromous Variable Latent Class Analysis) package of the R statistical software.The mean age was 15.92 ± 1.27 years. Most of the adolescents were considered physically inactive (78%) and with low number of steps (82.57%); 41.45% reported not performing Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities (MVPA) adequately. Sedentary behavior was found high when assessing ST (72.90%) and CT (65.31%). It was found the best fitted latent class model for the lifestyle (p-G2 = 0.055, p-χ2 = 0.066) featured three latent classes and one covariate (alcohol): Class 1, ‘Inactive and Sedentary’ (γ = 77.5%); Class 2, ‘Inactive and Non-sedentary lifestyle (γ=16.31%); and Class 3, ‘Active and sedentary’ (γ=6.19%). Female adolescents that had ‘never consumed alcohol’ were 2.26 times as likely (log OR = 0.8174; p = 0.033) to belong to class 3 (Active & Sedentary lifestyle) than to class 1 (Inactive & Sedentary lifestyle).Latent class analysis model with five manifest variable (MVPA, number of steps, ST, sitting time and number of meals) and alcohol consumption like covariate showed itself to be an accurate and objective method in the assessment of female adolescents’ lifestyle. Female adolescents that had ‘never consumed alcohol’ were more as likely to belong to class ‘Active & Sedentary lifestyle’ than to class Inactive & Sedentary lifestyle. An inactive and sedentary lifestyle is coupled to other unhealthy behaviors during adolescence, possibly carrying over into adult life


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     Com o aumento cada vez mais evidente da população idosa no Brasil, diversas medidas para o bem-estar desta população foram estabelecidas na Política Nacional do Idoso e no Estatuto do Idoso. Dentre estas medidas, destacam-se os programas de preparação para a aposentadoria, apesar de muitas empresas desconhecerem esta obrigatoriedade. A presente pesquisa descritiva teve por objetivo investigar a percepção de 207 gestores – um por organização – sobre os Programas de Preparação para a Aposentadoria – PPA nas organizações. A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (60%) com média de idade de 49 anos (26 a 76 anos). Os resultados revelaram que apenas um quarto das organizações adotava o PPA, embora a maioria considerasse sua implantação relevante. Cerca da metade dos gestores respondeu que o programa deveria ser oferecido de três a cinco anos antes da aposentadoria. Quando questionados sobre as medidas que poderiam tomar frente aos trabalhadores mais velhos, a frequência foi maior das medidas que não seriam implantadas, como: a possibilidade reduzir de status hierárquico (84%), licença extra (83%), aposentadoria parcial – meio expediente (78,5%), redução de carga horária (72%). As medidas que seriam implantadas dizem respeito à possibilidade de adequação das tarefas (52,2%), medidas ergonômicas (50,7%) e limite de idade para um trabalho impróprio ou insalubre (44,6%). Estes resultados apontam a necessidade de sensibilizar os gestores especialmente, os de Recursos Humanos quanto ao envelhecimento no contexto organizacional

    Macroscopic Description of Small and Large Intestine of the Sloth Bradypus variegatus

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    Background: Sloths of the species Bradypus variegatus are mammals with peculiar habits, which feed mostly young leaves of ‘embaúba’ and occur broadly in Central and South America. This specie has the greatest occurrence in Brazilian Northeast, making it a biological model for several researches in the fields as anatomy, physiology, genetics, pathology, histology and ecology, which provide data to literature in order to benefit maintenance and preservation of these animals. This study aimed to describe unpublished data about small and large intestine anatomy of the sloth Bradypus variegatus, in order to collaborate for knowledge of its digestive processes.Materials, Methods & Results: In order to perform this present research, 10 corpses of specie Bradypus variegatus belonged to the acquis of Anatomy Division, Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology (DMFA); Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), with 5 males and 5 females, the study was authorized by Animal Use and Experimentation Ethic Committee license (CEUA-UFRPE), nº 034/2015. All 10 animals used had natural death, were obtained through a donation of CETAS Tangará (Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres - Wildlife Screening Center), and located in the city of Recife. Animals were dissected at abdominal and pelvic portion, from a median sagittal incision, followed by lateral folding of skin, muscle and withdrawal of pubis portion for exposition and description of intestines, with analysis of syntopy and measurement of these organs. A relation was observed among external holes of urinary, reproductive and digestive systems. A relation was still observed among intestines and stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder and abdominal cavity wall. Some animals had absence of sigmoid colon, ventral and dorsal descendent colon. Regarding measurement, small intestine ranged from 147.09 to 163.59 cm for males and 117.44 to 151.28 cm for females, while large intestine varied between 39.68 and 43.35 cm for males, and 33.19 and 44.47 cm for females. Urinary and reproductive systems had a same external hole at perineal portion for both gender. Whereas digestive system ended at anus as occur commonly among mammals.Discussion: Among specimens described, most had the same anatomic profile regarding the intestinal portions and syntopy performed over other abdominal cavity organs. A difference was observed on liver size, increment of 20% for females and males sampled, excluding animals that had absence of structure that were minority, once 40% of females had no ventral descending colon, 20% of males and females had no sigmoid colon, and 20% of males had no dorsal descending colon. However, some animals that had absence demonstrated increase of other adjacent structures, for example, male that had no dorsal descending colon developed the largest sigmoid colon observed among animals measured for portions of duodenum, ventral descending colon, ascending colon and dorsal descending colon. Regarding the measurement of small and large intestine, Bradypus variegatus had differences compared to other herbivores, what suggests that this fact is associated to a restricted diet, in which that animal is submitted. Because of literature shortage about digestive system of specie Bradypus variegatus and other species of wild animals in general, it still difficult to infer or plot more accurate affirmations about this subject

    Descrição do processo xenarthro em Bradypus variegatus

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    Tamanduás, bichos-preguiça e tatus são considerados xenarthras, devido a possuírem articulações adicionais nas vértebras denominadas de xenarthro, justificando a Superordem. Estas articulações permitem-lhes assumir uma postura ereta sobre um tripé formado pelos membros posteriores e a cauda. No entanto, a determinação desses processos vertebrais no bicho-preguiça é inexistente na literatura. Devido à importância do conhecimento das estruturas ósseas dos animais para o entendimento de seus hábitos, propôs-se descrever o processo xenarthro na preguiça Bradypus variegatus. Foram utilizados três esqueletos, sendo um jovem e dois adultos pertencentes ao acervo do Museu de Anatomia Comparada da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (MAC-UFRPE). Realizou-se uma análise macroscópica das vértebras das preguiças. Pode-se descrever os xenarthros como processos presentes na última vértebra torácica, em todas as vértebras lombares, e na primeira vértebra sacral, medindo em média 0,5 cm, sendo localizado ventralmente ao processo mamilar formando com este uma concavidade, onde se articula a base do processo transverso da vértebra anterior e é este encaixe diferenciado que garante uma maior estabilidade ao animal

    Topographic and morphological aspects of the spleen of brown-throated sloth Bradypus variegatus (SCHINZ, 1825)

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    Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypusvariegatus, in order to collect more information to support and assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was assigned to perform a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of visceral lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.  Sloths are wild animals with arboreal habits, with slow metabolism, found in tropical forests from South America to Central America. However, the lack of knowledge of their anatomy does not favor the conservation of the species in veterinary care centers, due to its peculiar anatomy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe the topography and morphology of the spleen of the species Bradypus variegatus, in order to collect more information to assist in the clinical-surgical processes of the species. Eight corpses of B. variegatus, previously fixed with 20% formaldehyde and preserved in 30% saline solution, were dissected for the macroscopic study of the spleen. A healthy animal, living in semi-captivity, was underwent to a tomography of the abdominal region, for observation of the spleen, while two specimens were destined for the microscopic study of the organ immediately after death. Based on the data obtained, the spleen presented a topography and tissue composition similar to other mammals, but its morphology, absence of lienal hilum and anatomical arrangement in the abdominal cavity differed from most domestic and wild animals.

    Intervalo de tempo decorrido entre o início dos sintomas e a realização do exame para COVID-19 nas capitais brasileiras, agosto de 2020

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    Objective: To analyze notifications of flu-like syndrome according to the time interval between onset of symptoms and testing for COVID-19. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using records of flu-like syndrome cases containing results of COVID-19 diagnostic tests in the Brazilian state capitals and Federal District, held on the e-SUS Notifica system, from March 1, 2020 to August 18, 2020. The time interval between symptom onset and testing was compared using the ANOVA test, classifying it according to test adequacy/timeliness. Results: Taking 1,942,514 notifications, average time between symptom onset and testing was 10.2 days (±17.1). Among those tested, females (55.1%), people aged 20-39 years (43.8%), and the Southeast region of Brazil (43.0%) predominated. 58.8% of IgM ELISA tests were performed at an adequate time while 68.0% of rapid antigen tests were not performed at an adequate time. Conclusion: Inadequacy was found between symptom onset and time taken to test for COVID-19 in the Brazilian regions.Objetivo: Analisar as notificações de síndrome gripal segundo o intervalo de tempo decorrido entre início dos sintomas e realização do exame para COVID-19. Métodos: Estudo transversal, utilizando registros de casos de síndrome gripal contendo resultados de testes diagnósticos da COVID-19 nas capitais brasileiras e no Distrito Federal, no sistema e-SUS Notifica, entre 1o/março/2020 e 18/agosto/2020. Comparou-se o intervalo de tempo entre início dos sintomas e realização do exame (teste ANOVA), classificando-o segundo a adequação/oportunidade do exame. Resultados: Entre 1.942.514 notificações, o tempo médio entre início dos sintomas e execução dos testes foi de 10,2 dias (±17,1). Entre testados, predominou o sexo feminino (55,1%), idade de 20-39 anos (43,8%) e região Sudeste (43,0%). O teste ELISA IgM foi realizado em tempo adequado para 58,8%; e o teste rápido-antígeno, em tempo inadequado para 68,0%. Conclusão: Observou-se inadequação entre início dos sintomas e realização dos testes para COVID-19 nas regiões brasileiras