52 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Effect of Solid and Liquid Digestate on the Growth of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Plants

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    As a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europe is facing a shortage of chemical fertilizers for agriculture. Therefore, the use of byproducts of biomass anaerobic digestion, e.g., solid (SD) and liquid (LD) digestate, could be a key solution to cope with this problem. In this framework, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of both SD and LD, derived from the same feedstock, on the biometric, physiological, and biochemical parameters of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants. Compared to the controls, the plants treated with 3% (w/w) SD showed a reduction in leaf fresh biomass, chlorophyll content, performance index, fractal dimension, and antiradical activity, while vitamin C increased by 18.8%. An opposite response was observed for the lettuce plants treated with 3% (v/w) LD, which showed an increase in all the above-mentioned parameters, except for vitamin C, which decreased by 39.8%. Interestingly, the content of malondialdehyde, which is correlated with cell membrane lipid peroxidation, increased in the SD-treated plants (+39.7%) and decreased (−42.1%) in the LD-treated plants. These results strongly support the use of LD in agriculture as a valuable product to improve the productivity and nutritional quality of crop plants

    Biochar improves the performance of Avena sativa L. grown in gasoline-polluted soils

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    This study investigated the efect of soil contamination by diferent concentrations of gasoline on oat (Avena sativa L.) and tested the efect of biochar supply to the polluted soils on the performance of oat plants. Oat seeds were sowed in contaminated soils with diferent concentrations of gasoline: 0% (control), 1%, 2%, 6%, and 10% (v/w), and grown for 2 weeks. Germination, fresh weight, root and stem length, photosynthetic parameters (i.e., chlorophyll content, PIABS, FV/FM, and NDVI), and total antioxidant power were analyzed. The results showed a remarkable negative efect on almost all the investigated parameters starting from the gasoline concentration of 6%. Based on these results, a new experiment was run by adding 5% (w/w) biochar (a carbon-rich byproduct of wood biomass pyrolysis) to the 6% and 10% polluted soils to test whether adding biochar had a benefcial efect on oat performance. The results showed that biochar supply greatly reduced the negative efects caused by gasoline on all the investigated parameters

    Exploring sustainable alternatives: Wood distillate alleviates the impact of bioplastic in basil plants

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    The growing interest in bioplastics and bio-based crop management products in agriculture is driven by the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. However, recent research has raised concerns about the sustainability of bioplastics due to their potential negative impact on crop growth and yield, with implications for the environment and human health. In this study, wood distillate (WD) was evaluated as a natural enhancer of plant growth and defence system to mitigate the negative impact of a starch-based bioplastic on basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) plants. The study analyzed physiological and biochemical changes in basil plants subjected for 35 days to single or combined treatments of WD and bioplastic by measuring biomarkers of healthy growth, such as soluble proteins, sugars, vitamin C, and malondialdehyde (MDA). The results showed that WD promoted basil development, whereas the presence of bioplastic hindered it. Interestingly, WD did not affect sugars but increased vitamin C by 12 %, which is considered a positive effect as changes in sugar levels could indicate plant stress. In contrast, bioplastic resulted in reduced sugars (−41 %) and increased (+17 %) MDA level, while vitamin C content remained unchanged. However, when WD was added to plants grown with bioplastic, it elevated the levels of all examined parameters, except for sugars and vitamin C, which experienced reductions (−66 % and 33 %, respectively). Intriguingly, despite this reduction, the observed direct correlation between sugar and vitamin C contents was maintained, indicating that the decrease in sugar content may have reached a critical threshold. This study suggests that the use of WD has the potential to alleviate the adverse effects of bioplastic on basil growth and development and highlights the importance of adopting sustainable practices in agriculture, as well as the need for a critical assessment of the environmental impact of new technologies and products

    Evaluation of a Legume-Derived Protein Hydrolysate to Mitigate Iron Deficiency in Plants.

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    Biostimulants play an important role in the development of management practices able to reach adequate productivity to meet the food demand of a growing world population, while following a sustainable agriculture model. This work aims to evaluate the effect of a protein hydrolysate derived from legume seeds by enzymatic hydrolysis on plant growth and also to verify its ability to mitigate Fe deficiency, a widespread problem significantly limiting plant growth and crop productivity. Experiments were performed with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.-cv. AKRAI F1) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.-cv. EKRON F1). The plants were grown hydroponically under adequate or limited Fe supply. Changes in shoot and root fresh weight, leaf relative chlorophyll content and the accumulation of macro- and microelements in shoots and roots were measured. Plant ability to cope with Fe deficiency was measured by evaluating the activity of root Fe3+-chelate reductase. Our results indicate that the foliar treatments with the protein hydrolysate did not significantly affect growth parameters when plants were grown in full nutrient solution. However, the biostimulant was able to improve the growth performance of Fe-deficient plants. Therefore, the protein hydrolysate can be a powerful tool to stimulate crop growth under Fe-deficient environments, leading to reduced fertilizer inputs with related environmental and economic benefits

    Interaction Between Sulfur and Iron in Plants.

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    It is well known that S interacts with some macronutrients, such as N, P, and K, as well as with some micronutrients, such as Fe, Mo, Cu, Zn, and B. From our current understanding, such interactions could be related to the fact that: (i) S shares similar chemical properties with other elements (e.g., Mo and Se) determining competition for the acquisition/transport process (SULTR transporter family proteins); (ii) S-requiring metabolic processes need the presence of other nutrients or regulate plant responses to other nutritional deficiencies (S-containing metabolites are the precursor for the synthesis of ethylene and phytosiderophores); (iii) S directly interacts with other elements (e.g., Fe) by forming complexes and chemical bonds, such as Fe-S clusters; and (iv) S is a constituent of organic molecules, which play crucial roles in plants (glutathione, transporters, etc.). This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of the interplay between Fe and S in plants. It has been demonstrated that plant capability to take up and accumulate Fe strongly depends on S availability in the growth medium in both monocots and dicot plants. Moreover, providing S above the average nutritional need enhances the Fe content in wheat grains, this beneficial effect being particularly pronounced under severe Fe limitation. On the other hand, Fe shortage induces a significant increase in the demand for S, resulting in enhanced S uptake and assimilation rate, similar to what happens under S deficiency. The critical evaluation of the recent studies on the modulation of Fe/S interaction by integrating old and new insights gained on this topic will help to identify the main knowledge gaps. Indeed, it remains a challenge to determine how the interplay between S and Fe is regulated and how plants are able to sense environmental nutrient fluctuations and then to adapt their uptake, translocation, assimilation, and signaling. A better knowledge of the mechanisms of Fe/S interaction might considerably help in improving crop performance within a context of limited nutrient resources and a more sustainable agriculture

    Potential Use of Copper-Contaminated Soils for Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Cultivation.

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    To mitigate climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved by decreasing the use of fossil fuels and increasing that of alternative sources, such as energy crops. However, one of the most important problems in the use of biomass as a fuel is that of changing soil use and consumption, leading to competition with food crops. We addressed the topic by evaluating the possibility to exploit contaminated areas for energy crops cultivation. Indeed, soil contamination makes land inappropriate for cultivation, with damaging consequences for ecosystems, as well as posing serious health hazards to living beings. Specifically, this work aimed to evaluate the ability of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) plants to grow on a copper (Cu)-contaminated medium. In addition, the effectiveness of an environment-friendly treatment with sulfate in improving plant ability to cope with Cu-induced oxidative stress was also explored. Results showed that plants were able to grow at high Cu concentrations. Therefore, hemp could represent an interesting energy crop in Cu-contaminated soils. Although the response of Cu-treated plants was evidenced by the increase in thiol content, following modulation of sulfur metabolism, it remains to be clarified whether the use of exogenous sulfate could be an agronomic practice to improve crop performance under these edaphic conditions

    Interaction between Sulfate and Selenate in Tetraploid Wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) Genotypes

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    Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient of fundamental importance to human health and the main Se source is from plant-derived foods. Plants mainly take up Se as selenate (SeO42−), through the root sulfate transport system, because of their chemical similarity. The aims of this study were (1) to characterize the interaction between Se and S during the root uptake process, by measuring the expression of genes coding for high-affinity sulfate transporters and (2) to explore the possibility of increasing plant capability to take up Se by modulating S availability in the growth medium. We selected different tetraploid wheat genotypes as model plants, including a modern genotype, Svevo (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum), and three ancient Khorasan wheats, Kamut, Turanicum 21, and Etrusco (Triticum turgidum ssp. turanicum). The plants were cultivated hydroponically for 20 days in the presence of two sulfate levels, adequate (S = 1.2 mM) and limiting (L = 0.06 mM), and three selenate levels (0, 10, 50 μM). Our findings clearly showed the differential expression of genes encoding the two high-affinity transporters (TdSultr1.1 and TdSultr1.3), which are involved in the primary uptake of sulfate from the rhizosphere. Interestingly, Se accumulation in shoots was higher when S was limited in the nutrient solution

    Evaluating the Aqueous Phase From Hydrothermal Carbonization of Cow Manure Digestate as Possible Fertilizer Solution for Plant Growth.

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    Improving the agronomic use of recycled nutrients derived from organic waste is one of the priorities within the measures adopted by the European community to reduce environmental issues but remains an unexplored area of research. This study focused on investigating the possibility of using innovative fertilizer solutions in hydroponic systems for the growth of agricultural plants. To this purpose, a liquid fraction [aqueous hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) liquid (AHL)] derived from HTC of cow manure digestate was chemically characterized (pH, electrical conductivity, mineral elements, and organic compounds such as phytotoxins), diluted with distilled water (1:30, 1:60, and 1:90, v/v) to reduce its potential phytotoxicity, and used to grow hydroponic maize (Zea mays L.) plants instead of the classical full-strength nutrient solution. The results indicated that the dilution ratio 1:30 of the AHL solution maintained a high level of toxicity for the plants (phytotoxic substances, especially Na and alkalinity), inducing the arrest of their growth. Differently, the two other dilution ratios (i.e., 1:60 and 1:90) seemed to considerably limit the levels of toxicity, since they allowed the plants to develop. However, these dilution ratios were poor in nutrient elements, inducing alteration in photosynthesis and an onset of deficiency symptoms such as pronounced leaf chlorosis. In view of an eco-friendly approach, future studies are, therefore, needed to identify the correct species-specific dilution ratio to supply both low levels of phytotoxins and adequate content of essential nutrients for appropriate plant growth and development. Furthermore, in order to lower specific Na phytotoxicity, treatments are of utmost importance before using AHL as a fertilizer solution

    Fire-induced effects on the bioavailability of potentially toxic elements in a polluted agricultural soil: implications for Cr uptake by durum wheat plants.

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    Fire events can modify the distribution and speciation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in soil, especially if they are associated to organic matter (OM). In fact, OM can undergo substantial structural modifcations at high temperatures, up to the complete mineralization. The present study aims to investigate the changes of PTEs’ bioavailability to durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plants after simulating fre events (up to 300 °C and 500 °C) in an agricultural soil polluted by Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb. The PTEs’ uptake and allocation in plant tissues were assessed using the RHIZOtest system. After the fre simulations, no evident risk of accumulation and translocation in plants was observed for Zn, Pb, and Cu. Conversely, a high accumulation in roots and a signifcant translocation to shoots were observed for Cr, which reached concentrations of 829 mg kg−1 in roots and 52 mg kg−1 in shoots at 500 °C. Additional experimental evidence suggested that Cr was taken up by plants grown on heated soils as Cr(VI). Once acquired by roots, only a small part of Cr (up to 6%) was translocated to shoots where it was likely present as mobile forms, as evidenced by micro X-ray fuorescence (µ-XRF) analyses. Overall, the results obtained provide evidence that the high temperatures occurring during fre events can increase the mobility and bioavailability of certain PTEs transforming apparently safe environments into potentially dangerous sources of pollution. These processes can ultimately afect the human health through the food chain transfer of PTEs or their migration into surface water and groundwater
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