3 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Practice patterns and outcomes for patients with node-negative hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and intermediate 21-gene Recurrence Scores
Table S1. Chemotherapy receipt by age group, with age separated into three tiers using 35 and 50 years as clinically relevant thresholds. Chemotherapy receipt was significantly dependent on age group in this study (chi-square test, p < 0.001). (DOCX 15 kb
Additional file 2: of Practice patterns and outcomes for patients with node-negative hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and intermediate 21-gene Recurrence Scores
Figure S1. No difference in overall survival by use of chemotherapy for patients diagnosed between 2006 and 2010 with median follow-up of 46.4 months. (TIFF 150 kb
Additional file 4: of Practice patterns and outcomes for patients with node-negative hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and intermediate 21-gene Recurrence Scores
Table S3. Incidence of individual 21-gene Recurrence Scores from 11 to 25, and the comparative utilization of chemotherapy based on the score. (DOCX 14 kb