970 research outputs found

    Near Zone: Basic scattering code user's manual with space station applications

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    The Electromagnetic Code - Basic Scattering Code, Version 3, is a user oriented computer code to analyze near and far zone patterns of antennas in the presence of scattering structures, to provide coupling between antennas in a complex environment, and to determine radiation hazard calculations at UHF and above. The analysis is based on uniform asymptotic techniques formulated in terms of the Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (UTD). Complicated structures can be simulated by arbitrarily oriented flat plates and an infinite ground plane that can be perfectly conducting or dielectric. Also, perfectly conducting finite elliptic cylinder, elliptic cone frustum sections, and finite composite ellipsoids can be used to model the superstructure of a ship, the body of a truck, and airplane, a satellite, etc. This manual gives special consideration to space station modeling applications. This is a user manual designed to give an overall view of the operation of the computer code, to instruct a user in how to model structures, and to show the validity of the code by comparing various computed results against measured and alternative calculations such as method of moments whenever available

    General calibration methodology for a combined Horton-SCS infiltration scheme in flash flood modeling

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    Abstract. Flood forecasting undergoes a constant evolution, becoming more and more demanding about the models used for hydrologic simulations. The advantages of developing distributed or semi-distributed models have currently been made clear. Now the importance of using continuous distributed modeling emerges. A proper schematization of the infiltration process is vital to these types of models. Many popular infiltration schemes, reliable and easy to implement, are too simplistic for the development of continuous hydrologic models. On the other hand, the unavailability of detailed and descriptive information on soil properties often limits the implementation of complete infiltration schemes. In this work, a combination between the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method (SCS-CN) and a method derived from Horton equation is proposed in order to overcome the inherent limits of the two schemes. The SCS-CN method is easily applicable on large areas, but has structural limitations. The Horton-like methods present parameters that, though measurable to a point, are difficult to achieve a reliable estimate at catchment scale. The objective of this work is to overcome these limits by proposing a calibration procedure which maintains the large applicability of the SCS-CN method as well as the continuous description of the infiltration process given by the Horton's equation suitably modified. The estimation of the parameters of the modified Horton method is carried out using a formal analogy with the SCS-CN method under specific conditions. Some applications, at catchment scale within a distributed model, are presented

    Downscaling stream flow time series from monthly to daily scales using an auto-regressive stochastic algorithm: StreamFARM

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    Downscaling methods are used to derive stream flow at a high temporal resolution from a data series that has a coarser time resolution. These algorithms are useful for many applications, such as water management and statistical analysis, because in many cases stream flow time series are available with coarse temporal steps (monthly), especially when considering historical data; however, in many cases, data that have a finer temporal resolution are needed (daily). In this study, we considered a simple but efficient stochastic auto-regressive model that is able to downscale the available stream flow data from monthly to daily time resolution and applied it to a large dataset that covered the entire North and Central American continent. Basins with different drainage areas and different hydro-climatic characteristics were considered, and the results show the general good ability of the analysed model to downscale monthly stream flows to daily stream flows, especially regarding the reproduction of the annual maxima. If the performance in terms of the reproduction of hydrographs and duration curves is considered, better results are obtained for those cases in which the hydrologic regime is such that the annual maxima stream flow show low or medium variability, which means that they have a low or medium coefficient of variation; however, when the variability increases, the performance of the model decreases

    Combined esophageal intraluminal impedance, pH and skin conductance monitoring to detect discomfort in GERD infants

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical significance of weakly acidic reflux in infants is unclear. Skin conductance is a novel not-invasive method to evaluate discomfort. The aim of our study was to evaluate reflux-induced discomfort in infants with gastroesophageal reflux disease using simultaneously combined skin conductance and esophageal multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Infants with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms were investigated for almost 20 hours divided into 120-second intervals. Temporal relationships between refluxes and discomfort were evaluated calculating the symptom association probability. Twelve infants aged 17-45 days were studied. Out of 194.38 hours of adequate artifact-free MII/pH and skin conductance monitoring, 584 reflux events were observed; 35.78% were positive for stress, of which 16.27% were acid and 83.73% weakly acidic. A significant association between refluxes and discomfort (p<0.05) was present in all infants. The intervals with reflux events showed increased skin conductance values compared to reflux-free intervals (p<0.001); SC values were similar for acid and weakly acidic reflux events. CONCLUSION/SIGNFICANCE: Discomfort was significantly associated with reflux events and did not differ between weakly acidic and acid refluxes. Our results may raise concerns about the over-prescription use of antacid drugs in the management of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in infancy

    A hydrological analysis of the 4 November 2011 event in Genoa

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    On the 4 November 2011 a flash flood event hit the area of Genoa with dramatic consequences. Such an event represents, from the meteorological and hydrological perspective, a paradigm of flash floods in the Mediterranean environment. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The hydro-meteorological probabilistic forecasting system for small and medium size catchments in use at the Civil Protection Centre of Liguria region exhibited excellent performances for the event, by predicting, 24–48 h in advance, the potential level of risk associated with the forecast. It greatly helped the decision makers in issuing a timely and correct alert. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In this work we present the operational outputs of the system provided during the Liguria events and the post event hydrological modelling analysis that has been carried out accounting also for the crowd sourcing information and data. We discuss the benefit of the implemented probabilistic systems for decision-making under uncertainty, highlighting how, in this case, the multi-catchment approach used for predicting floods in small basins has been crucial

    Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity.

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    The American tropics (the Neotropics) are the most species-rich realm on Earth, and for centuries, scientists have attempted to understand the origins and evolution of their biodiversity. It is now clear that different regions and taxonomic groups have responded differently to geological and climatic changes. However, we still lack a basic understanding of how Neotropical biodiversity was assembled over evolutionary timescales. Here we infer the timing and origin of the living biota in all major Neotropical regions by performing a cross-taxonomic biogeographic analysis based on 4,450 species from six major clades across the tree of life (angiosperms, birds, ferns, frogs, mammals, and squamates), and integrate &gt;1.3 million species occurrences with large-scale phylogenies. We report an unprecedented level of biotic interchange among all Neotropical regions, totaling 4,525 dispersal events. About half of these events involved transitions between major environmental types, with a predominant directionality from forested to open biomes. For all taxonomic groups surveyed here, Amazonia is the primary source of Neotropical diversity, providing &gt;2,800 lineages to other regions. Most of these dispersal events were to Mesoamerica (∼1,500 lineages), followed by dispersals into open regions of northern South America and the Cerrado and Chaco biomes. Biotic interchange has taken place for &gt;60 million years and generally increased toward the present. The total amount of time lineages spend in a region appears to be the strongest predictor of migration events. These results demonstrate the complex origin of tropical ecosystems and the key role of biotic interchange for the assembly of regional biotas

    Using salinity to improve nutritional and market value of strawberries

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    Plants respond to salinity by producing antioxidants and osmolytes; some of these are nutritionally useful to humans (e.g. phenolics), or may improve the sensory quality of produce (e.g. sugars). For the current study, strawberries were irrigated with 0, 10, 20 or 40 mM NaCl, and the responses in antioxidants, phenolics, and flavour attributes were measured. A linear positive relationship was observed between salt stress and antioxidant concentrations, and the DPPH antioxidant assay responded more clearly than the FRAP assay. Phenolics were increased with statistical significance by salinity at all treatment levels, although trends differed between total phenolics and the subclasses anthocyanins and total flavonoids. It was seen that mild salinity (10 mM) with a low impact on yield could be used to increase antioxidants (6-10% above control) and total phenolics (11-16% above control). However differences between cultivars outweighed differences due to salinity in treatments below 20 mM NaCl. We found that sugars in strawberries (unlike other fruits) weren’t increased by salinity treatment. The lack of sugar increase can be explained by suggesting that organic acids are more important osmolytes than sugars for strawberries under salinity. However it was also determined that the failure of strawberries to increase their soluble sugars during salt stress can be explained by the lean nutrient regimes used by researchers, which don’t represent commercial production practices. Practically, mild salinity (≤20 mM) can be used to increase strawberry fruit value, but should be combined with an appropriate nutrient regime to avoid harm to flavour quality. The varieties Elsanta and Elsinore are both suitable for salt treatment, but Elsanta is better for antioxidant and phenolic production, as well as being more salt tolerant

    Mass loss in AGB stars from infrared colors

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    Abstract. We have selected a wide database of mid infrared observations for AGB stars from both ground-based and space-borne observatories, with the aim of characterizing the efficient mass loss mechanisms leading to the formation of their extended dusty envelopes and of planetary nebulae. Our sample includes more than 250 sources in our Galaxy, distributed along the evolutionary sequence that gradually changes the spectral characteristics of M giants, forming MS, S and then C-stars. Thanks to a re-analysis of existing estimates of mass loss at radio frequencies and to improved measurements of distance (often provided by the Hipparcos mission), we compile a homogeneous set of corrected mass loss rates and of mid-infrared colors. We show the existence of clear correlations suggesting that mass loss can be inferred from photometric colors in mid infrared, once these have been suitably calibrated. This provides a tool to predict the efficiency of stellar winds for other less known sources, and is a decisive step in view of the determination of observationally based criteria for including mass loss in stellar models. In this paper we discuss in particular, as an example, our sample of C-rich stars

    A Multi-dimensional Service Chain Ecosystem Model

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    International audienceThe globalised and moving economical environment leads enterprises to develop networked strategies. Such collaborative networks are by now often based on trusted and well known communities and require IT support agility and interoperability. The European Union promotes solutions to support and favor innovative business networks on the basis of an internet of services: these FP6 and FP7 projects results provide a consistent environment (including design, methods and developments related to Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) technology) to support technologically Business Service oriented organizations and the large-scale reinforcement of collaborative business and networked organization strategies. Nevertheless these works are mostly focused on an IT vision without taking into account business constraints. To overcome this limit, we propose a multi-dimensional service-chain ecosystem model, paying attention on service functional and non-functional properties description to support an efficient and consistent business service selection and composition process so that large-scale service based collaborative organization can emerge