48 research outputs found

    Comparing continuous lumbar plexus block, continuous epidural block and continuous lumbar plexus block with a parasacral sciatic nerve block on post-operative analgesia after hip arthroplasty

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    Study Objective: To compare post-operative analgesia obtained by continuous lumbar epidural block (CLEB) versus continuous lumbar plexus block (CLPB) versus CLPB associated with a single shot parasacral sciatic nerve block (CLEBS) after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Study design: Randomized clinical trial. Setting: Operating room, postoperative care unit, orthopedic surgical ward. Methods: 78 ASA I-III patients undergoing elective THA were randomly assigned to receive CLEB (n=24, 15-20 ml of 5 mg/ml ropivacaine, sufentanil 10 mg, clonidine 1 mg/ml), CLPB (n=22, 3mg/kg of 5 mg/ml of ropivacaine, max. 40 ml, clonidine 1 mg/ml, sufentanil 10 mg) or CLPBS (n=23, CLPB as described above; sciatic nerve: 20 ml of ropivacaine 5 mg/ml, clonidine 1 mg/ml). All patients received continuous infusion of 2 mg/ml of ropivacaine, 8 ml/h for 48 hours. Primary outcome was pain intensity assessment (VAS and VS). Secondary outcomes were postoperative total opioid consumption, hemodynamic stability, motor blockade, blood loss, intraoperative sufentanil and propofol consumption, patient satisfaction and complications. Results: VAS was lower in the CLEB group than in the CLPB and CLPBS groups respectively for 6 and 12 hours postoperatively (post-surgery p<0.001, 2h p<0.001, 6h p<0.001, 12h p<0.03)(Table 2). Moreover, CLPSB patients reported lower VAS than CLPB patients from the end of the surgery till the 12th follow up hour (Table 2). VS was lower in the CLEB group from the end of surgery to 6h postoperatively (Table 3). The CLPB group showed higher morphine consumption than the CLPSB and CLEB groups over 12 h postoperatively (p=0.05); thereafter, no statistically significant diferences were observed between groups at the end of follow up (48h) (p=0.4) (Table 4). onclusion: In conclusion, continuous lumbar plexus block in association with single shot sciatic nerve block is a valid alternative to epidural technique in managing postoperative analgesia after THA, with an improved risk-benefit balanc

    Switching to low-dose oral prolonged-release oxycodone/naloxone from WHO-step i drugs in elderly patients with chronic pain at high risk of early opioid discontinuation

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    Chronic pain has a high prevalence in the aging population. Strong opioids also should be considered in older people for the treatment of moderate to severe pain or for pain that impairs functioning and the quality of life. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of the direct switch to low-dose strong opioids (World Health Organization-Step III drugs) in elderly, opioid-naive patients

    The comparing of ultrasound-guided techniques:sciatic block with continous lumbar plexus block or continous femoral nerve block for aneshtesia and analgesia of total knee replacement

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    Abstract: Background and Aims: This double blind prospective randomized clinical trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of continuous ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block compared to continuous ultrasound-guided femoral nerve block, in the intra-operative and postoperative periods after total knee replacement. Methods: Forty ASA I-III patients were randomized to receive: continuous femoral block (n= 20, 30 ml of ropivacaine 5 mg/ml) or continuous lumbar plexus block (n= 20, 30 ml of ropivacaine 5 mg/ml) both in association with single injection sciatic nerve block. All patients received continuous infusion of 2 mg/ml of ropivacaine at 8 ml/h for 48 hours and intra- venous morphine for patient-controlled analgesia. Primary outcomes were intra-operative sufentanil consumption and verbal analogue scale (VAS) score at rest at 24h follow up. Results: Intra-operative sufentanil consumption was higher in the femoral block (FEM) group compared to the lumbar plexus block (PSOAS) group (FEM: 10.00 (10.00, 17.50) μg; PSOAS: 2.50 (0.00, 10.00) μg. p= 0.002). Obturator motor blockade occurred more frequently in the PSOAS group (70%) than in the FEM group (40%) (p=0.1); however, we found no differences in sensory blockade (p=0.6). VAS at rest was similar in the two groups at 24h postoperatively (FEM: 29.50 ± 14.74 mm; PSOAS: 25.60 ±17.42 mm. p=0.4), and throughout the follow-up period. No differences were detected in pain scores during physiotherapy. Conclusion: Continuous femoral and lumbar plexus blocks, both in association with sciatic nerve block, provided similar VAS scores at 24h, and throughout the follow-up period; intra-operative sufentanil consumption was, however, lower in the lumbar plexus block group

    sinus pilonidalis: accorgimenti tecnici e risultati di un anno di esperienza

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    Anesthesia Techniques in Awake Thoracic Surgery

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    postoperative pain in day-case hemorrhoidectomy: the role of surgical technique

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    Postoperative pain in day-case hemorrhoidectomy the role of surgical technique.

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